Cash Matching Fields

Here is a description of the cash matching fields and columns. All values are displayed in matching currency.

Account Detail

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts ;  * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Account * Customer, vendor or intercompany accountClosedIn this context, accounts are organizations or people that you conduct business with, such as customers or vendors. Account is a standard Salesforce object. FinancialForce accounts can be any Account Record Type. that you want to match. If it is an intercompany account, it cannot be the one that represents your current company and must have a valid intercompany definition.
Account Dimensions 1–4   Name of the dimension record by which you want to analyze this account. Defaults copied from the account details.
Currency Mode * Account mode or Document mode. Defaults to the mode set on the companyClosedA self-balancing accounting unit within your organization. details.
Discount Date   Date used to retrieve the correct settlement discount to apply to sales or payable invoices and credit notes.
Matching Currency * If currency mode is "Account", matching takes place in account currency. If currency mode is "Document", you must select a matching currency. In this case, only lines where the document currency is the same as the selected matching currency are retrieved.
Matching Date *

Date used on the cash matching journal when recording discounts and write-offs. The matching date is also used to determine the exchange rate in some multi-currency calculations.

For an undo match, the matching date cannot be earlier than date of the most recent cash matching historyClosedHistory of all activities that take place during the payment, discounting, or writing off of a payable transaction line. record included in the undo match.

Note: The matching date must be set to the date the payment is received. If not, invoices might be included in As of Aging reports even when they are paid.
Period * Accounting period in which this document falls. Calculated from the document date, or by default the period that contains the date of input, but you can amend it by selecting a new period. If you enter a document date for a year that does not exist in your organization, then the period is set to blank. You can only save a document or post a transaction to an open period.

The following additional fields are displayed in the Account Detail section when undoing a match.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Matching Reference   Reference of the match that you want to undo. If you specify a matching reference, only the associated lines are retrieved. If the selected matching reference does not exist or has been undone previously, no records are retrieved.
Original Match Date   If selected, sets the undo match date to the original match date.
Undo Reason * Reason for reversing the match, such as "Remittance Advice Incorrect" or "Matching Error".You can update the entries in this custom picklist.


All default values for general ledger accounts and analysis dimensions are copied from the accounts receivable analysis details on the company record, but you may change them here.

Key:   * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Currency Write-off * General ledger account updated when a user posts a currency write-offClosedGenerated when there is a difference in the exchange rate between the date of the invoice and the date of the payment. The invoice and the payment are each converted from the document currency to account, home, and dual currency on the date they are created. Differences are posted to a currency write-off account. to an accountClosedIn this context, accounts are organizations or people that you conduct business with, such as customers or vendors. Account is a standard Salesforce object. FinancialForce accounts can be any Account Record Type..
Currency Write-off Dimensions 1 to 4   Name of the dimension record by which you want to analyze currency write-offs.
Settlement Discount * General ledger account updated when a user posts a settlement discountClosedA discount agreed with the purchaser for payment within an agreed period of time. The value of the discount is posted to a settlement discount account. to an account.
Settlement Discount Dimensions 1 to 4   Name of the dimension record by which you want to analyze settlement discounts.
Write-off * General ledger account updated when a user posts a write-offClosedAn outstanding, but usually small, amount of money not collected from a customer, typically as a result of a small variance between the cash submitted and the value of the documents matched to it. Differences are posted to a write-off account. to an account.
Write-off Dimensions 1 to 4   Name of the dimension record by which you want to analyze write-offs.

Cash Entries

Unmatched transactions of type "Cash" for the selected account are retrieved. The columns displayed in the grid vary according to your organization configuration. Typical columns are listed below. The Paid column is fixed and cannot be removed. You can sort the grid by the data in a particular column by clicking on that column's heading. This sorts text data alphabetically and numerical data in ascending order. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading a second time.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts

Column   Description
Document Number R Unique number allocated to the originating cash entry.
Outstanding Value R Amount still available for matching before this match.
Paid   Amount paid. If you select this line, the Outstanding value is automatically copied to this field.
Remaining R The amount that remains to be matched.

Other Transactions

In a match, unmatched transactions of type "Invoice", "Credit Note", "Payable Invoice", "Payable Credit Note", and "Journal" for the selected account are retrieved. The columns displayed in the grid will vary according to your organization configuration. Typical columns are listed below. The Paid column is fixed and cannot be removed. You can sort the grid by the data in a particular column by clicking on that column's heading. This sorts text data alphabetically and numerical data in ascending order. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading a second time.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts

Column     Description
Document Number R   Unique number assigned to the originating document.
Outstanding Value R   Amount still available for matching before this match.
Paid   A Amount paid. If you select this line, this is calculated as the amount still outstanding (Outstanding Value) minus any settlement discount (B). You can amend this value.
Discount   B Amount of any settlement discount. If you select this line, this is calculated based on the discount date and the potential discounts and dates calculated when the document was posted. This can be amended.
Write-off   C Amount of any write-off.
Remaining R   The amount that remains to be matched.

A + B + C must not exceed the outstanding debit (for customers) or credit (for vendors). If you can't see the Discount, Write-off and Remaining columns, contact your administrator.

Matching History (Undo Match)

In an undo match, cash matching history records for the selected account (and optional matching reference) are retrieved. If the cash matching history record includes an undo matching reference, indicating that it has been unmatched before, it is not retrieved. You can sort the grid by the data in a particular column by clicking on that column's heading. This sorts text data alphabetically and numerical data in ascending order. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading a second time.

All data fields are read-only.

Column Description
Reference The matching reference that identifies the matched lines.
Type Source of the transaction.
Number Unique number assigned to the originating document.
Date Date of the transaction.
Match Date The date that the cash match was created.
Match Period The financial period that the cash match was created in.
Matched Amount previously matched.


The following expander icons may be available on some fields:

Button Description
Displays an expander panelClosedPanels that are initially hidden when the page is loaded. They allow you to enter, and subsequently view, additional attributes of the related field or line item, such as further analysis or a line description. that is hidden and closes any other panels that are open. Blue indicates existing content.
Hides the selected panel.
Indicates an error on the related expander panel. If hidden, click to show the item in error.

The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration.

Button Description
Retrieve Retrieves transactions for the selected account based on the account details you have supplied.
Undo Match From the Cash Matching page, takes you to the Undo Match page.
Cash Matching From the Undo Match page, takes you to the Cash Matching page.
Commit Commits the match or undo match. The selected account and match currency are retained. See About Cash Matching for more information on what happens when you commit a match or undo match session.