prevent-update-calculated-total-fields-on-er |
Boolean |
If true, users cannot edit the values in the Total Billable Amount, Total Non Billable Amount and Total Reimbursement Amount fields. The default value is false. |
additional-er-fields |
Text |
Comma separated list of API names of expense report fields to be displayed on the Edit Expense page as additional fields. |
additional-expense-fields |
Text |
Comma separated list of API names of expense fields to be displayed on the Edit Expense page as additional fields in the Notes Detail section. |
allow-billable-expense-fees |
Boolean |
Determines whether to allow addition of Billable Expense fees (flat or percentage) to Expense Billable Amounts. |
allow-delegated-expense-report-entry |
Boolean |
Whether the expense report page will attempt to load additional resources that the user has permission to create expense reports for. |
allow-deletion-of-submitted-expenses |
Boolean |
Allows deletion of Submitted expenses. The default is true. |
allow-post-submit-edits-after-close |
Boolean |
If true, 'Closed for Expense Entry' checkboxes on parent Projects/Asssignments/Milestones only stop expense entry of new or un-submitted Expense Reports/Expenses. Post-submit Admin/Approver/Billing Edits would be allowed, subject to existing permissions. |
Allow_Mixed_Billable_Non_Billable_Expense_Reports |
Boolean |
Whether a single expense report can contain billable and non-billable expenses |
always-use-project-expense-limit-amount |
Boolean |
Whether limits and rates that are assigned directly to a project are used regardless of other limits |
assignment-lookup-columns |
Text |
List of API names of assignment fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the Expense Entry page. Do not include the pse__ namespace prefix in the API name of a field. The default value is Name, Nick_Name__c. |
assignment-project-editable-after-save |
Boolean |
If true, the Project and/or Assignment can be changed as long as Expense is in Saved Status and Calculation Mode for Actuals is set to Scheduled. |
assignment-project-editable-after-save-audit-notes |
Text |
The assignment-project-editable-after-save option enables users to change the project/assignment for the saved expense. However, this requires audit notes to be set for expenses. Audit notes can be set using this configuration. |
User changed the Project from to on
assignment-project-editable-after-save-on-expense-report |
Boolean |
If true, the project or assignment can be changed for the given expense report. The default value is false. |
assignment-project-editable-after-save-audit-notes-on-expense-report |
Text |
Enables users to change the project or assignment for the saved expense report. Note, this requires audit notes to be set for expense report. Audit notes can be set using this configuration. |
User changed the Project from to on
assignment-tooltip-fields |
Text |
List of assignment fields to be shown as tooltip on ExpenseEntry UI. |
auto-share-with-project-manager-user |
Picklist |
Defines the level of sharing with the project manager for newly created expenses. You can choose from the values None, Read or Edit. The default value is Edit. |
auto-share-with-project-resources |
Picklist |
Defines the level of sharing with assigned project resources for newly created expenses. You can choose from the values None, Read or Edit. The default value is Read. |
custom-assignment-lookup-columns-fieldset-name |
Text |
Defines the Fieldset names of assignment fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the Expense Entry page. |
custom-edit-expense-header-row-editable-fieldset-name |
Text |
Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as editable fields on the header lines on the Edit Expense page. |
custom-expense-header-row-read-only-fieldset-name |
Text |
Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as read only fields on the header lines on the Edit Expense and Expense Entry UI pages. |
custom-expense-notes-editable-fieldset-name |
Text |
Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this config. Fields added to this field set will be shown as editable fields in the expense line notes section on the Edit Expense and Expense Entry UI pages. |
custom-expense-notes-read-only-fieldset-name |
Text |
Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this config. Fields added to this field set will be shown as read only fields in the expense line notes section on the Edit Expense and Expense Entry UI pages. |
custom-expense-report-editable-fieldset-name |
Text |
Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense Report object and write its API name to this configuration. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as editable in the additional expense report fields section on the Edit Expense page. |
custom-expense-report-read-only-fieldset-name |
Text |
Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense Report object and write its API name to this config. Fields added to this field set will be displayed as read only fields in the additional expense report fields section on the Edit Expense page. |
custom-multi-expense-header-row-editable-fieldset-name |
Text |
Enables you to create a custom field set on the Expense object and write its API name to this configuration.Fields added to this field set will be displayed as editable fields on the header lines on the Expense Entry UI page. |
custom-project-lookup-columns-fieldset-name |
Text |
Defines Fieldset names of Project fields to display as columns on Project/Assignment lookup in Expense Entry page. |
default-incurred-tax-non-billable |
Boolean |
This config flag determines default value of the tax non-billable checkbox. If set to true then checkbox will be shown checked. |
default-milestone-to-assignment-milestone |
Boolean |
This config flag determines whether an Expense Report entered with no Milestone should have its Milestone defaulted from its Assignment. |
delete-expenses-on-er-delete |
Boolean |
If true, auto-delete all child Expenses when parent Expense Report is deleted. Default true. |
disable-milestone-copy-from-er-to-expense |
Boolean |
If true, disables trigger-based auto-copy of Expense Report Milestone to Expense. Default false. |
display-account-on-resource-lookup |
Boolean |
