Transaction Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a transaction and its related line items.

Note: Note
All fields, apart from those in the Cash Flow Analysis section, are read-only.

Transaction Detail

Key: E – Updated automatically when a posted document is edited.

Field   Description
Accounting Book  

Lookup to the accounting book associated with this transaction.

This field is only available if you have enabled the Multi-Book Accounting feature using Feature Console.

Allocation   Lookup to the allocation process that created this transaction (if appropriate).
Apex Job ID   Stores an Apex job ID, where applicable. Used in the reverse allocation transaction process.
Avalara VAT Reporting Status  

Only applicable if you are using the Avalara VAT Reporting integration.

Stores the status of sending the transaction to Avalara VAT Reporting. The following statuses are available:

  • (none) - transaction will not be sent to Avalara VAT Reporting.
  • "Not Ready for Sending" - transaction is not added to the queue and will not be sent to Avalara VAT Reporting until you manually change the status to "Ready for Sending".
  • "Ready for Sending" - transaction is added to the queue and will be sent to Avalara VAT Reporting when the next scheduled job runs.
  • "Validation Error" - transaction couldn't be sent to Avalara VAT Reporting because a required field is blank.
  • "Sending Failed" - transaction couldn't be sent because there was an issue with the Avalara VAT Reporting server.
  • "Sent to Avalara VAT Reporting" - transaction successfully sent to Avalara.
Batch Process   Stores information about the related Apex batch job.
Billing Document   Lookup to the originating Billing Document (if applicable). The Billing Document is a core component of FinancialForce Foundations.
Cash Entry   Lookup to the originating cash entry document (if applicable).
Company   Company that owns this record.
Days Overdue   The number of days between the due date and today's date.
Document Description E Description on the originating document.
Document Number   Number of the originating document. A separate field named after the document type (Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Note, Payable Invoice, Payable Credit Note, Cash Entry, Journal) provides a lookup to the originating document.
Document Reference
Document Reference 2
E References taken from the originating document, or populated by a process.
Dual Credits   Total of credit values in dual currency.
Dual Debits   Total of debit values in dual currency.
Dual Value Total   The sum of all the Dual Values on a transaction. This will balance to zero.
External Document Number   By default this is a copy of the External Document Number on the associated Foundations Billing Document (if applicable). If this formula field has been modified, it might display other information. To include this field in the Other Transactions panel on the Cash Matching page, add it to the CashMatchingOtherTransactions field set on the Transaction Line Item custom object.
Home Credits   Total of credit values in home currency, displayed with a minus sign.
Home Credits   Total of credit values in home currency. This field shows the home credit value without the minus sign. You can identify this field by its API name (HomeCredits__c).
Home Debits   Total of debit values in home currency.
Home Value Total   The sum of all the Home Values on a transaction. This will balance to zero.
Income Schedule Group   System-generated integer used to group income schedule journals generated by posting a sales invoice with an income schedule.
Intercompany Transfer   Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable, appropriate and unique. Used to support the reporting of intercompany transactions. These reports can help you when you need to create manual eliminations.
Invoice Group   System-generated integer used to group invoices that form part of a recurring set.
Journal   Lookup to the originating journal document (if applicable).
Match Type   This field is set to "Credited" if the transaction is a sales invoice that has been fully matched to a sales credit note, or a payable invoice that has been fully matched to a payable credit note. It is blank for all other document types. This field is populated by the system when the match is committed.
Payable Invoice   Lookup to the originating payable invoice document (if applicable).
Payable Credit Note   Lookup to the originating payable credit note document (if applicable).
Period   Accounting period of the originating document.
Sales Credit Note   Lookup to the originating sales credit note document (if applicable).
Sales Invoice   Lookup to the originating sales invoice document (if applicable).
Transaction Date   Date copied from the originating document, such as the invoice or cash entry date.
Transaction Number   Unique number automatically assigned to the transaction in the format TRN<autonumber>.
Transaction Type   Source of transaction, such as "Allocation", "Sales Invoice", "Credit Note", "Cash" or "Journal".
Vendor Document Number E Vendor invoice number or vendor credit note number on the originating document.

If sub-analysis mappingClosedMapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting. exists for any custom fields on the document header that was posted, the values that were entered in those custom fields are mapped across to corresponding custom fields on the transaction header detail. See Managing Sub-Analysis Mappings for more information.


