PSA Data Dictionary

Resource Single Staffer

Config Key: asm.staffer.single

Config Options related to "Single-Staffer": staffing from a single Resource Request using component on the Resource Request detail page.

Option NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
DefaultCostRateVisible Boolean If true, the default cost rate column is visible for resources in the Single Staffer. Default is true. true
MaxAssignmentResults Number Maximum number of assignments counted for each resource in a search 10
MaxResourceRequestResults Number Maximum number of held resource requests counted for each resource where the preferred schedule overlaps the dates of the resource request. 10
MaxResourceSearchResults Number Maximum number of resource records to be returned when searching for resources in the Assign Resource section of the Resource Request Detail page. 90
MaxSkillResults Number Maximum number of skills to display in detail (expanded) view of resource, ordered by rating in descending order 5
ShowPlannedBillRate Boolean Whether to show the Planned Bill Rate field on the UI true
UnitType Picklist Type of organizational hierarchy to use when viewing resources in the Single Staffer Region
hold-using-existing-schedule Boolean If true, when you click the Hold link next to the resource, the resource is held using the existing schedule (if any) associated with the resource request. A schedule is created if one does not exist. false
assign-using-existing-schedule Boolean If true, when you click the Assign link next to the resource, the resource is assigned using the existing schedule (if any) associated with the resource request. A schedule is created if one does not exist. true
use-sharing-setting Boolean Not currently supported. All records are displayed. false