PSA Data Dictionary

Vendor Invoicing

Config Key: pse.base.vendor-invoicing

Vendor Invoicing related configuration

Option NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
convert-to-vendor-currency Boolean Utilize Vendor Currency Conversion logic for Vendor Invoices true
default-vendor-currency-by-account Boolean Default the vendor Currency based on project (false) or vendor account (true) false
new-items-query-limit Number The maximum number of items to query for each invoice item type (expense, timecard, etc.) on the new invoice items page 250
salesforce-resource-required-for-invoice-creation Boolean Whether a resource record is required for the current user is required to create a vendor invoice true
set-quantity-and-unit-price-for-timecard-splits Boolean If true, sets unit price to cost rate. If hourly rate, sets quantity to total hours, if daily rate, sets quantity to number to total days. Quantity times unit price should equal line item amount. false
set-quantity-and-unit-price-for-expenses Boolean If true, for most Expenses, sets quantity to one and unit price to Expense (Reimbursement) Amount. For Expenses with an applied Expense Rate (distance, rate unit), sets quantity to Distance, and rate to Expense (Reimbursement) Amount divided by Distance. false
set-quantity-and-unit-price-for-milestones Boolean if true, sets quantity to one and unit price to Milestone Cost false
set-quantity-and-unit-price-for-misc-adjustments Boolean If true, sets quantity to one and unit price to Misc Adjustment amount. false
set-resource-for-timecard-splits Boolean If true, populates Vendor Invoice Item Resource lookup with Timecard Split Resource. false
set-resource-for-expenses Boolean If true, populates Vendor Invoice Item Resource lookup with Expense Resource. false