Timecard-Queue-Batch-Size |
Number |
Determines the batch size used when rolling up data from timecards to assignments, milestones, and timecard headers. |
project-task-tooltip-fieldset-name |
Text |
Fields in this field set define the fields shown in the tooltip for the Project Task line in the Log a Timecard with Task Time UI. |
tc-header-row-left-editable-fieldset-name |
Text |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields shown to the left of Hours in the timecard header line of the Timecard UI. |
milestone-header-field-position-is-left |
Boolean |
If the Milestone field is configured to be displayed, determines whether it should be displayed to the left or the right of Hours in the timecard header line of the Timecard UI. |
methodology-headerfield-position-is-left |
Boolean |
If the Methodology field is configured to be displayed, determines whether it should be displayed to the left or the right of Hours in the timecard header line of the Timecard UI. |
phase-header-field-position-is-left |
Boolean |
If the Phase field is configured to be displayed, determines whether it should be displayed to the left or the right of Hours in the timecard header line of the Timecard UI. |
primary-loc-headerfield-position-is-left |
Boolean |
If the Primary Location field is configured to be displayed, determines whether it should be displayed to the left or the right of Hours in the timecard header line of the Timecard UI. |
billable-header-field-position-is-left |
Boolean |
If the Billable field is configured to be displayed, determines whether it should be displayed to the left or the right of Hours in the timecard header line of the Timecard UI. |
tc-header-row-editable-fieldset-name |
Text |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define the editable fields in the timecard header line in the Timecard UI. |
tc-header-row-readonly-fieldset-name |
Text |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define read-only fields in the timecard header line in the Timecard UI. |
tc-notes-field-editable-fieldset-name |
Text |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define editable fields in the Notes section in timecard lines in the Timecard UI. |
tc-notes-field-readonly-fieldset-name |
Text |
API name of a field set used by the Timecard object. Fields in this field set define read-only fields in the Notes section in timecard lines in the Timecard UI. |
additional-fields |
Text |
List of timecard fields (fully-qualified API names/paths) to display on notes detail section in new timcard UI. |
use-fieldset-for-timecard-UI |
Boolean |
Allows you to switch your preferred method of managing visible fields on the Timecard Entry page. If False, PSA will use configuration options or custom settings to configure the UI. If True, PSA will use field sets to configure the UI. |
allow-post-submit-edits-after-close |
Boolean |
If true, 'Closed for Time Entry' checkboxes on parent Projects/Asssignments/Milestones only stop time entry of new or un-submitted Timecards. Post-submit Admin/Approver/Billing Edits would be allowed, subject to existing permissions. Default false. |
pre-populate-task |
Boolean |
If selected, tasks are pre populated for the selected user and project. The default value of the checkbox is clear. |
restrict-task-based-on-assignment |
Boolean |
If selected, the tasks that are pre populated are based on the selected assignment. This setting is deselected by default. |
restrict-task-based-on-milestone |
Boolean |
If selected, the tasks that are pre populated are based on the selected milestone. This setting is deselected by default. |
hide-timecard-hours-in-calculated-mode |
Boolean |
If selected and Task Time Entry Mode is set to Calculated, only one row of task hours is displayed. The default value of the checkbox is clear. |
allow-timecard-with-negative-hours |
Boolean |
Config is used to control the save/submit of timecard with negative hours. If it is true, timecards with negative hours can be save/submitted else warning will be shown on ui. |
assignment-lookup-columns |
Text |
List of API names of assignment fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the enhanced Time Entry page. Do not include the pse__ namespace prefix in the API name of a field. The default value is Name, Nick_Name__c. |
assignment-lookup-fieldset-name |
Text |
Defines the name of a field set containing assignment fields to display as columns in the Project/Assignment lookup on the Timecard Entry page. |
assignment-project-editable-after-save |
Boolean |
If true, the Project and/or Assignment can be changed as long as Timecard is in Saved Status and CalculationMode for Actuals is set to Scheduled. |
assignment-project-editable-after-save-audit-notes |
Text |
The "assignment-project-editable-after-save" gives user access to change the project/assignment for the saved timecards but this require audit note to be set for timecard. Audit notes can be set by this config. |
assignment-strict-date-restrictions-only-pre-submit |
Boolean |
Limits the strict assignment date restrictions to only apply if the Timecard Submitted flag was false prior to edit. |
