Actual_End_Date_Time__c |
Actual End Date & Time |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
DateTime |
Actual_End_Date__c |
Actual End Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: DATEVALUE( Actual_End_Date_Time__c)
Date |
Actual_Hours__c |
Actual Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
Actual_Start_Date_Time__c |
Actual Start Date & Time |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
DateTime |
Actual_Start_Date__c |
Actual Start Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: DATEVALUE( Actual_Start_Date_Time__c)
Date |
Assigned_Resources_Long__c |
Assigned Resources (Long) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
LongTextArea(32000) |
Assigned_Resources__c |
Assigned Resources |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Text(255) |
Blocked__c |
Blocked |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Closed_for_Time_Entry__c |
Closed for Time Entry |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Completed__c |
Completed |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Will be checked if the task has been completed
Checkbox |
false |
Description__c |
Description |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
TextArea |
Do_Not_Auto_Update_Parents__c |
Do Not Auto Update Parents |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Do_Not_Auto_Update_This_Task__c |
Do Not Auto Update This Task |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Duration_Unit__c |
Duration Units |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Specifies the units of time used for project tasks. Valid values are hours or days. The default value is days.
Text(10) |
"days" |
End_Date_Time__c |
End Date & Time |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The date & time on which work for this Task is supposed to end. Timecards may still be entered for a Task after this date as long as it is not closed for time entry.
DateTime |
End_Date__c |
End Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: DATEVALUE(End_Date_Time__c)
Date |
Estimated_Hours_Rollup__c |
Estimated Hours Rollup |
Summer 2022 |
Estimated hours on this task. If a task is parent, estimated hours are rolled up from child tasks.
Number(18,2) |
0 |
Estimated_Hours__c |
Estimated Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c |
Estimated Time To Completion (Task) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |
External_Task_ID__c |
External Task ID |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
External Task ID for integration with non-Salesforce task management systems or applications. Integrations should use this field for the external system ID to maintain integrity and allow upserts.
Text(100) |
Flag_Information__c |
Flag - Information |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
LongTextArea(32768) |
Flag_Task_Dates_No_Coverage__c |
Flag - Task Dates - No Coverage |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Flag_Task_Dates_Partial_Coverage__c |
Flag - Task Dates - Partial Coverage |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Flag_Task_End_Milestone_Bounds__c |
Flag - Task End - Milestone Bounds |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Flag_Task_End_Project_Bounds__c |
Flag - Task End - Project Bounds |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Flag_Task_Hours_No_Coverage__c |
Flag - Task Hours - No Coverage |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Flag_Task_Hours_Partial_Coverage__c |
Flag - Task Hours - Partial Coverage |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Flag_Task_Start_Milestone_Bounds__c |
Flag - Task Start - Milestone Bounds |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Flag_Task_Start_Project_Bounds__c |
Flag - Task Start - Project Bounds |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Hierarchy_Depth__c |
Hierarchy Depth |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
System field showing the number of Parent Tasks 'up the chain' to the Top-level Parent Task. Top-level Tasks themselves have a Hierarchy Depth of 0, their immediate child Tasks have a Hierarchy Depth of 1, and so on.
Number(2,0) |
0 |
Hours_Remaining__c |
Hours Remaining |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF ( ISBLANK(Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c), IF (Estimated_Hours__c - Actual_Hours__c < 0, 0, /* Never allow this field to go below 0 */ Estimated_Hours__c - Actual_Hours__c ), Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c )
Number(18,2) |
Jira_Correlation_ID__c |
Jira Correlation ID |
Fall 2020 |
Unique ID of the related issue in Jira. Used for synchronization.
Text(255) |
Jira_Issue_Type_Category__c |
Jira Issue Type Category |
Fall 2020 |
Indicates whether the issue type the project task will be created as in Jira is a standard issue or a sub-task issue type.
Picklist: Standard Issue Type Sub-Task Issue Type |
Jira_Issue_Type__c |
Jira Issue Type |
Fall 2020 |
Type of issue the project task is created as in Jira. You can add custom issue types to the picklist. The values are case-sensitive and must exist in your Jira application. After adding a new issue type, you must update the dependency with the Jira Issue Type Category field.
Picklist: Bug Epic Story Sub-task Task |
Long_Description__c |
Long Description |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
LongTextArea(32000) |
Milestone__c |
Milestone |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The Project Milestone that covers this Task.
Looks up to: Milestone__c
Lookup |
Notes__c |
Notes |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
LongTextArea(32768) |
Number_of_Assignments__c |
Number of Assignments |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Roll-up summary field totaling the number of Project Task Assignments
Summary |
Order__c |
Peer Order |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(8,0) |
Override_Estimated_Hours__c |
Override Estimated Hours |
Summer 2022 |
The estimated hours value to override the rolled up estimated hours at summary task.
Number(18,2) |
0 |
Override_Points_Complete__c |
Override Points Complete |
Summer 2022 |
Points Complete to override the points complete rolled up at summary task.
Number(10,2) |
0 |
Override_Points__c |
Override Points |
Summer 2022 |
Points to override the points rolled up at summary task.
Number(10,2) |
0 |
Parent_Task_End_Date_Time__c |
Parent Task End Date & Time |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: Parent_Task__r.End_Date_Time__c
DateTime |
Parent_Task_End_Date__c |
Parent Task End Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
End date of the current Project Task's Parent Task
Formula: Parent_Task__r.End_Date_Time__c
Date |
Parent_Task_Start_Date_Time__c |
Parent Task Start Date & Time |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: Parent_Task__r.Start_Date_Time__c
DateTime |
Parent_Task_Start_Date__c |
Parent Task Start Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula for the start date of the current Project Task's Parent Task
Formula: Parent_Task__r.Start_Date_Time__c
Date |
Parent_Task__c |
Parent Task |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
This lookup captures Task hierarchies: sub-Tasks have a Parent Task lookup value for the next higher-level Task in the Task hierarchy. Note that this is separate and distinct from temporal (dependent/predecessor) relationships between Tasks.
