PSA Data Dictionary


Config Key: asm.base.hierarchy

Configurations related to Hierarchies such as those set up for Regions, Practices, Groups, and in some cases, Projects.

Option NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
allow-deletion-with-child-projects Boolean Determines whether Regions/Practices/Groups can be deleted when they have child Projects. FALSE
allow-deletion-with-child-resources Boolean Determines whether Regions/Practices/Groups can be deleted when they have child Resources. TRUE
max-top-level-groups Number This indicates the maximum number of top-level Groups allowed in the system. A top-level Group is one with no parent Group. For version 1.0, this value must be set to 1 after data-provisioning for parts of PSE to work correctly. 1
max-top-level-practices Number This indicates the maximum number of top-level Practices allowed in the system. A top-level Practice is one with no parent Practice. For version 1.0, this value must be set to 1 after data-provisioning for parts of PSE to work correctly. 1
max-top-level-regions Number This indicates the maximum number of top-level Regions allowed in the system. A top-level Region is one with no parent Region. For version 1.0, this value must be set to 1 after data-provisioning for parts of PSE to work correctly. 3