assignment-strict-end-date-restriction |
Boolean |
Stricter than assignments-load-date-restriction and affects both native/admin edit and the TC UI. Forces TC End Date to be no earlier than Assignment Start Date and enforces 0 hours for days later than Assignment End Date. |
assignment-strict-start-date-restriction |
Boolean |
Stricter than assignments-load-date-restriction and affects both native/admin edit and the TC UI. Forces TC Start Date to be no later than Assignment End Date and enforces 0 hours for days earlier than Assignment Start Date. |
assignment-tooltip-fields |
Text |
List of assignment fields to be shown as tooltip on timecard entry ui. |
CreatedDate Description__c Percent_Allocated__c
assignments-load-date-restriction |
Text |
If true, restricts assignments to those with start and end dates overlapping with the time period of this timecard |
assignments-load-status-values |
Text |
List of assignment status values to be used while loading the assignments from db. |
Scheduled Tentative
auto-share-with-project-manager-user |
Picklist |
Defines the level of sharing with the project manager for newly created timecards. You can choose from the values None, Read or Edit. The default value is Read. |
auto-share-with-project-resources |
Picklist |
Defines the level of sharing with assigned project resources for newly created timecards. You can choose from the values None, Read or Edit. The default value is Read. |
check-for-previous-week-tc |
Boolean |
If true, on initial load of new Timecard UI it will check for previous week timecards. If there is no timecards filled for the previous week, UI will show confirmation window asking user to load previous week or current week. If false, work as normal. |
combine-similar-timecards |
Boolean |
Indicates whether timecards with exactly the same combination of week, project, assignment, resource, billable, project, methodology, location, travel are combined on the Timecard Entry page. |
copy-additional-fields-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true Additional Fields will be copied from previous week timecards. |
copy-schedule-assignment-daily-notes |
Boolean |
If set to true, the Copy From Schedule functionality populates the Notes fields for each day on the Timecard if it finds Assignment Daily Notes child records on the Assignment for that day. (default false) |
copy-etc-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true ETC field will be copied from previous week timecards |
copy-hours-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true Hour fields like Monday Hours, Tuesday Hours etc will be copied from previous week timecards |
copy-locations-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true Location Information fields like Location Mon etc will be copied from previous week timecards |
copy-methodology-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true Methodology field will be copied from previous week timecards |
copy-milestone-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true Milestones will be copied from previous week's timecards |
copy-notes-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true Notes will be copied from previous week timecards |
copy-phase-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true Phase field will be copied from previous week timecards |
copy-travel-from-previous-week |
Boolean |
If true Travel Information fields like Travel Week, Travel Mon etc will be copied from previous week timecards |
create-time-date-records |
Boolean |
If set to true, always creates 7 child Time Date records to facilitate reporting, each containing a date and the hours for that date. Default false. |
day-hour-auto-revert-ceiling |
Number |
Config to control max auto-revert hour value on the new TC UI. |
day-hour-auto-revert-floor |
Number |
Config to control min auto-revert hour value on the new TC UI. |
default-billable |
Text |
If true, billable drop down field on timecard ui will be shown as disabled i.e non-editable by user. |
default-milestone-to-assignment-milestone |
Boolean |
This config flag determines whether a Timecard entered with no Milestone should have its Milestone defaulted from its Assignment. |
default-single-resource-search-result |
Boolean |
When true and the Resource Lookup popup on the new timecard UI returns only one result, the Resource Lookup popup is automatically closed and the resource field is set to returned resource. |
default-week-offset |
Number |
Config is used to control the default loaded week in TC UI. If the value is null or blank, it will load the Today's week on UI load, if value is -1 then load the previous week, if value is 1 then load the next week and so on. |
disable-assignment-to-timecard-bill-rate-defaulting |
Boolean |
Disables initialization of bill rate on Timecard from Assignment. WARNING: only set to true if the bill rate is being set in all cases by an alternate process. Timecards must have bill rates. |
disable-cache |
Boolean |
