PSA Data Dictionary

Resource Requests

Config Key: asm.base.resource-requests

Settings for create resource requests page

Option NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
allow-to-assign-a-resource-with-different-role Boolean When creating an assignment or held resource request in Bottom-up planning and using 'By Resource' to split PTAs, determines that the resource defined on the PTA is assigned by the PTA role, irrespective of the contact role. The default is true. true
auto-update-pta-with-assigned-resource Boolean If set to True and you staff a resource request, the Resource lookup on source project task assignments is automatically updated to match the resource assigned on the resulting assignment. You must staff a resource request for this setting to take effect. true
auto-update-pta-with-held-resource Boolean When True and you hold a resource request, the Resource lookup on source project task assignments is automatically updated to match the resource held on the resource request. You must have a held resource request for this setting to take effect. false
auto-update-rr-with-assigned-resource Boolean If true and the assigned resource changes, the source resource request lookup is automatically updated to match the resource. The default is true. You may want to enable this setting when taking a bottom up approach to planning and estimating projects. true
copy-percent-allocated Boolean When true, the percent allocated value on a resource request is copied to the assignment when assigning a resource on the Assign Resource (single staffer) page. false
copy-planned-bill-rate Boolean Whether to copy Planned Bill Rate when an Assignment is created from a Resource Request. true
copy-resource-role Boolean Whether to copy resource role from the resource request to the assignment when an assignment is created from a resource request. true
copyRRMilestoneToAssignment Boolean Determines whether the trigger code that copy milestone from RR to assignment fires. This code copy milestone available on the RR to the assignment created using RR. false
create-resource-request-with-no-opp-update-permission Boolean Indicates when a user without opportunity access can create a resource request from a PTA. When True, you can create a RR from a project without having to select the Opportunity on the resource request. Default is true. true
create-rr-if-pta-not-having-resource-when-create-assignment Boolean If true, users are prompted to create resource requests for any project task assignments without a resource after creating assignments or held resource requests for project task assignments with a resource. false
create_RR_only_where_all_info_available_on_PTA Boolean If set to True, only project task assignments with all required information will be considered when generating resource requests. If set to False, missing required information will be treated as null and processed. The default value is False. false
custom-primary-skill-lookup Boolean If set to false,display native lookup on resource request UI for skill/cert selection. If set to true, display custom lookup for skill/cert selection. false
default-no-primary-skill Boolean This config will allow Is_Primary__c checkbox on resource skill request unchecked when creating New Resource Skill Request while creating Resource Request false
default-request-priority Picklist The default value for the request priority Normal
default-resource-role Text The default Resource Role value for new resource requests Consultant
default-role-on-rate-card-set Text Sets the default resource role for rate cards that have not been associated with a rate card set on the Create Rate Card Set page. Consultant
ensure-skill-requests-saved-with-resource-request Boolean If set to true and RR have attached Resource Skill Request than RR will always ensure that Resource Skill Requests are being saved. If it failed to save Resource Skill requests for some reason than RR will not be created. false
precedence-for-rate-cards Text The precedence of rate cards if there are multiple matching rate cards pse__Account__c,pse__Region__c,pse__Practice__c,pse__Group__c
pta-filter-fieldset-name Text Defines the name of a field set containing project task and project task assignment fields to display as filter fields on the Mass Link Project Task Assignments page.
pta_fieldset_to_split_resource_request Text Allows you to split task-generated resource requests by additional attributes. Enter the API name of a field set (on the Project Task Assignment object) containing either project task assignment or project task fields.
default-start-and-end-dates-from-project Boolean If true, then Project start/end dates will set to RR's on creation page(s) false
empty-resource-request-lines-to-create-on-mass-update Number Determines the number of rows to add on clicking create new resource requests on mass update resource request ui.
hide-bill-rate-column Boolean Determines whether the Bill Rate column is hidden on the Generate Assignments from Project Task Assignments UI. Determines whether all Bill Rate fields including totals are hidden from the Unfilled Resource Requests UI. The default value is false. false
hide-cost-rate-column Boolean Determines whether the Cost Rate column is hidden on the Generate Assignments from Project Task Assignments UI. Determines whether all Cost Rate fields including totals are hidden from the Unfilled Resource Requests UI. The default value is true. true
hide-hours-avg-cost-rate-column Boolean Determines whether the Hours * Avg Cost Rate column including any totals are hidden on Generate Resource Requests from Project Tasks, Generate Held Resource Requests from Project Tasks, and Unfilled Resource Requests UIs. The default value is true. true
hide-hours-suggested-bill-rate-column Boolean Determines whether the Hours * Suggested Bill Rate column including any totals are hidden on Generate Resource Requests from Project Tasks, Generate Held Resource Requests from Project Tasks, and Unfilled Resource Requests UIs. The default value is false. false
hide-overlap-pta-with-resource-role Boolean If true, project task assignments that overlap with a resource request's or assignment's resource role are hidden. False
hide-overlap-pta-with-start-and-end-date Boolean If true, project task assignments that overlap with a resource request's or assignment's start and end dates are hidden. False
ignore-pta-not-having-resource-when-create-assignment Boolean If true, project task assignments without assigned resources are ignored when assignments or held resource requests are created. false
mass-update-resource-request-fieldset-name Text Defines the name of a field set containing resource request fields to display as columns in each row on the Mass Update Resource Requests page.
rrset-cancellation-status Text The status to set on other resource requests when a resource request belonging to the same resource request set is staffed. The default value is Cancelled. Cancelled
use-highest-bill-rate-cost-rate-margin Boolean When this setting is selected, rate cards will use the highest margin between the suggested bill rate and the average cost rate. If this setting is not selected, rate cards will use the highest bill rate.The default value is False. false
use-resource-request-sets Boolean Indicates whether PSA is to use resource request sets. This controls whether triggers used in the resource request set functionality are executed. The default value is false. false