Contains configuration options related to how roll up of actuals (e.g. timecards, expenses, milestone, etc.) occur across the system (into regions, practices, groups)
BillableExternalHoursCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Billable External Hours
BillableExternalHoursDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which billable external hours are not rolled up |
BillableInternalHoursCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Billable Internal Hours
BillableInternalHoursDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which billable internal hours are not rolled up |
BilledRevenueCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Billed Revenue
BilledRevenueDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
BillingsCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
Ready-to-Bill Revenue
BillingsDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
BookingsCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
Booked Revenue
BookingsDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
CalculationBatchSize |
Number |
Apex batch size to use for actuals calculation from the verifier |
CalculationDeltaBatchSize |
Number |
Apex batch size to use for actuals calculation from transaction deltas |
CalculationMode |
Picklist |
Determines when actuals are calculated. If Immediate, actuals are calculated as transactions are inserted/updated. If Scheduled, an asynchronous process is used to calculate actuals from transactions periodically. |
CreditedNonBillableInternalHoursCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Credited Non-Billable Internal Hours
CreditedNonBillableInternalHoursDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
DeleteBatchRunInParallel |
Boolean |
Run the 6 actauls delete batches in parallel (true) or in series (false). Enable only if FlexQueue is enabled. |
DeleteBatchSize |
Number |
Apex batch size to use for actuals deletion from the verifier |
ExcludedHoursCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Excluded Hours
ExcludedHoursDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
ExpenseBudgetCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Expense Budget
ExpenseBudgetDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
ExpenseCostsCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
Expense Cost
ExpenseCostsDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
ExternalCostsCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
External Cost
ExternalCostsDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
IgnoreCategories |
Text |
Categories that are not included in any of the other rollup categories (e.g. Bookings, Billings, etc.) but are used in the transaction log. Applicable only if PSE is customized to use new transaction categories. |
Budgeted Cost Budgeted Expense Cost
InternalBudgetCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
Internal Budget
InternalBudgetDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
InternalCostsCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
Internal Cost
InternalCostsDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
InvoicedRevenueCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Invoiced Revenue
InvoicedRevenueDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
NonBillableExternalHoursCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Non-Billable External Hours
NonBillableExternalHoursDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entities (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
NonBillableInternalHoursCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that will be rolled up into this actuals category |
Non-Billable Internal Hours
NonBillableInternalHoursDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
OtherCostsCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
Other Cost
OtherCostsDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
PassThroughBillingsCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
Pass-Through Ready-to-Bill Revenue
PassThroughBillingsDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
PreBilledCategories |
Text |
Transaction categories rolled up in the Pre-Billed actuals field |
Pre-Billed Revenue
PreBilledDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which Pre-Billed amounts are not rolled up |
ProjectConversionCurrencies |
Text |
Which currencies in which to create converted project actuals. |
RevenueCategories |
Text |
List of categories (in the transaction object) that are rolled up into this actuals category |
RevenueDisabled |
Picklist |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which this actuals field are not rolled up |
TimeRollUpsDisabled |
Text |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which time-based actuals (i.e. anything that is a number of hours) are not calculated |
ValueRollUpsDisabled |
Text |
List of entity names (Region, Practice, Group, Project, Resource) for which value-based actuals (i.e. anything that is a $ amount)are not calculated |
VerifierMaxScope |
Number |
This config is used make the maximum number of query rows (of Actuals records) configurable. Value will be used for specifying the limit in select query. Scopes significantly greater than 25000 risk the query row governor limit on results display. |