If the transaction type is "Allocation", you can use the following button to reverse the allocation transaction:

Button Description
Reverse Creates a transaction of equal value, but with the opposite sign. The behavior of the reverse allocation transaction process is controlled by custom settings. For more details, ask your administratorClosedOne or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges..

Account Line Summary

Field Description
Account If the transaction has a single Account line, the name of the account is recorded here, and on all its constituent transaction line items. If the transaction's source is a journal or a cash entry with multiple account lines, this field is blank.

If the transaction line has been involved in a merging of accounts, and an account previously existed, this is the master account involved in the most-recent merge.
Original Account If this transaction line has been involved in a merging of accounts, and an account previously existed, this field records the account in force at the time of the original posting. Once defined, the original account never changes.

If the transaction has an account recorded, the following values are also displayed:

Key: X – Blank if more than one account line.

Field   Description
Account Total X Total value of all transaction account lines, in account currency.
Account Outstanding Total X Outstanding value of all transaction account lines, in account currency.
Document Total   Total value of all transaction account lines, in document currency.
Document Outstanding Total   Outstanding value of all transaction account lines, in document currency.

Transaction Line Item Detail

Here is a description of the standard fields that make up a transaction line item. All fields are read-only.

Key: P – Analysis lines only; T – Tax lines only; E – Updated automatically when a posted document is edited.

Field   Description
Balance Update   Indicates whether or not the transaction line has updated the Reporting Balances records. It is only relevant if you use On Demand update of the Reporting Balances from Transactions. It will mark the balance update for the line as "Pending" or "Complete".
Date Canceled   Date the related payment was canceled, if relevant.
Days Overdue   The number of days between the due date and today's date.
Discount Date 1–4   The cutoff dates for potential settlement discounts calculated using the relevant credit terms and the document date when it was posted.
Document Number   Number of the originating document, copied from the transaction header.
Due Date E For a transaction of type "Invoice", "Credit Note", "Purchase Invoice" or "Purchase Credit Note", this is copied from the originating document's due date. For other transaction types, this is the same as the transaction date.
Expense P The general ledger account for this expense line, if relevant.
Home Credits   Credit value in home currency. This value is taken from the Home Value field on the Transaction Line Item object, when it is a negative value.
Home Debits   Debit value in home currency. This value is taken from the Home Value field on the Transaction Line Item object, when it is a positive value.
Intercompany Transfer   Lookup to the related intercompany transfer record, if applicable and appropriate. Used to support the reporting of intercompany transactions. These reports can help you when you need to create manual elimination journals.
Is Output VAT Tax T Indicates whether the tax line is from an input tax code or output tax code.
Last Reminder Date   Displays the date that the last reminder was sent for this transaction line item. You cannot edit this field.
Line ID   Unique numeric identifier for this transaction line item.
Line Number  
Assigned sequentially. On an invoice or credit note, the account line is line 1 and the other lines automatically increment. The sequence is: Account lines, Analysis lines and then Tax lines.
Line Type   Type of transaction line - Account, Analysis or Tax. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values.
Line Description E Description or reference taken from the originating document.
On Hold   When selected, indicates this payable invoice is On Hold. Transaction lines marked in this way are excluded from inclusion in a payment proposalClosedList of the accounts and transactions you are planning to pay or collect subscriptions from, on a specified date, using a specified bank account..
Process Status   "Profit and Loss", "Balance Sheet" or "Not Processed". Used internally by the Year End process.
Product P Product code as specified on the originating document.
Reverse Charge Tax Code   Tax code used to calculate reverse charge tax on this transaction line.
Severity   Displays the severity level of the last reminder sent for the invoice. You cannot edit this field.
Tax Group T Tax group to which this tax code is assigned.
Tax Code   Up to three tax codes for this analysis or tax line, depending on the company tax mode. On a tax line, only Tax Code is set.
Tax Code 2  
Tax Code 3  
Transaction Date   Date of the originating document, copied from the transaction header.
Transaction Number   Unique number automatically assigned to the transaction. Click to return to the transaction detail.

If sub-analysis mappingClosedMapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting. exists for any custom fields on the document line that was posted, the values that were entered in those custom fields are mapped across to corresponding custom fields on the transaction analysis line detail. See Managing Sub-Analysis Mappings for more information.

Home Information

Key: A – Account lines only; P – Analysis lines only; T – Tax lines only

Field   Description
Home Currency   Main working currency ISO code of the current company.
Home Value   Total value of the line, in home currency. Calculated from the document value.

On a tax line, this is the sum of all tax values for this tax code on related analysis lines, in home currency.