[DEPRECATED] Use resource-lookup-columns instead and include 'Account.Name' in delimited list of fields to show Account in column on Resource lookup pop-up. |
display-billable-amount |
Text |
If true, displays this field on the expense UI |
display-billable-checkbox-for-expenses |
Boolean |
If true, displays this checkbox on the expense UI |
display-incurred-tax-non-billable |
Boolean |
If true, displays this Checkbox on the expense UI |
display-methodology-field |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Methodology field is displayed on the Expense Entry page and when creating and editing expense reports. The default value is true. |
display-milestone-field |
Boolean |
Whether to display the milestone field on the edit expenses UI |
display-non-billable-incurred-amount |
Boolean |
If true, displays this Textbox on the expense UI |
display-non-reimbursable-amount |
Boolean |
If true, displays this Textbox on the expense UI |
display-phase-field |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Phase field is displayed on the Expense Entry page and when creating and editing expense reports. The default value is true. |
empty-expense-lines-to-append-by-default |
Number |
This is the minimum no of lines that will be always available for new ExpenseEntry UI |
empty-expense-lines-to-append-on-add-lines |
Number |
This is the minimum no of lines that will be added on clicking add new rows for new ExpenseEntry UI. |
expense-attachment-batch-size |
Number |
Use this configuration option to avoid the Apex heap size limit exception when moving attachments to expense reports during their creation. The default value is 5. |
expense-line-updates-synchronous-only |
Boolean |
Makes updates from Expense Report to Expense Lines (other than Action: Include...) always synchronous, default true. If false, PSE uses @future calls for Expense updates when record count is greater than 'max-synchronous-expense-lines' config. |
expense-queue-batch-size |
Number |
Determines the batch size used when rolling up data from expenses to assignments, milestones, and expense reports. Also determines the batch size of expenses or expense reports to be processed when parent expense reports or child expenses are updated. |
expense-report-approval-process-all-or-none |
Boolean |
This determines whether all Expense Reports auto-submitted for approval at once are handled in an 'all or none' fashion with respect to errors. |
expense-report-auto-submit-for-approval |
Boolean |
If true, this auto-submits Expense Reports to an existing Salesforce approval process (which must be implemented independently) based on Submitted flag. |
expense-report-name-required |
Boolean |
Decide whether Expense Report Name is Required on UI or not. |
group-by-methodology |
Boolean |
Indicates whether expenses are to be grouped into expense reports based on the selected methodology when creating expense reports from the Expense Entry page. The default value is false. |
group-by-phase |
Boolean |
Indicates whether expenses are to be grouped into expense reports based on the selected phase when creating expense reports from the Expense Entry page. The default value is false. |
max-synchronous-expense-lines |
Number |
Determines the maximum number of Expenses for which cascading updates from Expense Reports should be handled synchronously. |
minimum-expense-amount-limit-for-attachment |
Number |
Sets the minimum value in the corporate currency at which expenses will need a receipt attachment. |
move-non-image-attachments-to-ER |
Boolean |
If set to True, attachments that are not saved as images will be copied from the Expense to the Expense Report when you collate expense attachments. The default value is False. |
multi-expense-auto-move-attachments-to-er |
Boolean |
When true, if you create an expense report using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page, all attachments are moved from the selected expense records to the expense report. The default value is false. |
multi-expense-er-name-date-time-suffix |
Boolean |
When true, the date time suffix is added to the names of expense reports created using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page. When false, no date time suffix is added. The default value is true. |
multi-expense-er-submit-status |
Text |
Status to set on an expense report when created using the Submit button on the Expense Entry page. The default value is Submitted. |
multi-expense-recent-ers-to-show |
Number |
Number of expense reports to display per page on the Expense Entry page when the multi-expense-show-most-recently-created-ers configuration option is true. |
multi-expense-show-most-recently-created-ers |
Boolean |
When true an additional section appears on the Expense Entry page that lists the most recent expense reports for a resource ordered by creation date. The default value is true. |
NonReimbursable-field-position-is-popup |
Boolean |
This config flag determines whether Non-Reimbursable field should be display on notes popup or at front page. Default true (pop-up). |
proj-assig-dropdown-account-custom-field |
Text |
ExpenseEntry project/Assignment lookup will display this field of account as a prefix to project or assignment name |
project-lookup-columns |
Text |
List of API names of project fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the Expense Entry page. Do not include the pse__ namespace prefix in the API name of a field. The default value is Name, Account__r.Name. |
project-tooltip-fields |
Text |
List of project fields to be shown as tooltip on ExpenseEntry UI |
rate-unit-decimal-places-digits |
Picklist |
Determines how many digits to display to the right of the rate unit field's decimal point on the Edit Expense and Multi Expense pages. Values are 2, 3, and 4. |
records-per-page-count |
Number |
Determines the number of per page records to be show in expense Ui's expense report table. |
remove-exchange-rate-overrides-on-resource-defined-rate-removal |
Boolean |
If set to true, removes all exhange rate overrides when resource-defined exchange rates change from defined to undefined. The default is true. |
resource-load-limit |
Number |
Number of Resources to be loaded for the expense resource popup |
resource-lookup-columns |
Text |
