Reporting API Documentation


global interface IActionViewsAction

You can use the ffr.IActionViewsAction global interface to invoke custom actions from Action Views.
To use this interface you must:

  1. Write a custom Apex class for the action. The Apex class name (including <prefix>.) must not be more than 60 characters.
  2. Implement the ffr.IActionViewsAction interface.
  3. Provide four methods for the class. These methods are detailed below.
Further Notes:
  • The Apex class must include error handling.
  • The Apex class must return a status message to the user interface (for example, Success or Failed).
  • The Apex class must inform the user interface if a refresh is required (so that the latest status information can be displayed).
  • It is essential that you test custom actions in your sandbox before putting them into production.

Packaged Action
FinancialForce Accounting provides a sample Apex class for updating sales invoice due dates. For details of how to configure this class and perform the action, see the FinancialForce Accounting Help topic "Using the Sample Action to Update Sales Invoice Due Dates".



Sample Code

//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for
//use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and
//is in no way optimized or streamlined.

You need to provide some sample code



ActionViewsService.ActionResult invokeAction(DataviewService.Dataview dataview, ffr.SelectionService.Result selectedData, String actionParameter, Map<String, String> promptValues)

Invokes the action.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
dataview DataviewService.Dataview The dataview being used.
selectedData ffr.SelectionService.Result The rows on which the action is being performed.
actionParameter String Any parameter defined for the action on the dataview.
promptValues Map<String, String> A list of label-value pairs containing parameters supplied by the user at runtime (as requested by getParameterMetadataList()).

Return Value

This method returns a c2g.ActionViewsService.ActionResult object.


List< DataViewService.ParameterMetadataType> getParameterMetadataList()

Dictate any parameters to be supplied by the user at runtime.

Return Value

This method returns a list of type c2g.DataViewService.ParameterMetadataType.


Boolean isSingleSelect()

Indicates if the action applies to single or multiple rows.

Return Value

This method returns a Boolean: true when the action applies to single rows, false when the action applies to multiple rows.


Set<Id> getRequiredFields(DataviewService.Dataview dataview)

Tells FinancialForce which fields it needs from the dataview.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
dataview DataviewService.Dataview The dataview where the action is configured.

Return Value

This method returns a Set<Id>: This is a set of dataview field ids to be included in any data selection.

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