SRP Data Dictionary


Label: SRP Integration Settings

Contains settings that control the behavior of the integration. Using the custom setting fields, you can configure the following: - Whether the integration is running in enhanced or legacy mode. - Additional eligibility criteria for processing records (enhanced mode only). - Additional email addresses that receive notifications when a flow execution finishes. - Whether certain validations are deactivated when approving a business record. - How certain fields are auto-populated to avoid manually entering repetitive data. - Maximum number of line-level records per header-level business record that the integration can process. - Which fields control the automatic processing functionality (enhanced mode only). The field labels contain abbreviations that refer to the object that the field relates to. For example, fields with "BE" in the label relate to the Billing Event object.

Field NameField LabelCreated in VersionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
AdditionalEmailDestination__c BE Additional Email Destination (Legacy) Pre-Spring 2018 Only used when Run Integration in Enhanced Mode is deselected. Additional email address that is notified when a background execution of the Billing Events to Sales Invoices or Credit Notes flow finishes.

AdditionalNotificationRecipients__c Additional Notification Recipients Fall 2021 Additional recipients that are notified when a background execution of an integration flow finishes. The value is a list of email addresses separated by semicolons (;). Note that the user who started the execution or scheduled the flow is always notified, regardless of the value of this field.

BEAccountNotRequiredOnRelease__c BE Account Optional for Release Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Account field is not required when releasing a billing event.

Checkbox false
BEAdditionalEligibilityField__c BE Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Billing Event object used to determine whether a billing event is eligible for being passed to Accounting. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

BEAutoPassToAccountingField__c BE Auto Pass to Accounting Field Spring 2021 API name of the field on the Billing Event object used to determine whether a billing event is automatically passed to Accounting as soon as it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Text(255) "ffpsai__AutomaticallyPassToAccounting__c"
BEBEISynchronousLimit__c BE BEI Synchronous Limit Fall 2021 Maximum number of billing event items in a billing event that can be processed synchronously. If the number of items in a billing event is greater than this number, the billing event is always processed asynchronously (in the background) when creating a sales invoice or credit note.

Number(6,0) 200
BECompanyNotRequiredOnRelease__c BE Company Optional for Release Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Company field is not required when releasing a billing event.

Checkbox false
BECurrencyLookupNotRequired__c BE Currency Optional for Release Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Billing Event Currency field is not required when releasing a billing event.

Checkbox false
BEIAdditionalEligibilityField__c BEI Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Billing Event Item object used to determine whether a billing event item is eligible for being passed to Accounting. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

BEIBudgetCategory__c BEI Budget Category Pre-Spring 2018 Value of the Category picklist for billing event items that originate from budget records. This field is used to determine the value of the Services Product field for billing event items.

Text(255) "Budget"
BEIExpenseCategory__c BEI Expense Category Pre-Spring 2018 Value of the Category picklist for billing event items that originate from expense records. This field is used to determine the value of the Services Product field for billing event items.

Text(255) "Expense"
BEIMilestoneCategory__c BEI Milestone Category Pre-Spring 2018 Value of the Category picklist for billing event items that originate from milestone records. This field is used to determine the value of the Services Product field for billing event items.

Text(255) "Milestone"
BEIMiscAdjustmentCategory__c BEI Miscellaneous Adjustment Category Pre-Spring 2018 Value of the Category picklist for billing event items that originate from miscellaneous adjustment records. This field is used to determine the value of the Services Product field for billing event items.

Text(255) "Miscellaneous Adjustment"
BEIProductNotRequiredOnRelease__c BEI Product Optional for Release Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Services Product field on billing event items is not required when releasing a billing event.

Checkbox false
BEITimecardCategory__c BEI Timecard Category Pre-Spring 2018 Value of the Category picklist for billing event items that originate from timecard records. This field is used to determine the value of the Services Product field for billing event items.