The TC UI caches all Assignments/Projects/Milestones for a Resource while it loads. This may hit Salesforce's View State limit if the Resource has many Assignments/Projects with many open Milestones. Setting to true will minimize this cache. |
display-account-on-resource-lookup |
Boolean |
[DEPRECATED] Use resource-lookup-columns instead and include 'Account.Name' in delimited list of fields to show Account in column on Resource lookup pop-up. |
empty-timecard-lines-to-append-by-default |
Number |
This is the minimum no of lines that will be always available for new timecard entry. |
empty-timecard-lines-to-append-on-add-lines |
Number |
These many empty timecard lines will be added, when add lines button will be clicked. |
force-daily-timecard-splits |
Boolean |
If set to true, always splits Timecard Headers into 7 daily Timecard Splits, regardless of Time Periods and value of Timecard_Split_Time_Period_Types config. Default false. |
hide-billable-column |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the billable column on the Timecard Entry page is hidden. When true, the column is hidden and the billable checkbox defaults to selected. The default value is false. |
hide-copy-from-previous-week-button |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Copy From Previous Week button on the new timecard UI is hidden. The default value is false. |
hide-copy-schedules-button |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Copy Schedules button on the new timecard UI is hidden. The default value is false. |
hide-notes-column |
Boolean |
When true, the Notes column that normally appears on the Timecard Entry page is hidden. The default value is false. |
hide-save-button |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Save button on the new timecard UI is hidden. The default value is false. |
hide-submit-button |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Submit button on the new timecard UI is hidden. The default value is false. |
hide-view-edit-details-link |
Boolean |
If true and Task Time Entry Mode is Current, the View or Edit Details links shown when hovering over a timecard line are hidden. If true and Task Time Entry Mode is not Current, the Notes tab is hidden on the links. The default value is false. |
holiday-color-code |
Text |
The given field/config is used to color-code the date-column-heading for a Work Calendar Holiday for the selected Resource on the Timecard UI. Possible values for examples can be: - #93B0FB, red, blue etc. |
max-resource-hours-per-day |
Text |
Restrict the maximum number of timecard hours per day, per resource to the value provided. NOTE: Timecard config create-time-date-records must be set to true for this feature to function. |
maximum-resource-hours-per-week |
Text |
Maximum number of hours a resource can enter for a timecard week. If exceeded, an error message is displayed. Enter a percentage value and symbol, eg. 90%, to specify a maximum percentage of work calendar hours. |
methodology-field-position-is-popup |
Boolean |
This config flag determines whether methodology field should be display on notes popup or at front page. |
milestone-field-position-is-popup |
Boolean |
This config flag determines whether milestone field should be display on notes popup or at front page. |
minimum-resource-hours-per-week |
Text |
Minimum number of hours a resource can enter for a timecard week. If weekly hours are lower than this amount, an error message is displayed. Enter a percentage value and symbol, eg. 30%, to specify a minimum percentage of work calendar hours. |
missing-timecard-status |
Picklist |
The value(s) of the Timecard Status field to use when determining which resources have missing timecards. Anything not on the list will be considered missing |
Approved Submitted
nickname-editable |
Boolean |
Config is used to control whether the assignment nickname is editable or not. |
note-location-allowed |
Text |
If true, location field will be shown in timacard entry note popup dialog |
note-primary-location-allowed |
Boolean |
If true, then primary Location drop-down will be displayed on TC UI. |
phase-field-position-is-popup |
Boolean |
This config flag determines whether phase field should be display on notes popup or at front page. |
primary-location-field-position-is-popup |
Boolean |
When note-primary-location-allowed is set to true, determines whether the Primary Location field appears in the Notes section or the timecard line. |
proj-assig-dropdown-account-custom-field |
Text |
timecard project/Assignment account drop down display value |
project-lookup-columns |
Text |
List of API names of project fields to display as columns on the Project/Assignment lookup in the enhanced Time Entry page. Do not include the pse__ namespace prefix in the API name of a field. The default value is Name, Account__r.Name. |
Name, Account__r.Name
project-lookup-fieldset-name |
Text |
Defines the name of a field set containing project fields to display as columns in the Project/Assignment lookup on the Timecard Entry page. |
project-tooltip-fields |
Text |
List of project fields to be shown as tooltip on timecard entry ui. |
Billable_Internal_Hours__c Project_Status__c
