Custom Filters

In the Transactions stage there are various default criteria that you can filter by. You can also add up to four custom filters using the custom setting Payments Plus Options.

You will need to create a new selection definition containing fields that you want to use as custom filters. Do not add fields that include sensitive information because custom filters are visible to all users.

Tip: If you use a GLA field as a custom filter (not the default GLA filter), the chart of accounts structure will not be applied, and therefore both local and corporate GLAs will be displayed. To apply the chart of accounts structure, use the default GLA filter.

The following example shows how to create a selection definition to filter by Account Type on transaction headers, and Dimension1 on transaction lines:

  1. Click the tab Selection Definitions.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Selection Definition section, enter a selection name and description. The selection name must match the name used in the custom setting Payments Plus Options.
  4. In the Master section, select "Transaction" as the Master Object.
  5. Click Add Field and from the picklist select "Account".
  6. In the Related Field column, from the picklist select "Account Type".
  7. In the Detail section, "Transaction Line Item" is already selected as the Detail Object.
  8. Click Add Field and from the picklist select "Dimension 1".
  9. If the field selected in the previous step is a lookup to another object, select a related field on which to base your filter condition, for example "Name".
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Setup | Develop | Custom Settings.
  12. Next to Payments Plus Options click Manage.
  13. Click Edit.
  14. In the Payments Plus Custom Filters field enter the name you used for the selection definition.
  15. Click Save.
Notes: If you select a numerical field, such as Discount or Document Value, when filtering for a payment of 400 euros in Payments Plus, you must enter -400 or click in the field. Also, in the selection definition, the filter options cannot be used to customize the filters.

Supported Field Types

These are the field types which are supported:

Note: If Salesforce adds new field types, they might not be immediately supported.