Billing Central Apex API Developer Reference


global virtual with sharing class Response

This class provides error handling functionality for Billing Central services. Responses from Billing Central services extend this class to expose extra service-specific information. You aren't expected to produce extensions of this class.



global Map<Id, List<String>> getErrors()

This method returns errors that are generated in the response.

Return Value

A Map containing a list of the errors generated for each record ID.


global virtual Map<Id, List<String>> getWarnings()

This method returns warnings that are generated in the response. This method is virtual to support upgrades from older versions of Billing Central. You aren't expected to override this method.

Return Value

A list containing the warnings


global List<String> getStringErrors()

This method returns errors that are generated in the response.

Return Value

A list containing the errors generated for each record ID.


global virtual List<String> getStringWarnings()

This method returns warnings that are generated in the response. This method is virtual to support upgrades from older versions of Billing Central. You aren't expected to override this method.

Return Value

A list containing the warnings generated for each record ID.


global Boolean hasErrors()

Checks whether any errors were generated in the response.

Return Value

True or false depending on whether any errors were generated.


global Boolean hasErrors(Id objectId)

This method checks whether the response for a specific record generated any errors.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
objectId Id ID of the record that needs checking for errors.

Return Value

True or false depending on whether any errors were generated.


global virtual Boolean hasWarnings()

Checks whether any warnings were generated in the response. This method is virtual to support upgrades from older versions of Billing Central. You aren't expected to override this method.

Return Value

True or false depending on whether any warnings were generated.


global virtual Boolean hasWarnings(Id objectId)

This method checks whether the response for a specific record generated any warnings. This method is virtual to support upgrades from older versions of Billing Central. You aren't expected to override this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
objectId Id The ID of the record that needs checking for warnings.

Return Value

True or false depending on whether any warnings were generated.

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