PSA Data Dictionary

Actuals Types

Config Key: asm.actuals.types

Information on various categories of actuals and how they are rolled up (primarily to regions, practices and groups)

Option NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
Group_Current_Type Text Default time period for "Current Time Period" on this object (e.g. Week, Month, Quarter, Year, etc.). Value must be contained in the Type list of the Time Period object. Perpetual
Group_Roll_Up_Types Text Sets what Time Periods are automatically rolled up and available on this object (used to allow viewing of results from various Time Periods on the native screen for this object - e.g. show me the current quarter metrics) Quarter
Practice_Current_Type Text Default time period for "Current Time Period" on this object (e.g. Week, Month, Quarter, Year, etc.). Value must be contained in the Type list of the Time Period object. Perpetual
Practice_Roll_Up_Types Text Sets what Time Periods are automatically rolled up and available on this object (used to allow viewing of results from various Time Periods on the native screen for this object - e.g. show me the current quarter metrics) Month
Project_Current_Type Text Default Time Period for "Current Time Period" on this object (e.g. Week, Month, Quarter, Year, etc.). Value must be contained in the type list of the Time Period object. Perpetual
Project_Roll_Up_Types Text Sets what Time Periods are automatically rolled up and available on this object (used to allow viewing of results from various Time Periods on the native screen for this object - e.g. show me the current quarter metrics) Quarter
Region_Current_Type Text Default Time Period for "Current Time Period" on this object (e.g. Week, Month, Quarter, Year, etc.). Value must be contained in the type list of the Time Period object. Perpetual
Region_Roll_Up_Types Text Sets what Time Periods are automatically rolled up and available on this object (used to allow viewing of results from various Time Periods on the native screen for this object - e.g. show me the current quarter metrics) Quarter
Resource_Current_Type Text Default Time Period for "Current Time Period" on this object (e.g. Week, Month, Quarter, Year, etc.). Value must be contained in the type list of the Time Period object. Perpetual
Resource_Roll_Up_Types Text Sets what Time Periods are automatically rolled up and available on this object (used to allow viewing of results from various Time Periods on the native screen for this object - e.g. show me the current quarter metrics) Month