Displaying Transaction Details

The transactions list page displays a list of transactions in your current companyClosedThe company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned. and view. From this page, you can view detailed transaction information and access other related information.

You cannot edit or delete transactions directly. Transactions are created by users posting documents.

See "Viewing Custom Object Lists" in the Salesforce Help for more information on using list views.

Once you have located a transaction on the home or list pages, click the transaction number to display detailed information. The Account Line Summary section enables you to track the total and outstanding values in both account and document currency.

See Transaction Fields for a full description of the standard fields that make up a transaction and its line items.

Notes and attachments

You can create, view, and edit notes and add attachments from the Notes & Attachments section. This section is used to attach any internal notes you want to retain about the record. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.

Transaction line items

You can see the related transaction line items in the Transaction Line Items section. Click a Line ID to display more detail on the selected transaction line item.

Related lists

The lower portion of the page provides information related to the transaction, including related sales invoices. The related lists that you see are determined by your personal customization, by any customization your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges. has made to page layouts or your permissions to view related data. You can click on individual items to display additional detail. Clicking New lets you directly add new items.

Transaction reports

The Transactions Audit report shows you all transactions and transaction line items. See Reports Home and the Salesforce Help for more information.

The Transaction Inquiry report gives you are more targeted view of your transactions and transaction line items. See Transaction Inquiry Report for more information.