General Ledger Account Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a general ledger accountClosedThe general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves. (GLA). Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Field     Description
Name * 80 Name of the general ledger account, such as Accounts Receivable Control account.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts ; * – Mandatory field; M – multi-currency organizations only
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field     Description
Allow Revaluation M   Indicates that you want this GLA to be available to users of the currency revaluation process.
Chart of Accounts Structure     Lookup to the chart of accounts structure this GLA belongs to (if your org is set up to allow financial reporting to different statutory bodies). If this field is left blank, the GLA is treated as a corporate GLA. If a mapping has been created between this GLA and a GLA in another chart of accounts structure and you want to change the structure selected here, you will need to remove the mapping first.
Currency M   The currency used by this GLA. Must be an active currencyClosedThe currencies in which your Salesforce CRM organization does business. Sometimes called "organization" or "org" currencies. within Salesforce.
GLA Group     An optional group that the GLA belongs to: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Cash or None. Periods can be closed for specific groups. For example, you could close a period for the Accounts Payable group, but leave it open for the other GLA groups.
Reporting Code * 24 Each GLA must be assigned a unique code by which it can be identified. This may be used during data entry, or during the creation of reports.
Type *   Type of GLA: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss or Retained Earnings. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values.

The Retained Earnings account cannot be used on records such as products or bank accounts. You cannot edit this type while a year end process is running.
Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA M   Indicates that the GLA is used for unrealized gains or losses from the currency revaluation process and can be included in the currency translation process.

Reporting Hierarchies

Field   Description
Balance Sheet 1 to 3   See What is a Reporting Hierarchy? and Setting up a Reporting Hierarchy for more information on how to use these fields.
Trial Balance 1 to 4  

Cash Flow Analysis

These are the default values used to adjust and group data on a statement of cash flows report. You can add to and update the entries in these custom picklists.

Key: * – Becomes a mandatory field when the Adjust checkbox is selected or the Cash Flow Line Summary field is populated.

Cash Flow Category * Heading under which a transaction using this GLA will appear on the cash flow report. Example cash flow categories are Investing Activities and Financing Activities. You can edit these picklist values.
Cash Flow Line Summary   Text used to group transactions using this GLA on the statement of cash flows report. This is useful when the value that you want to group by doesn't already exist in your chart of accounts. You can edit these picklist values.
Reclassify Profits   Indicates that you want to adjust the section in which transactions using this GLA will appear.

See Setting up a Statement of Cash Flows for examples of how to use these fields.

Any edits you make to these fields are recorded in the General Ledger Account History related list on the detail page.