AVFCreateFromActualsBatchSize__c |
Actual vs. Forecast Actuals Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of committed Revenue Recognition Transaction Lines per batch processed for which Actual vs. Forecast Lines will be created (default:200).
Number(18,0) |
200 |
AVFCreateFromForecastBatchSize__c |
Actual vs. Forecast Forecast Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Revenue Forecast Transaction Lines per batch processed for which Actual vs. Forecast Lines will be created (default:200).
Number(18,0) |
200 |
AVFDeleteLinesBatchSize__c |
Actual vs. Forecast Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Actual vs. Forecast Lines per batch processed (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
ActualsRetrieveLinesBatchSize__c |
Deprecated: Old Staging Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
Deprecated: The number of source/staging records to be processed/deleted per batch processed (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
ActualsTransactionCommitBatchSize__c |
Actuals Transaction Commit Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Revenue Recognition Transactions committed per batch processed (default:1).
Number(18,0) |
1 |
ActualsTransactionSaveBatchSize__c |
Actuals Transaction Save Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of source records for which Revenue Recognition Transaction Lines are created per batch processed (default:500).
Number(18,0) |
500 |
ActualsTransactionSummaryBatchSize__c |
Actuals Transaction Summary Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Revenue Recognition Transactions summarized per batch processed (default:1).
Number(18,0) |
1 |
ForecastDraftTransactionDeleteBatchSize__c |
Forecast Draft Transaction Delete Batch |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Draft Forecast records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the DeleteDraftForecasts batch process (default:50).
Number(18,0) |
50 |
ForecastTransactionSaveBatchSize__c |
Forecast Transaction Save Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
This is the batch size for the save batch that creates Forecast and Forecast Lines from Draft Lines (default:200).
Number(18,0) |
200 |
GenerateForecastsBatchSize__c |
Generate Forecasts Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Forecast records that will be processed per batch when generating from source records (default:200).
Number(18,0) |
200 |
GroupingBTCDeleteBatchSize__c |
Grouping BTC Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Batch Tracking Control records with Action 'Create Grouping' that will be deleted per batch processed when running the GroupingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
GroupingCreateBatchSize__c |
Grouping Create Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Staging records that will be processed to create the Grouping Summary records per batch processed (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
GroupingCreateSynchronousLimit__c |
Grouping Create Synchronous Limit |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The maximum number of source records that can be grouped synchronously (default:3000).
Number(18,0) |
3000 |
GroupingDeleteSynchronousLimit__c |
Grouping Delete Synchronous Limit |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The maximum number of grouping records that can be deleted synchronously (default:2000).
Number(18,0) |
2000 |
GroupingSummaryDeleteBatchSize__c |
Grouping Summary Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Grouping Summary records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the GroupingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
LastOpportunityProductMirrorBatch__c |
Opportunity Product Scheduler Date |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
DateTime |
ManageRevenueContractBatchSize__c |
Manage RC Batch Size |
Summer 2022 |
The maximum number of source records processed in a single batch when creating or updating a revenue contract asynchronously (default:500).
Number(18,0) |
500 |
ManageRevenueContractSendEmail__c |
Manage RC - Send Email Notification |
Summer 2022 |
Controls whether email notifications are sent after creating or updating revenue contracts asynchronously.
Checkbox |
true |
ManageRevenueContractSynchronousLimit__c |
Manage RC Synchronous Limit |
Summer 2022 |
The maximum number of source records that can be processed synchronously when creating or updating a revenue contract. If the number of records is equal to or greater than this value, all the records are processed in the background. The default is 100.
Number(18,0) |
100 |
OpportunityProductMirrorBatchSize__c |
Opportunity Product Mirror Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Opportunity Product records for which Opportunity Product Mirror records will be created or updated per batch processed (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
OpportunityProductMirrorDeleteBatchSize__c |
Opp Product Mirror Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Opportunity Product Mirror records to be deleted per batch processed (default:2000).
Number(18,0) |
2000 |
ProcessControlDeleteBatchSize__c |
Process Control Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Process Control records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the Staging Delete batch process (default:2000).
Number(18,0) |
2000 |
RRTToJournalCreationBatchSize__c |
RRTs for Journal Creation Batch Size |
Spring 2020 |
The number of Revenue Recognition Transactions per batch processed when creating FinancialForce Accounting journals (default:1).
Number(18,0) |
1 |
RunTrueUpAllOnIncludedRecordsOnly__c |
Run True-Up All on Included Records Only |
Summer 2022 |
Controls whether True-Up All only processes source records where Include in True-Up is true. When this custom field is false, True-Up All processes all source records linked to valid settings regardless of their Include in True-Up flag and creates a log line for each source record.
Checkbox |
false |
ScheduledTrueUpCreatesCommittedRRTs__c |
Scheduled True-Up Creates Committed RRTs |
Summer 2022 |
Controls whether scheduled True-Up jobs create revenue recognition transactions as Committed. When false they are created as In Progress. Other true-up processes use this as the default but it can be changed at runtime.
Checkbox |
false |
SchedulesRecognitionBatchSize__c |
Schedule Lines Recognition Batch Size |
Summer 2022 |
The number of source Revenue Schedule Lines per batch processed (default:2000). However if a lower value is set for Source Record Limit per Transaction, that value applies.
Number(18,0) |
2000 |
StagingBTCDeleteBatchSize__c |
Staging BTC Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Batch Tracking Control records with Action 'Create Staging' that will be deleted per batch processed when running the StagingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
StagingCreateBatchSize__c |
Staging Create Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of staging records that will be processed per batch processed to create grouping summaries (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
StagingCreateSynchronousLimit__c |
Staging Create Synchronous Limit |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The maximum number of source records that can be processed synchronously (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
StagingDeleteSynchronousLimit__c |
Staging Delete Synchronous Limit |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The maximum number of staging records and grouping records that can be deleted synchronously. At and above this limit Batch Apex is used (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
StagingDetailDeleteBatchSize__c |
Staging Detail Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Staging Detail records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the StagingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
StagingSaveBatchSize__c |
Staging Save Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of records that will be processed to create Revenue Recognition Transaction from staging data per batch processed (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
StagingSaveSynchronousLimit__c |
Staging Save Synchronous Limit |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The maximum number of staging records that can be saved synchronously (default:500).
Number(18,0) |
500 |
StagingSummaryDeleteBatchSize__c |
Staging Summary Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Staging Summary records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the StagingDeleteBatch batch process (default:600).
Number(18,0) |
600 |
StagingVersionDeleteBatchSize__c |
Staging Version Delete Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of Staging Version records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the StagingDeleteBatch batch process (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |
TransferPreviouslyRecognizedBatchSize__c |
Transfer Prev. Recognized Batch Size |
Pre-Spring 2018 |
The number of performance obligation line items that will be processed per batch when the Transfer Previously Recognized process runs (default:1000).
Number(18,0) |
1000 |