Various preferences and controls for how billing information is packaged and released
adhocDisplayTimecard |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display columns in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant timecard splits. |
adhocDisplayExpense |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display columns in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant expenses. |
adhocDisplayBudget |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display columns in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant budget pre-bill amounts. |
adhocDisplayMiscAdj |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display columns in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant miscellaneous adjustments. |
adhocDisplayMilestone |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display columns in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant milestones. |
adhocFilterTimecard |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display filters in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant timecard splits. |
adhocFilterExpense |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display filters in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant expenses. |
adhocFilterBudget |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display filters in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant budget pre-bill amounts. |
adhocFilterMiscAdj |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display filters in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant miscellaneous adjustments. |
adhocFilterMilestone |
Text |
Uses a custom field set to display filters in the Project Billing and Account Billing windows, which enable you to select the relevant milestones. |
appendGeneratedItems |
Boolean |
If true, this config means that billing events and batches will be kept "open". Rather than creating a new billing event/batch, if an existing one matches the account/project/currency, new items will be added to it. |
approvalsEnabled |
Boolean |
If true, this config means that the 'Approved for Billing' checkbox must be checked on the related business record to be eligible for Billing Event Generation, in addition to Include In Financials being checked, which is always a pre-requisite. |
billingEventGenerationDisplayBillingEvent |
Text |
Name of fieldset on Billing_Event__c of columns to display in the Billing Event Generation page. |
billingEventGenerationDisplayBillingEventBatch |
Text |
Name of field set on Billing_Event_Batch__c defining columns to display on the Billing Event Generation page. |
billingEventGenerationDisplayBillingEventItem |
Text |
Name of field set on Billing_Event_Item__c defining columns to display on the Billing Event Generation page. |
billingInterfaceNamespace |
Text |
Namespace of the custom classes that implement the various BillingInterfaces |
billingInterfaceRelease |
Text |
Name of class implementing the BillingInterface for Release |
billingInterfaceInvoice |
Text |
Name of class implementing the BillingInterface for Invoice |
billingInterfaceRemove |
Text |
Name of class implementing the BillingInterface for Remove |
billingInterfaceClear |
Text |
Name of class implementing the BillingInterface for Clear |
billingInterfaceRecalc |
Text |
Name of class implementing the BillingInterface for Recalc |
budgetDescriptionFormat |
Text |
Format of billing event description field for budget records, where 0 is Description |
business-record-bei-locking |
Boolean |
If set, once a business record references a Billing Event Item, it may not be deleted and it's BEI may not be changed, even if it is not yet Billed or Invoiced. |
clearBatchSize |
Text |
Number of records to process in each batch in Clear Billing Data |
confirm-billing-generation |
Boolean |
Determines whether the "Generate" button on the Billing Event Generation tab pops up a confirmation dialog before proceeding |
defaultAsync |
Boolean |
Whether to attempt to process some billing trigger functionality asynchronously (not recommended) |
deleteBatchSize |
Text |
Number of records to process in each batch delete execution |
Delete_Zero_Amount_Batches |
Boolean |
Delete 0 amount batches if true. False by default. |
disallow-invoicing-of-unreleased-bes |
Boolean |
If true, disallows checking the Invoiced flag on a Billing Event if the Released flag is not also checked (default true). Default true. |
expenseDescriptionFormat |
Text |
Format of billing event description field for expense records, where 0 is resource name and 1 is Expense Date |
{0} on {1}
generateBatchSize |
Text |
Number of records to process in each batch generate execution |
generateBillingForCompletedTimePeriodsOnly |
Boolean |
If using the flexible billing mode, restrict billing of items belonging to time periods that are completed (on the last day, or past) |
group-be-by-master-project |
Boolean |
If true, billing events will be group per Master Project instead of per Project. |
ignoreTimePeriodWhenAppendingItems |
Boolean |
Whether to create separate batches for each time period when appendGeneratedItems = true. |
includeBudgets |
Text |
If true, budgets are included when generating billing events |
includeExpenses |
Text |
If true, expenses are included when generating billing events |
includeMilestones |
Text |
If true, milestones are included when generating billing events |
includeMiscellaneousAdjustments |
Text |
If true, miscellaneous adjustments are included when generating billing events |
includeTimecards |
Text |
If true, timecards are included when generating billing events |
invoiceBatchSize |
Text |
Number of records to process in each batch in Invoicing |
maxBEIsPerBE |
Number |
Maximum number of Billing Event Items per Billing Event |
maxNumberOfDaysPriorToQuery |
Number |
Maximum number of days prior to query for data |
Max_Zero_Amount_Batches_To_Delete |
Number |
Sets a maximum number of zero-amount Billing Event Batches to auto-delete (based on the Delete_Zero_Amount_Batches config). Purpose: reduce to avoid query row governor limits. Default 400. |
Max_Zero_Amount_Events_To_Delete |
Number |
Sets a maximum number of zero-amount Billing Events to auto-delete (based on the Delete_Zero_Amount_Batches config). Purpose: reduce to avoid query row governor limits. Default 400. |
milestoneDescriptionFormat |
Text |
Format of billing event description field for milestone records, where 0 is Actual Date |
miscellaneousAdjustmentCategories |
Text |
If includeMiscellaneousAdjustments is true, only adjustments with categories in this list are included |
Pass-Through Ready-to-Bill Revenue Ready-to-Bill Revenue
miscellaneousAdjustmentDescriptionFormat |
Text |
Format of billing event description field for miscellaneous adjustment records, where 0 is Description |
nextInvoiceNumber |
Text |
Next Invoice Number (Optional Config used by the defaultBillingInvoiceHandler if configured |
no-deletion-of-BEBs-with-released-or-invoiced-BEs |
Boolean |
If true (default), disallows any deletion, native or otherwise, of Billing Event Batches with one or more child Billing Events which are Released and/or Invoiced. |
numTimePeriodsToSelect |
Number |
Number of time periods to display in the Billing Event Generation page |
projectBillingUIResultsPerTab |
Number |
The maximum number of items to display per page in each Project Billing record tab.The default value is 10. A maximum of 100 items can display per page,per tab. |
pageSize |
Number |
The number of items on a page on the Billing Event Generation page |
recalcBatchSize |
Text |
Number of records to process in each batch in Recalculating |
releaseBatchSize |
Text |
Number of records to process in each batch release execution |
separateBudgets |
Boolean |
If true, budgets are generated into separate billing events |
separateExpenses |
Boolean |
If true, expenses are generated into separate billing events |
separateExpensesByTypes |
Text |
Allows further separation of Expenses into separate billing Events. |
separateMilestones |
Boolean |
If true, milestones are generated into separate billing events |
separateMiscellaneousAdjustments |
Boolean |
If true, miscellaneous adjustments are generated into separate billing events |
separateTimecards |
Boolean |
If true, timecards are generated into separate billing events |
timecardDescriptionFormat |
Text |
Format of billing event description field for timecard records, where 0 is resource name, 1 is start date, 2 is end date, and 3 is total hours/days |
{0} between {1} and {2} for {3} total hours/days
timePeriodType |
Text |
Time interval to use when generating billing events |
unitType |
Picklist |
Defines the type of organizational hierarchy to use when generating billing events on the Billing Event Generation tab. |
unitTypeSubfilters |
Boolean |
Allow the use of filtering to additional unit types when generating billing batches |
useFlexiblePeriodMode |
Boolean |
Utilize flexible period mode for generating billing events |