Mapping Corporate and Local GLAs

If your business needs to produce financial reports for multiple statutory bodies, you must create a mapping between each corporate GLA and its local (or alternate) equivalent. If necessary, you can create a mapping from one corporate GLA to many local GLAs, or from one local GLA to many corporate GLAs. When transactions are recorded, transaction line items are populated in all relevant GLAs, in order to produce individual reports.


To search for a particular corporate GLA or local GLA, type its name into the Search field in the Map Corporate GLAs section or To Local GLAs section.

To create a mapping between a corporate GLA and a local GLA:

  1. Click the Chart of Accounts Mappings tab, which lists corporate and local GLAs that can be mapped. Only GLAs in active chart of account structures are available for mapping.
  2. In the Map Corporate GLAs section, click the radio button beside the corporate GLA that you want to map.
  3. Select a When Dimension, if applicable.
  4. In the To Local GLAs section, click the radio button next to the local GLA that you want to map to the selected corporate GLA. The mapping is immediately added to the list in the Mappings section and is highlighted to indicate it has not yet been saved.
  5. Continue adding more corporate-to-local GLA mappings as required.
    Note: Note Notepad
    When a new mapping is created, it is listed at the top of the Mappings section. Before the chart of accounts mapping page is saved, new (or updated) fields are highlighted with blue sidebars.
  6. [Optional] In the Mappings section, click Delete next to a mapping to remove it. You will be prompted to record a reason.
    Note: You must click Save to confirm deletion.
  7. [Optional] To sort the information in the Mappings section, click the Corporate GLA or Local GLA column heading.
  8. [Optional] Click Export Mappings to export the mappings to a separate file. The supported formats are XLS, CSV, and PDF. The Microsoft Excel and CSV files are downloaded to your Downloads folder. The PDF is automatically displayed. Use the Save As feature to download the PDF to your local machine.

Editing a Mapping

To edit either the dimension type or dimension value of a mapping:

  1. Click the Chart of Accounts Mappings tab to open the list of existing mappings.
  2. Click next to the mapping in the Mappings section.
  3. Make your changes to the dimension type or dimension value, or both if necessary. Edited fields are shown with blue sidebars until the chart of accounts mapping page is saved.
  4. Enter a reason for your changes, then click Save.

Auditing a Mapping

You can see how a mapping has been changed by clicking the History tab in the GLA Details section. This shows when the mapping was created and the changes that have happened to dimension types and dimension values.

Reporting on Mapping History

To create a report that shows a chart of accounts mapping history:

  1. On the Reports tab, click New Report....
  2. Open the Other Reports folder and click Chart of Accounts Mapping Histories.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Drag and drop the following fields on to the report, as required:
    • Chart of Accounts Mapping. Group by this field
    • Action
    • Field
    • Old Value
    • New Value
    • Reason
    • Chart of Accounts Mapping History: Created By
    • Chart of Accounts Mapping History: Created Date. Sort by this field in descending order.
  5. Click Run Report.
  6. Click Save As to save the report to reuse later.

Overriding the Local GLA Mapping

If you discover that a corporate GLA has been mapped to the wrong local GLA and transactions have been posted:

  1. Amend the chart of accounts mapping so that any future or "In Progress" transactions are posted to the correct local GLA.
  2. Raise a manual journal to move the net amount from the incorrect local GLA to the correct one.
  3. Override the mapping on each individual journal line item:
    1. Click the Analysis Details icon on the journal line item.
    2. Use the Local GLA lookup to select the local GLA that will override the automatic mapping applied on post.

See Journal Fields for more information.

Many-to-Many Mapping

From your Chart of Accounts Mappings page, you can use analysis dimensions to create a mapping from one corporate GLA to many local GLAs, or from one local GLA to many corporate GLAs.

Dimensions are listed in mappings documents. Local GLA values are included in post-processing documents, for example, invoices.

Note: Note Notepad
Mappings that do not use a dimension are considered to be default mappings.

To create a mapping from one corporate GLA to many local GLAs:

  1. On your Chart of Accounts Mappings page, in the Map Corporate GLAs section click the radio button next to the corporate GLA that you want to map.
  2. In the To Local GLAs section, click the radio button beside the local GLA that you want to map to the selected corporate GLA. The mapping is listed in the Mappings section and highlighted.
  3. To map the corporate GLA to another local GLA:
    1. Select the corporate GLA.
    2. Select a dimension from the picklist.
    3. Select a different GLA. You can select as many local GLAs as dimensions.
  4. [Optional] To remove a mapping, click Delete next to the mapping in the Mappings section.
  5. Click Save.

If you click Export Mappings, the document displays the mappings with dimensions.

Resolving Mapping Conflicts

The icon indicates when there are possible mapping conflicts. This icon is displayed next to either the corporate GLA or the local GLA in the mapping.

Mappings are in conflict when they are both a candidate for resolving the alternate GLA when posting a document.

We recommend that you click the icon to check conflicting mappings. If you decide there is a conflict, you can remove a mapping by clicking the Delete next to it. If you decide there is no conflict, you can leave the mappings unchanged.

You will see a icon if you create mappings from a corporate GLA that uses more than one dimension type.

The following mapping examples describe resolving mapping conflicts from a corporate GLA to a local GLA. The process to resolve mapping conflicts from a local GLA to a corporate GLA is identical.


Corporate GLA

Local GLA

Dimension Type


1 Corporate GLA 1 Local GLA 1 Dimension 1 = Dim1 Conflicts with Mapping 2, as the mappings use different dimension types.
2 Corporate GLA 1 Local GLA 2 Dimension 2 = Dim2 Conflicts with Mapping 1, as the mappings use different dimension types.
No conflict with Mapping 3, as they use the same dimension type.
3 Corporate GLA 1 Local GLA 2 Dimension 2 = Dim3 Conflicts with Mapping 1, as the mappings use different dimension types.
No conflict with Mapping 2, as they use the same dimension type.
4 Corporate GLA 1 Local GLA 2 No dimension Default mapping (no dimensions used). Default mappings are used to resolve conflicts and populate alternate accounts. If a default mapping does not exist, the default local GLA on the company's chart of accounts is used.

Payable Invoice Examples

Using the mappings in the above table, the following examples show how mappings work with payable invoices:


Payable Invoice Settings


1 GLA = Corp1, Dimension 1 = Dim1 FinancialForce Accounting picks Mapping1 and populates the local GLA on the transaction line item as Local1.
2 GLA = Corp1, Dimension 1 = Dim1,
Dimension 2 = Dim2
There is a conflict as both Mapping1 and Mapping2 are candidates to populate the alternate account. FinancialForce Accounting picks Mapping 4, as default, to resolve the conflict.