projects-load-date-restriction |
Text |
If true, restricts projects to those with start and end dates overlapping with the time period of this timecard |
resource-access |
Text |
If config value equals to 'all' , means all resources along with current user resources will be loaded. Else if value equals to 'resource' or null, only current user resources will be loaded. |
resource-load-limit |
Number |
Number of Resources to be loaded for the timecard resource drop down |
resource-lookup-columns |
Text |
List of Resource fields (full API names/paths, no pse namespace prefix) to display on columns for Resource lookup pop-up in new Timecard UI. Recommend at most 5 fields/columns. Default value: Name,Account.Name,Region__r.Name,Practice__r.Name,Group__r.Name |
save-submit-batch-size |
Number |
Size of Number of timecards to be save/submit in one batch execution. |
save-timecard-with-zero-hours |
Boolean |
Config is used to control the saving of timecard with zero hours. If it is true, timecards with zero are saved else not saved(warning will be shown on ui). |
schedule-assignment-tooltip-fields |
Text |
API names of assignment fields to be shown when hovering over the tooltip icon in the Schedule section of a timecard. |
Description__c Percent_Allocated__c
schedule-editable |
Text |
Determines the behavior of Scheduled grid on Timecard screen. It has three possible values : ALL (are editable) , INTERNAL (only internal ones are editable) and NONE |
schedule-grid-weekend-delta |
Number |
Config value will be used to show the schedules for no of weeks ahead of timecard weekend. Possible value for config will be 0, 1, 2 so on. If value = 0, Schedule grid will show schedules zero week ahead of timecard i.e current week and next week. |
schedule-project-tooltip-fields |
Text |
API names of project fields to be shown when hovering over the tooltip icon in the Schedule section of a timecard. |
Project_Status__c Billable_Internal_Hours__c
set-owner-to-resource-salesforce-user |
Boolean |
Whether to set the owner of the timecard to the the assigned resource user |
show-alert-for-nonzero-holiday-hours |
Text |
If true, will show alert if non-zero value is entered on the Timecard UI for a day that is a Holiday (non-weekend day having zero hours) in the selected Resource's Work Calendar. |
show-alert-for-nonzero-weekend-hours |
Text |
If true, will show alert if non-zero value is entered on the Timecard UI for a day that is a weekend day (zero hours based on pattern) in the selected Resource's Work Calendar. |
show-easy-entry-popup |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the easy entry popup appears on the Time Entry page when you double-click an editable hour cell on a timecard row or press the DOWN ARROW key while that cell is selected. |
show-milestone-as-field |
Text |
Contains field whose value will be shown on timecard UI milestone drop down list. If these are missing or null, the TC UI just continues to show the Milestone name fields of the available Milestones in the drop-down list. No lookup __r references allowed. |
show-projectName-assignment-dropdown |
Boolean |
Config is used to control the display of assignment project name value in the assignment display name on TC project/assignment overlay. |
show-recall-on-timecards |
Boolean |
Config is used to control the display recall link on each submitted timecard. On click it, a recall overlay will be open, where we need to enter the comment and recall the approval request for timecard. |
show-schedule-grid |
Boolean |
If true show the schedule grid on timecard ui, else if false it will not be shown. |
show-schedule-grid-expanded-by-default |
Boolean |
If true, schedule grid will be shown expanded on Timecard entry by default. |
show-schedule-tooltips |
Boolean |
If set to true, shows the tooltip icon next to assignment name on Schedule section of TC UI.Default false (existing behavior, no tooltip column) |
show-timecard-etc |
Text |
config to show or hide etc field |
show-timecard-methodology |
Text |
If true, timecard methodology field will be show on timecard UI. |
show-timecard-milestone |
Text |
config to show or hide milestone select list |
show-timecard-phase |
Text |
If true, timecard Phase field will be show on timecard UI. |
show-travel |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Travel checkboxes on the new timecard UI are to be displayed. The default value is true. |
submit-timecard-with-zero-hours |
Boolean |
Config is used to control the submit of timecard with zero hours. If it is true, timecards with zero can be submitted else warning will be shown on ui. |
task-time-entry-mode |
Text |
The time entry mode to use when entering task time for a timecard row. You can choose one of these values: Adjust up, Current, Calculated, or Freeform. The default value is Current. |
tc-fields-to-copy-from-schedule |
Text |
Specify Timecard Header fields to copy from schedule. Only these hour fields are valid for this config "Monday_Hours__c,Tuesday_Hours__c ,Wednesday_Hours__c ,Thursday_Hours__c,Friday_Hours__c ,Saturday_Hours__c,Sunday_Hours__c" |
