Auto_Create_Task_Assignment_All_or_None__c |
Auto Create Task Assignments All or None |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
true |
Auto_Create_Task_Assignment__c |
Automatically Create Task Assignments |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Auto_Delete_Task_Assignment_All_or_None__c |
Auto Remove Task Assignments All or None |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
true |
Auto_Delete_Task_Assignment__c |
Automatically Remove Task Assignments |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
false |
Default_Task_Ordering__c |
Default Task Ordering |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Controls the default ordering of tasks on the task management interface on initial load and after refreshing. This must be valid after a SOQL ORDER BY clause.
TextArea |
"Start_Date_Time__c ASC NULLS LAST, CreatedDate ASC" |
PTA_Require_Lock_Fieldset__c |
PTA Require Lock Fieldset |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Name of fieldset on the Project Task Assignment object that contains a list of fields that will be restricted for editing when the record is not locked.
Text(255) |
PTD_Require_Lock_Fieldset__c |
PTD Require Lock Fieldset |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Name of fieldset on the Project Task Dependency object that contains a list of fields that will be restricted for editing when the record is not locked.
Text(255) |
PT_Require_Lock_Fieldset__c |
PT Require Lock Fieldset |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Name of fieldset on the Project Task object that contains a list of fields that will be restricted for editing when the record is not locked.
Text(255) |
Recalculate_Project_Tasks_Batch_Size__c |
Recalculate Project Tasks Batch Size |
Summer 2022 |
The number of records to process in a single Recalculate Project Tasks batch. The default value is 10.
Number(4,0) |
10 |
Restrict_Edit_End_Date_Milestone__c |
Restrict Edit - End Date - Milestone |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, restricts you from saving changes to the Task End Date when it is greater than the Milestone Target date.
Checkbox |
false |
Restrict_Edit_End_Date_Project__c |
Restrict Edit - End Date - Project |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, restricts you from saving changes to the Task End Date when it is out-of-range of the Project Start and End dates.
Checkbox |
false |
Restrict_Edit_PTA_Dates__c |
Restrict Edit - PTA - Dates |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, restricts you from saving changes to the Task End Date when it is out-of-range of the Project Task Assignment dates.
Checkbox |
false |
Restrict_Edit_PTA_Hours__c |
Restrict Edit - PTA - Hours |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, restricts you from saving changes to the Task End Date when it is out-of-range of the Project Task Assignment hours.
Checkbox |
false |
Restrict_Edit_Start_Date_Milestone__c |
Restrict Edit - Start Date - Milestone |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, restricts you from saving changes to the Task Start Date when it is greater than the Milestone Target date.
Checkbox |
false |
Restrict_Edit_Start_Date_Project__c |
Restrict Edit - Start Date - Project |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
If selected, restricts you from saving changes to the Task Start Date when it is out-of-range of the Project Start and End dates.
Checkbox |
false |
Track_Points_History_Disabled__c |
Track Points History Disabled |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Checkbox |
true |