List of Resource fields (full API names/paths, no pse namespace prefix) to display on columns for Resource lookup pop-up in Expense UI. Recommend at most 5 fields/columns. Default value: Name,Account.Name,Region__r.Name,Practice__r.Name,Group__r.Name |
retain-attachments-on-expense |
Boolean |
If set to True, all attachments that are combined and moved to the expense report will remain on the expense line. The default value is True. |
set-owner-to-resource-salesforce-user |
Boolean |
Whether to set the owner of expenses to the the assigned resource user |
show-assignmentNumber-assignment-dropdown |
Boolean |
Whether to show the assignment number in the expense report project/assignment drop down or custom lookup |
show-methodology-as-field |
Text |
The field to use as the methodology name field. When you specify a valid field name, the value of that field is displayed in place of the Methodology Name for all the methodologies shown in the list. Lookup __r references are not allowed. |
show-methodology-on-popup |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the related Methodology is displayed in the Detail section of the Expense Entry page. When false, the field is displayed in the expense line. |
show-milestone-as-field |
Text |
Contain Field Name whose value will be shown on ExpenseEntry UI milestone drop down list. If this config is missing or null, UI will show the Milestone name in the drop-down list. No lookup __r references allowed. |
show-milestone-on-popup |
Boolean |
When true, the related milestone is shown on the Additional Fields section of the Expense Entry page. When false, the related milestone is displayed on the main on the Expense Entry page. |
show-phase-as-field |
Text |
The field to use as the phase name field. When you specify a valid field name, the value of that field is displayed in place of the Phase Name for all the phases shown in the list. Lookup __r references are not allowed. |
show-phase-on-popup |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the related Phase is displayed in the Detail section of the Expense Entry page. When false, the field is displayed in the expense line. |
show-projectName-assignment-dropdown |
Boolean |
Whether to show the project name in the expense report project/assignment drop down or custom lookup |
show-tax-type-on-popup |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Tax Type field is displayed in the Detail section of the Expense Entry and Edit Expense pages. When false, the field is displayed in the expense line. The default value is True. |
top-assignments-to-show-count |
Number |
Number of top assignments to be loaded to show on Expense Project/assignment overlay |
top-projects-to-show-count |
Number |
Number of top projects to be loaded to show on Expense Project/assignment overlay |
undelete-expenses-on-er-undelete |
Boolean |
If true, auto-undelete all child Expenses in recycle bin when parent Expense Report is undeleted. Default true. |
ui-ajax-timeout-ms |
Number |
The maximum number of milliseconds to wait on the Expense Entry page before enabling the input fields. |
update-approver-on-edit |
Boolean |
This config will decide whether to update the approver on Expense Report if it is edited. It is dependent on AssignProjectManagerToExpenseReportApprover config. |
update-er-from-exp-sync |
Boolean |
If set to true, this forces updates from Expenses to Expense Reports to be synchronous. If false, the same updates may be asynchronous. |
update-expense-exchange-rate-amounts-post-submit |
Boolean |
If set to true, continues to update expense amounts post-submit based on updated currency exchange rates for expense dates. If set to false, leaves exchange rates on expenses as-is post-submit. |
use-expense-date-to-convert-rates-limits |
Boolean |
When true, the date on an expense line is used to convert the expense limits and rates to the target currency. When false, the effective date on expense limits and rates is used. This is the default behavior. |
use-fieldset-for-expense-ui |
Boolean |
Allows you to switch your preferred method of managing visible fields on the Expense Entry and Edit Expense pages. If False, PSA will use configuration options to configure the UI. If True, PSA will use field sets to configure the UI. |
use-highest-expense-limit-amount |
Boolean |
Whether to use the highest expense limit (true) or lowest (false) when there are overlapping expense limits |
width-px-for-currency |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Currency column on multiple Expense Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the width to 300px. Default value is 120px |
width-px-for-date |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Date column on multiple Expense Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the width to 300px. Default value is 70 px |
width-px-for-description |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Description column on multiple Expense Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the width to 300px. Default value is 120px |
width-px-for-methodology-drop-down |
Number |
Width of the Methodology drop-down list to be displayed inline on the Expense Entry page in pixels. |
width-px-for-milestone-drop-down |
Number |
Hold the width of the milestone drop down field to be shown on expense entry UI |
width-px-for-phase-drop-down |
Number |
Width of the phase drop-down list to be displayed inline on the Expense Entry page in pixels. |
width-px-for-project-assig-lookup |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Project/Assignment column on multiple Expense Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the width to 300px. Default value is 230px |
width-px-for-status |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Status column on multiple Expense Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the width to 300px. Default is 50px |
width-px-for-total-amount |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Total Amount column on multiple Expense Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the width to 300px. Default value is 80px |
width-px-for-type |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Type column on multiple Expense Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the width to 300px. Default 170px |