Tuesday_Hours__c Wednesday_Hours__c Friday_Hours__c Thursday_Hours__c Monday_Hours__c Saturday_Hours__c Sunday_Hours__c
tc-sorted-by-order |
Text |
Config for holding the timecard sorted by order field API names. Multiple coma separated fields can be entered for sorting. Ex : CreatedDate, Project__r.Name |
tc-status-to-hide |
Text |
Field is used to hold comma (,) separated list of timecard status values that will be hidden on the TC UI. |
time-variance-timecard-status |
Picklist |
The value(s) of the Timecard status field used when calculating Time Variance. Valid values are: Saved, Submitted, and Approved. Any status fields not listed are considered missing timecards and assigned zero hours. |
Approved Saved Submitted
timecard-approval-process-all-or-none |
Boolean |
This determines whether all Timecards auto-submitted for approval at once are handled in an 'all or none' fashion with respect to errors. |
timecard-auto-submit-for-approval |
Boolean |
If true, this auto-submits Timecard Headers to an existing Salesforce approval process (which must be implemented independently) based on Submitted flag. |
timecard-cost-data-editable-after-billing |
Boolean |
If set to true, this will make the Timecard Header Cost Data (rate, daily, currency) editable even after the Timecard Header is marked as Billed or Invoiced. Default false. |
timecard-edit-status-values |
Text |
List of status values for which the timecard entry rows can be edited. |
Saved Rejected
timecard-save-button-action |
Text |
Used to determines what status the timecards will be set to on save button click |
timecard-submit-button-action |
Text |
Used to determines what status the timecards will be set to on submit button click |
Timecard_Split_Time_Period_Types |
Text |
What time period types to split a Timecard across. Default values are 'Month' and 'Quarter' for Timecard Splitting. If values are removed, defaults to 'Perpetual', typically meaning no Timecard Splitting and one Timecard Split per Timecard in all situat |
Quarter Month
top-assignments-to-show-count |
Number |
Number of top assignments to be loaded to show on Project/assignment overlay |
top-projects-to-show-count |
Number |
Number of top projects to be loaded to show on Project/assignment overlay |
update-approver-on-edit |
Boolean |
This cofig will decide whether to update the approver on timecard if it is edited. It is dependent on AssignProjectManagerToTimecardApprover config. |
update-assignments-with-timecard-costs |
Boolean |
If set to true (default) Timecard Assignments will be updated with Timecard cost data as well as hours and billables. |
update-milestones-with-timecard-costs |
Boolean |
If set to true (default) Timecard Milestones will be updated with Timecard cost data as well as hours and billables. |
update-tch-from-tc-sync |
Boolean |
If set to true, this forces updates from Timecard Splits to Timecard Headers to be synchronous. If false, the same updates may be asynchronous. |
use-project-location-records |
Boolean |
If true, then Location drop-downs will bind to Project Location object instead of location picklists on TC UI |
use-project-methodology-records |
Boolean |
If true, then Methodology drop-down will bind to Project Methodology object instead of Methodology picklist on TC UI |
use-project-phase-records |
Boolean |
If true, then Phase drop-down will bind to Project Phase object instead of Phase picklist on TC UI |
use.assignment.id |
Text |
Indicates if an assignment id should be used while displaying assignments on the time card page |
week-load-limit-for-top-assignment |
Number |
Number of weeks for which top assignments/projects to loaded to show on project/assignment overlay |
week-start-day |
Text |
Default week start day value to be picked if Resource does not have a value for Contact.Work_Calendar__r.Week_Start_Day__c |
weekend-color-code |
Text |
Given field/config is used to color code the date-column heading for Scheduled 0-hour days as per the Schedule Pattern (not Holidays) on the selected Resource's Work Calendar. Possible values for examples can be: - #93B0FB, red, blue etc. |
width-px-for-milestone-drop-down |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Milestone dropdown on Timecard Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the dropdown width to 300px. |
width-px-for-project-assig-drop-down |
Number |
Controls the pixel width for Project/Assignment dropdown on Timecard Entry UI. Please specify a whole number for this value, as this will directly go into width. For ex a value 300 will set the dropdown width to 300px. |
task-time-entry-assignment-filter |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the resource can only select tasks that they have an assignment for when entering time against project tasks. When this option is not selected, users can enable this feature on the Time Entry page. |
task-time-entry-date-filter |
Text |
Defines the filtering behavior on task dates when choosing tasks to enter time against. Set to None or Overlap. If None, no filtering occurs. If Overlap, tasks are listed only when the timecard and selectable tasks have some overlap on dates. |