Budget and Balance Fields

Budgets and balances are one type of balance record used in FinancialForce Accounting. See Types of Balance Record for more information.

Here is a description of the fields on the budgets and balances page. If your financial year has more than 12 periods, your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges. will need to customize this page to make it compatible with your company's financial calendar.

See Customizing the Budgets and Balances Page for more information.

Balance Details

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts;    * – Mandatory field; D – Optional dual currency field

Field   Description
Brought Forward Actual   Actual year-to-date balance for the last period of the previous year in home and dual currencyClosedThe currency in which your corporate headquarters reports financial statements. This defaults to, and is normally the same as, the corporate currency.. These values are entered in order to work with cumulative balances.
Brought Forward Actual Dual D
Brought Forward Budget   Year-to-date budget for the last period of the previous year in home and dual currency.. These values are entered in order to work with cumulative budgets.
Brought Forward Budget Dual D
Budget ID R Unique numeric identifier for this budget and balance instance.
Intersect Definition * Lookup to the related intersect definitionClosedDefines the storage of actual period balances.. This helps you to report on balances at a specific intersect.
Year * The financial year for this budget and balance instance.

Accounting Code

The following elementsClosedThe elements of a full accounting code consist of a general ledger account, an entity, and up to four analysis dimensions. of the full accounting codeClosedA combination of up to six elements: a general ledger account, a single entity and up to four analysis dimensions, as recorded on a specific transaction line item. define which transactions will be stored as balances for this budget. An instance must include at least one element and it must be compatible with the selected intersect definition.

Key: E – These are entities, and as such are mutually exclusive.

Field   Description
Account E Account to store balances and set budgets for.
Bank Account E Bank account to store balances and set budgets for.
Dimension 1–4   Analysis dimension to store balances and set budgets for.
General Ledger Account   General ledger account to store balances and set budgets for.
Hash Code R For internal use only. Concatenation of the Year, Company, GLA, Dimensions, Entity, Intersect Definition and Type fields. Must be unique. If you try to create a budget and balance record with the same criteria, the update will fail.
Local GLA   Lookup to the local GLA you want to use to store balances, if your org is set up to allow financial reporting to different statutory bodies. Only active local GLAs are available. See What is a Chart of Accounts Structure? for more information.
Product E Product to store balances and set budgets for.
Tax Code E Tax code to store balances and set budgets for.


This section allows you to enter the budget amount as well as view the cumulative, year-to-date budget for each period.

This section may have been customized by your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges.. It may not appear like this in your organization.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; nnn – period number; D – Optional dual currency field

Field   Description
Budget Period nnn   Budget for the numbered period in home and dual currencyClosedThe currency in which your corporate headquarters reports financial statements. This defaults to, and is normally the same as, the corporate currency..
Budget Period Dual nnn D
Budget YTD Period nnn R Year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home and dual currency.
Budget YTD Period Dual nnn D,R


This section displays the sum of all posted transactions that use the element or elementsClosedThe elements of a full accounting code consist of a general ledger account, an entity, and up to four analysis dimensions. defined in the budget details. The application updates these fields automatically based on company transactions posted in the corresponding period. Do not enter, edit or delete these values.

This section may have been customized by your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges.. It may not appear like this in your organization.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; nnn – period number; D – Optional dual currency field

Field   Description
Actual Period nnn R Current balance for the numbered period in home and dual currencyClosedThe currency in which your corporate headquarters reports financial statements. This defaults to, and is normally the same as, the corporate currency..
Actual Period Dual nnn D,R
Actual YTD Period nnn R Year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home and dual currency.
Actual YTD Period Dual nnn D,R

The behavior of this field is controlled by custom settings. For more details, ask your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges..


This section displays the variance between the actual balances and budget amounts for each period as well as the year-to-date variances.

This section may have been customized by your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges.. It may not appear like this in your organization.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; nnn – period number; D – Optional dual currency field

Field   Description
Variance Period nnn R Variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home and dual currencyClosedThe currency in which your corporate headquarters reports financial statements. This defaults to, and is normally the same as, the corporate currency..
Variance Period Dual nnn D,R
Variance YTD Period nnn R Variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home and dual currency.
Variance YTD Period Dual nnn D,R

Transaction Line Item Count

The following Number fields are used internally during the Balance Update process to make best use of the available storage taken up by Reporting Balances. They are automatically maintained and are not editable.

If the value shown for Actual Period nnn is zero, this may either be because no transactions exist, or because the sum of the transactions for that period is zero. You can see if there are any transactions for the period by checking the appropriate TLI Count Period nnn field.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts

Field   Description
TLI Count Period 000 R The number of transaction line items in Period 000 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 001 R The number of transaction line items in Period 001 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 002 R The number of transaction line items in Period 002 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 003 R The number of transaction line items in Period 003 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 004 R The number of transaction line items in Period 004 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 005 R The number of transaction line items in Period 005 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 006 R The number of transaction line items in Period 006 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 007 R The number of transaction line items in Period 007 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 008 R The number of transaction line items in Period 008 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 009 R The number of transaction line items in Period 009 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 010 R The number of transaction line items in Period 010 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 011 R The number of transaction line items in Period 011 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 012 R The number of transaction line items in Period 012 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 100 R The number of transaction line items in Period 100 related to this record's accounting code.
TLI Count Period 101 R The number of transaction line items in Period 101 related to this record's accounting code.

If you add a custom period field to the Budgets and Balances object, then you must also add the corresponding TLI Count Period nnn field as well. For example, if you add a custom Period 013, you must add a TLI Count Period 013 field too.

Balance Update

The following field is automatically populated during a Balance Update Full or Incremental Synchronization process.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts

Field   Description
Reporting Balance Timestamp R Stores the last modified date and time for the reporting balances associated with this budget and balance record. This date is used during the second and subsequent incremental synchronizations to process the reporting balances that have been modified since the last update.