Payment Fields

Payment Information

Key:  * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Bank Account * The bank account you want the payment to debit from.
Discarded   Checkbox. If selected, the item is discarded from the proposal.
Discount Date *

The date used to calculate any settlement discounts that can be deducted from the payment. This defaults to the payment date, but you can change it up until the status of the proposal becomes "Proposed". If you want to change it after that, you must remove all transactions from the proposal and start again.

See the description of the Payment Date field for defaulting behavior.

Payment Currency *

In a multi-currency org, this is the currency that you want to pay in. The default is the bank account currency. In a single-currency org, this defaults to the corporate currencyClosedThe Salesforce currency in which your corporate headquarters reports revenue..

You can only pay documents that are denominated in this currency.

Payment Date *

The date of the payment, which appears on the check or in the bank file.

If this is the first time you have specified a payment date, this automatically becomes the default discount date. If you amend the payment date later, the discount date remains unchanged.

The payment date is also the date used for the cash entry and any transactions that are generated from the payment.

Payment Media Detail   Lookup. The media for the payment.
Payment Method * The method you have chosen to pay by (check or electronic). You can include accounts on a check run that are set up to pay electronically, and vice versa. You do not need to amend the default payment method on the account.
Period *

The period to post the cash entries and any discount and currency write-off journals to. This must be an open trading period in your current company (excluding special periods).

Posting Information

Key:  * – Mandatory field; ** – Mandatory in multi-currency orgs only.

Field   Description
Currency Write-off ** Any currency write-off created by the matching process will be posted to this GLA. Not relevant (or displayed) in a single-currency org.
Currency Write-off Dimension 1-4   Any analysis dimensions that you want to apply to currency write-offs.
Settlement Discount * Any discounts that you deduct from this payment will be posted to this GLA.
Settlement Discount Dimension 1-4   Any analysis dimensions that you want to apply to settlement discounts.


Field Description
Back to Payments Home Go back to the Payments home page without saving any data.
Payment Details Template Enables you to choose a payment details template. The payment details template can contain default, bank account, currency, payment media and posting information.
Create Proposal Saves the payment details, allocates the new proposal a unique proposal number, and continues to the next stage. However, if you are editing a proposal the Next button will appear instead.


Saves the payment details, and continues to the next stage. However, if you are creating a new proposal the Create Proposal button will appear instead.