PSA Data Dictionary


Config Key: asm.base.resource

Configurations associated with Resources and Resource fields (e.g. Work Calendar)

Option NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
allow-global-resources Boolean Resource can be specified as 'Global' by checking "Allow Timecards Without Assignment" but that would be in effect only if this config value is true. true
default-work-calendar-hierarchy Text Chooses whether, on insert, Resources should inherit their Default Work Calendar (if left blank) from the Work Calendar on their Region ('Region__c'), Practice ('Practice__c'), or Group ('Group__c'). pse__Region__c
default-work-hours-per-day Number This number is the org-wide default for "standard work hours per day" in cases where it is not specified in a Resource's Work Calendar. This is for the conversion ratio between hourly and daily rates for the Resource's Assignments. 8
use-is-resource-flag Boolean If set to false, then no filtering. Default true - only Contact records with 'Is Resource' checked will be used for PSE Resource logic such as defaulting work calendars and working with Current Time Periods. true
close-assignments-for-time-when-resource-inactivated Boolean If set to true, when a resource is deactivated assigments for the resource will be marked closed for time entry. false
close-assignments-for-expense-when-resource-inactivated Boolean If set to true, when a resource is deactivated assigments for the resource will be marked closed for expense entry. false