Text(255) "Timecard"
BEValidationLimitForBEARAndBEAI__c BE Validation Limit for BEAR and BEAI Fall 2021 Maximum number of selected billing events that are validated after clicking the Release or Release and Invoice actions on the Billing Events Awaiting Release page and the Create Sales Invoices and Credit Notes action on the Billing Events Awaiting Invoicing page. If fewer billing events than the specified number are selected and some of them are not eligible for the action, a warning or an error displays. If more billing events are selected, an info message always displays regardless of eligibility.

Number(6,0) 200
CompanySource__c Company Source for BE, ER, and MA Pre-Spring 2018 Field used to automatically populate the value of the Company field on billing events, expense reports, and miscellaneous adjustments. This can be the Company field on the Region, Practice, or Group objects. You must enter the API path of the relationship starting from the Project object. You enter one of the following: "pse__Region__r.ffpsai__OwnerCompany__c", "pse__Practice__r.ffpsai__OwnerCompany__c", or "pse__Group__r.ffpsai__OwnerCompany__c".

DoNotEnforceMaxBEIsOnRelease__c DEP: BE Override Max BEIs for Release Pre-Spring 2018 This field is deprecated.

Checkbox false
DoNotEnforceMaxVIIsOnSubmitted__c DEP: VI Override Max VIIs for Submit Pre-Spring 2018 This field is deprecated.

Checkbox false
ERAdditionalEligibilityField__c ER Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Expense Report object used to determine whether an expense report is eligible for being passed to Accounting. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

ERAutoPassToAccountingField__c ER Auto Pass to Accounting Field Spring 2021 API name of the field on the Expense Report object used to determine whether an expense report is automatically passed to Accounting as soon as it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Text(255) "ffpsai__AutomaticallyPassToAccounting__c"
ExpenseAdditionalEligibilityField__c Expense Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Expense object used to determine whether a expense is eligible for being passed to Accounting. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

ExpenseReportCompanyNotRequired__c ER Company Optional for Approve Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Company field is not required when approving an expense report.

Checkbox false
ExpenseReportCurrencyNotRequired__c ER Currency Optional for Approve Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Expense Report Currency field is not required when approving an expense report.

Checkbox false
JLIAdditionalEligibilityField__c JLI Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Journal Line Item object used to determine whether a journal line item is eligible for being passed to PSA. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

JLIAutoPassToPSAField__c JLI Auto Pass to PSA Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Journal Line Item object used to determine whether a journal line item is automatically passed to PSA as soon as it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Text(255) "ffpsai__AutomaticallyPassToPSA__c"
MAAdditionalEligibilityField__c MA Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Miscellaneous Adjustment object used to determine whether a miscellaneous adjustment is eligible for being passed to Accounting. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

MaxBEIsPerBE__c BE Maximum BEIs per BE Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum number of billing event items that a billing event can contain. If the number of items in a billing event is greater than this number, the billing event cannot be released or passed to Accounting.

MaxVIIsPerVI__c VI Maximum VIIs per VI Pre-Spring 2018 Maximum number of vendor invoice items that a vendor invoice can contain. If the number of items in a vendor invoice is greater than this number, the vendor invoice cannot be submitted or passed to Accounting.

MiscAdjAutoPassToAccountingField__c MA Auto Pass to Accounting Field Spring 2021 API name of the field on the Miscellaneous Adjustment object used to determine whether a miscellaneous adjustment is automatically passed to Accounting as soon as it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Text(255) "ffpsai__AutomaticallyPassToAccounting__c"
MiscAdjustmentBalancingGLACode__c MA Default Balancing GLA Pre-Spring 2018 Name of the default general ledger account for the balancing journal line item. Used to automatically populate the Balancing GLA Code field for a miscellaneous adjustment record. You must enter the exact value of the Name field of the GLA record.

MiscAdjustmentCompanyNotRequired__c MA Company Optional for Approve Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Company field is not required when approving a miscellaneous adjustment.

