Security Settings

A security custom setting exists for the PSA Core and the PSA managed package.

Warning: Warning
In FinancialForce PSA Spring 2020, the organization-wide Bypass Internal FLS and CRUD setting is deselected by default. This differs from previous versions, where the default setting was selected (bypass). If you have concerns about security, we recommend that this setting is deselected so that internal FLS (field-level security) or RCED (read, create, edit, delete) security is not bypassed by FinancialForce PSA. However, you might have to grant users access to additional objects and fields as a result.

Security Setting

Field Key Description


Bypass Internal FLS and CRUDClosedAbbreviation of create, read, update, delete FFDC Core Indicates whether certain code classes contained in the FinancialForce PSA core package consider internal FLSClosedField Level Security and RCEDClosedRead, Create, Edit and Delete settings when accessing certain objects. False
PSA managed package Indicates whether certain code classes contained in the FinancialForce PSA package consider internal FLS and RCED settings when accessing certain objects. False