RM Data Dictionary


Label: Revenue Management Settings

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
ActualsTemplate__c Actuals Template Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates the API name of the actuals revenue template (default:ffrrtemplate__c).

Text(255) 'ffrrtemplate__c'
ActualvsForecastCategory__c Actual vs Forecast Category Pre-Spring 2018 The category of forecast values that are included in Actual vs Forecast records (default:Expected).

Text(255) "Expected"
CSVFolderUniqueName__c Deprecated CSV Folder Unique Name Pre-Spring 2018 Text(255)
CreateActualvsForecastImmediately__c Create Actual vs Forecast in real time Pre-Spring 2018 Enables the creation of Actual vs Forecast records automatically when an Actual or Forecast transaction is created and saved (default:false).

Checkbox false
CreateTransactionSummariesOnCommit__c Create Transaction Summaries on Commit Pre-Spring 2018 Enables the automatic generation of revenue transaction summary records on commit (default: false).

Checkbox false
DisableChatterCSVAttachment__c Deprecated Disable Chatter CSV Pre-Spring 2018 Checkbox false
DisablePeriodValidation__c Disable Period Validation Pre-Spring 2018 Disables the validation and auto-complete associated with the Period field when saving or committing revenue recognition transactions (default:false).

Checkbox false
DisablePopulatePOLIFromSourceRecords__c Disable populateFromSourceRecords calls Pre-Spring 2018 Disables the RevenueContractService.populateFromSourceRecords service (default:false).

Checkbox false
DisableSchedulesCreationFromContracts__c Disable Generate Schedules for Contracts Fall 2021 Disables revenue schedules from being generated automatically for revenue contracts as part of the async processes (default:false).

Checkbox false
EnableOpportunityProductMirror__c Enable Opportunity Product Mirror Pre-Spring 2018 Enables the synchronization between the Opportunity Product object and the Opportunity Product Mirror object (default:false).

Checkbox false
ForecastingTemplate__c Forecast Template Pre-Spring 2018 Indicates the API name of the forecast revenue template (default:ffrrtemplate__c).

Text(255) 'ffrrtemplate__c'
GenerateSchedulesLogDeletion__c Delete Old Revenue Schedule Async Logs Fall 2021 Controls whether process logs generated by previous Revenue Schedule Async processes are deleted when the latest process completes (default:true).

Checkbox true
LastOpportunityProductMirrorBatch__c Deprecated Opp Product Scheduler Date Pre-Spring 2018 DateTime
LoadingStagingObjectsBatchSize__c Deprecated Set Retrieve Lines Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
SelectAllChildLimit__c Deprecated Expand/Select All Child Limit Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0) 1000
TransactionCommitBatchSize__c Deprecated Transaction Commit Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
TransactionUpdateBatchSize__c Deprecated Transaction Save Batch Size Pre-Spring 2018 Number(18,0)
UseActualvsForecastFeature__c Use Actual vs Forecast Feature Pre-Spring 2018 Enables the Actual vs Forecast functionality (default:false).

Checkbox false

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