Checkbox false
MiscAdjustmentCurrencyNotRequired__c MA Currency Optional for Approve Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Miscellaneous Adjustment Currency field is not required when approving a miscellaneous adjustment.

Checkbox false
MiscAdjustmentGLACodeNotRequired__c MA GLAs Optional for Approve Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Balancing GLA Code and Miscellaneous Adjustment GLA Code fields are not required when approving a miscellaneous adjustment.

Checkbox false
NonreimbursableExpGLANotRequired__c Expense (Non-Reimbursable) GLA Optional Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Expense GLA Code on non-reimbursable expenses is not required when approving an expense report.

Checkbox false
PCNExpLIAdditionalEligibilityField__c PCNELI Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item object used to determine whether a payable credit note expense line item is eligible for being passed to PSA. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

PCNExpLIAutoPassToPSAField__c PCNELI Auto Pass to PSA Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item object used to determine whether a payable credit note expense line item is automatically passed to PSA as soon as it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Text(255) "ffpsai__AutomaticallyPassToPSA__c"
PINExpLIAdditionalEligibilityField__c PINELI Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Payable Invoice Expense Line Item object used to determine whether a payable invoice expense line item is eligible for being passed to PSA. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

PINExpLIAutoPassToPSAField__c PINELI Auto Pass to PSA Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Payable Invoice Expense Line Item object used to determine whether a payable invoice expense line item is automatically passed to PSA as soon as it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Text(255) "ffpsai__AutomaticallyPassToPSA__c"
ProjectSource__c Project Source for Line Items (Legacy) Pre-Spring 2018 Only used when Run Integration in Enhanced Mode is deselected. API name of a field on Accounting document line item objects used to map to the Project field on the Miscellaneous Adjustment object. This can be a lookup field or a text field. The field must exist on all the relevant Accounting document line item objects. Used when generating ClickLink rules.

Text(255) "ffpsai__Project__c"
ReimbursableExpGLANotRequired__c Expense (Reimbursable) GLA Optional Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Expense GLA Code on reimbursable expenses is not required when approving an expense report.

Checkbox false
RunIntegrationInEnhancedMode__c Run Integration in Enhanced Mode Spring 2021 When selected, the integration runs using the improved mechanisms introduced starting with Spring 2021. When deselected, the integration runs using the mechanisms available before the Spring 2021 release.

Checkbox true
VIAdditionalEligibilityField__c VI Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Vendor Invoice object used to determine whether a vendor invoice is eligible for being passed to Accounting. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

VIAutoPassToAccountingField__c VI Auto Pass to Accounting Field Spring 2021 API name of the field on the Vendor Invoice object used to determine whether a vendor invoice is automatically passed to Accounting as soon as it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Text(255) "ffpsai__AutomaticallyPassToAccounting__c"
VICompanyNotRequired__c VI Company Optional for Submit Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Company field is not required when submitting a vendor invoice for approval.

Checkbox false
VICurrencyNotRequired__c VI Currency Optional for Submit Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Vendor Invoice Currency field is not required when submitting a vendor invoice for approval.

Checkbox false
VIIAdditionalEligibilityField__c VII Additional Eligibility Field Fall 2021 API name of the field on the Vendor Invoice Item object used to determine whether a vendor invoice item is eligible for being passed to Accounting. The field is used alongside the default eligibility criteria. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

VIIGLANotRequired__c VII GLA Optional for Submit Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the GLA Code field on vendor invoice items is not required when submitting a vendor invoice for approval.

Checkbox false
VINumberNotRequired__c VI Invoice Number Optional for Submit Pre-Spring 2018 When selected, the Invoice Number field is not required when submitting a vendor invoice for approval.

Checkbox false
VIVIISynchronousLimit__c VI VII Synchronous Limit Fall 2021 Maximum number of vendor invoice items in a vendor invoice that can be processed synchronously. If the number of items in a vendor invoice is greater than this number, the vendor invoice is always processed asynchronously (in the background) when creating a payable invoice or credit note.

Number(6,0) 200

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