Looks up to: Project_Task__c
Lookup |
Percent_Complete_Hours__c |
Percent Complete (Hours) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula field calculated from Actual Hours divided by Estimated Hours multiplied by 100. When a value is set in Estimated Time To Completion (Task), calculated from Actual Hours divided by the sum of Actual Hours and Estimated Time To Completion (Task) multiplied by 100.
Formula: IF ( ISBLANK(Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c), IF ( Estimated_Hours__c == 0, 0, /* 0% on no estimate to match behavior of points */ Actual_Hours__c/Estimated_Hours__c ) , IF ( (Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c + Actual_Hours__c == 0), 0, /* 0% on no estimate to match behavior of points */ (Actual_Hours__c/(Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c + Actual_Hours__c)) ))
Percent(18,2) |
Percent_Complete_Points__c |
Percent Complete (Points) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Percent(5,2) |
0 |
Percent_Complete_Tasks__c |
Percent Complete (Tasks) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Percent(5,2) |
0 |
Points_Baseline__c |
Points Baseline |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(10,2) |
Points_Complete_Rollup__c |
Points Complete Rollup |
Summer 2022 |
Points Complete on this task. If a task is parent, points complete are rolled up from the child tasks.
Number(10,2) |
0 |
Points_Complete__c |
Points Complete |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(10,2) |
0 |
Points_Remaining__c |
Points Remaining |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: Points__c - Points_Complete__c
Number(18,2) |
Points_Rollup__c |
Points Rollup |
Summer 2022 |
Points on this task. If a task is parent, points are rolled up from the child tasks.
Number(10,2) |
0 |
Points__c |
Points |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(10,2) |
Priority__c |
Priority |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Pick list that may be customized to reflect possible priority levels that can be associated with Project Tasks.
Picklist: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 |
Project__c |
Project |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The Project that the Task is a part of.
Looks up to: Proj__c
Lookup |
Projected_Hours__c |
Projected Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: IF (ISBLANK(Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c), Estimated_Hours__c, Actual_Hours__c + Estimated_Time_To_Completion__c)
Number(18,2) |
Start_Date_Time__c |
Start Date & Time |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The date & time on which work for this Task is supposed to start. Timecards may still be entered for a Task before this date as long as it is not closed for time entry.
DateTime |
Start_Date__c |
Start Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Formula: DATEVALUE(Start_Date_Time__c)
Date |
Started__c |
Started |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Will be checked if the task has been started
Checkbox |
false |
Status__c |
Status |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Pick list for Project Task status that may be customized as needed for possible Task status values
Picklist: Blocked Complete Deferred Draft Planned Started |
Summary__c |
Summary |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Indicated if this is a task that has children. If summary task values and time should be rolled up from sub tasks. Values should not be entered directly for this task
Checkbox |
false |
Sync_with_Jira__c |
Sync with Jira |
Fall 2020 |
Controls whether the project task is synchronized with Jira.
Checkbox |
false |
Synchronize_Milestone_And_Task__c |
Synchronize Milestone and Task |
Spring 2020 |
When selected, the related milestone target date and the task end date will be synchronized when modified in Gantt.
Checkbox |
false |
Task_ID_Chain__c |
Task ID Chain |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
System field showing the delimited list of Parent Task IDs 'up the chain' to the Top-level Parent Task. Top-level Parent Tasks will have a Task ID Chain value equal to their own ID. Their immediate child Tasks will have a Task ID Chain value equal to their own ID, then the ID of their Parent Task, and so on.
Text(255) |
Task_Key_Chain__c |
Task Key Chain |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Text(255) |
Task_Key__c |
Task Key |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Internal alternative id. Not intended for display
Text(15) |
Task_Name_Chain_Long__c |
Task Name Chain (Long) |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
This is a new field to hold task name chain. This field has same behavior as the "Task Name Chain" field. But the new data type (long text area) will allow name chain for larger number for project tasks in a hierarchy as compare to the old one (255 chars)
LongTextArea(32768) |
Task_Name_Chain__c |
Task Name Chain |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
System field showing the delimited list of Parent Task Names 'up the chain' to the Top-level Parent Task. Top-level Parent Tasks will have a Task Name Chain value equal to their own Name. Their immediate child Tasks will have a Task Name Chain value equal to their own Name, then the name of their Parent Task, and so on.
Text(255) |
Task_Number__c |
Task Number |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Internal number not intended for display
AutoNumber |
Timecard_Hours__c |
Timecard Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Summary |
Top_level_Parent_Task__c |
Top-level Parent Task |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
System field which shows the top-level Parent Task (parent task's parent's parent etc.) for the current Task. Top-level Tasks have no Parent Task or Top-level Parent Task themselves.
Looks up to: Project_Task__c
Lookup |
WBS_Element_Number__c |
WBS Element Number |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Work Breakdown Structure Element Number or ID. May correspond to external Task Management system.
Text(100) |
Work_Calendar__c |
Work Calendar |
Fall 2019 |
The work calendar used to schedule a project task.
Looks up to: Work_Calendar__c
Lookup |
Work_Remaining__c |
Work Remaining |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Number(18,2) |