ClickLink API Developer's Reference


global with sharing class IntegrationRuleEngine implements IIntegrationRuleEngine, Schedulable, Database.Batchable, Process.Plugin

Helper class for running ClickLink rules.
This class is intended to be invoked as demonstrated in the ClickLink code samples. Developers should instead use ffirule.RuleService to run rules via the ClickLink API.


Name Type Description
Button IntegrationRule Used internally.
Job IntegrationRule Used internally.
Rule Integration Used internally.
SourceRecordIds List<ID> Used internally.
SourceSOQL String Used internally.



global IntegrationRuleEngine()

Constructor used internally to run a ClickLink Rule.


global IntegrationRuleEngine(ffirule__IntegrationRuleButton__c button, List<ID> sourceRecordIds)

Constructor used internally to run a ClickLink Rule.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
button ffirule__IntegrationRuleButton__c The ClickLink Button for the ClickLink Rule.
sourceRecordIds List<ID> The IDs of the source records to be processed.


global IntegrationRuleEngine(ffirule__IntegrationRuleJob__c job)

Constructor used internally to run a ClickLink Rule.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
job ffirule__IntegrationRuleJob__c The ClickLink Job for the ClickLink Rule.


global IntegrationRuleEngine(ApexPages.StandardSetController standardSetController)

Extension controller constructor.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
standardSetController ApexPages.StandardSetController Native controller, supplied by the Salesforce platform.


global IntegrationRuleEngine(ApexPages.StandardController standardController)

Extension controller constructor.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
standardController ApexPages.StandardController Native controller, supplied by the Salesforce platform.


global ffirule.IntegrationRuleEngine getEngine()

Initialises the Integration Rule component when used as an extension controller.


global void execute(SchedulableContext ctx)

Implementation for Schedulable interface.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
ctx SchedulableContext Native schedulable context, supplied by the Salesforce platform.


global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext ctx)

Implementation for Database.Batchable interface.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
ctx Database.BatchableContext Native batchable context, supplied by the Salesforce platform.


global void execute(Database.BatchableContext ctx, List<sObject> sourceRecords)

Implementation for Database.Batchable interface.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
ctx Database.BatchableContext Native batchable context, supplied by the Salesforce platform.
sourceRecords List<sObject> A subset of the source records to process, supplied by the Salesforce platform.


global void finish(Database.BatchableContext ctx)

Implementation for Database.Batchable interface.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
ctx Database.BatchableContext Native batchable context, supplied by the Salesforce platform.


global Process.PluginResult invoke(Process.PluginRequest request)

Implementation for Process.Plugin interface.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request Process.PluginRequest Native request, supplied by the Salesforce platform.


global Process.PluginDescribeResult describe()

Implementation for Process.Plugin interface.


global PageReference convert()

Runs the ClickLink Rule configured for this ffirule.IntegrationRuleEngine instance.


global static void triggerHandler()

Trigger logic implementation to synchronize source and target records following DML operations.


Deprecated: Use the Export button on ClickLink Rules List View instead.

global static String exportAsJSON(String integrationRuleName)

Exports a ClickLink Rule.


Deprecated: Use the Import button on ClickLink Rules List View instead.

global static void importFromJSON(String integrationRuleJSON)

Imports a ClickLink Rule.


global static Set<Id> getRunningApexJobs(Set<ID> apexJobIds)

Determines which Apex Jobs are currently running.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
apexJobIds Set<ID> The IDs of Apex Jobs to check.

Return Value

A subset of the supplied Apex Job IDs; the IDs of currently running Apex Jobs.