Selection Definition Fields

Here is a description of the fields (in alphabetical order) that make up a selection definitionClosedStores predefined source objects/fields and filter conditions for use in the desktop apps and when sending email messages such as remittances and reminder letters to a group of accounts..

Key:  * – Mandatory field
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Description
Selection Description 255 Description of the selection definition.
Selection Name * 80 Unique name for the selection definition, such as "Overdue Invoices".


Key:  * – Mandatory field; F – Source Field Lines (Ignored in a mass email or Print Formatter context); C – Filter Condition Lines; L – Used when the previous field on this line is a lookup to another object.

Field Description
Master Object * Master object from which you want to retrieve the data, such as "Sales Invoice". The supported objects are those displayed in the selection control.
Field F Source object/field from which to retrieve the data.
Related Field F, L Field from a related object from which you want to retrieve data.
Field C Field you want to use for your filter condition.
Related Field C, L Field from a related object that you want to use for your filter condition.
Operator C The operation used on the filter condition.
Value From/To C The value or range for the filter condition.


Key:  * – Mandatory field; F – Source Field Lines; C – Filter Condition Lines; L – Used when the previous field on this line is a lookup to another object.

Field Description
Detail Object * Detail (line item) object from which you want to retrieve the data, such as "Sales Invoice Line Item" or "Cash Entry Line Item".
Field F Source object/field from which you want to retrieve the data.
Related Field F, L Field from a related object from which you want to retrieve data.
Field C Field you want to use for your filter condition.
Related Field C, L Field from a related object that you want to use for your filter condition.
Operator C The operation used on the filter condition.
Value From/To C The value or range for the filter condition.


Button Description
Save Saves the record and returns you to the detail page.
Cancel Cancels the current session without saving.

The following buttons are available in the Master and Detail sections:

Button Description
Add Field Add a new source field line.
Add Filter Add a new filter condition line.
Edit the selected line.
Remove Remove the selected line.