Home Taxable Value T Sum of all goods values on related analysis lines, in home currency.
Home Tax Total   Total amount of tax payable on this line, in home currency.
Home Outstanding Value A Amount yet to be paid on this line, in home currency.
Home Tax Value A Sum of analysis tax values, for the relevant tax code, in home currency.
P Tax amount for this analysis line, for relevant tax code, in home currency.
T Not set.
Home Tax Value 2 A Sum of analysis tax values, for the relevant tax code, in home currency.
P Tax amount for this analysis line, for relevant tax code, in home currency.
T Not set.
Home Tax Value 3 A Sum of analysis tax values, for Tax Code 3, in home currency.
P Tax amount for this analysis line, for relevant tax code, in home currency.
T Not set.
Owning Currency Revaluation P The Income Statement currency revaluation that this analysis line is included in for Document to Home revaluation. This field is not populated by Balance Sheet currency revaluations.

Document Information

Key: A – Account lines only; P – Analysis lines only; T – Tax lines only

Field   Description
Discount Value 1–4   The document currency values of potential settlement discounts calculated using the relevant credit termsClosedSet of terms used to determine due dates and discounts for the goods and services bought or sold. Terms can be set at account level for vendors and/or company level for customers. and the document date when it was posted.
Document Currency   Currency ISO code recorded on the related document.
Document Value   Total value of the line, in document currency.

On a tax line, this is the sum of all tax values for this tax code on related analysis lines, in document currency.

Document Rate   The exchange rate used on this transaction line for document to home currency.
Document Taxable Value T Sum of all goods values on related analysis lines, in document currency.
Document Tax Total   Total amount of tax to be paid for this line, in document currency.
Document Outstanding Value A Amount yet to be paid on this line, in document currency.
Document Tax Value A Sum of analysis tax values, for the relevant tax code, in document currency.
P Tax amount for this analysis line, for relevant tax code, in document currency.
T Not set.
Document Tax Value 2 A Sum of analysis tax values, for the relevant tax code, in document currency.
P Tax amount for this analysis line, for relevant tax code, in document currency.
T Not set.
Document Tax Value 3 A Sum of analysis tax values, for the relevant tax code, in document currency.
P Tax amount for this analysis line, for relevant tax code, in document currency.
T Not set.

Dual Information

Key: A – Account lines only; P – Analysis lines only

Field   Description
Dual Currency     Currency ISO code in which your corporate headquarters reports.
Dual Value     Total value of the line, in dual currency. Calculated from the home value.
Dual Outstanding Value A Amount yet to be paid on this line, in dual currency.
Dual Rate   The exchange rate used on this transaction line for home to dual currency.
Owning Dual Currency Revaluation P The Income Statement currency revaluation that this analysis line is included in for Home to Dual revaluation. This field is not populated by Balance Sheet currency revaluations.

General Ledger Information

Field Description
General Ledger Account The general ledger accountClosedThe general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves. (GLA) as specified on the associated dimension. This could be an account, product, tax code or bank, depending on the transaction and line type.
General Ledger Account Currency   Currency recorded on the related GLA.
General Ledger Account Value   Total value of the line, in GLA currency. Calculated from the home value.
Local GLA The related local GLA, if this transaction is to be posted in both a corporate GLA and a related local GLA to enable reporting to more than one statutory body.
Local GLA Currency Currency recorded on the related local GLA, if this transaction is to be posted in both a corporate GLA and a related local GLA to enable reporting to more than one statutory body.
Local GLA Value Total value of the line in the local GLA currency, if this transaction is to be posted in both a corporate GLA and a related local GLA to enable reporting to more than one statutory body.

Account Information

Field Description
Account Account specified on the originating document.
Account Currency   Currency recorded on the related Account.
Account Outstanding Value Amount yet to be paid on this line, in account currency.
Account Trading Currency Mismatch True if there is a mismatch between the account currency on this line and the account trading currency on the related account. This enables the Payments process to skip those transaction lines that have discrepancies to avoid errors.
Account Value   Total value of the line, in account currency.
Discount Value 1–4 The document currency values of potential settlement discounts calculated using the relevant credit terms and the document date when it was posted.

Bank Information

Field Description
Bank Account   The bank account recorded on the related cash entry or journal. If a bank account assigned, but all three bank reconciliation fields are null, the line is available for future bank reconciliations.
Bank Account Currency   Currency recorded on the related bank account.
Bank Account Value   Total value of the line, in bank account currency.
Bank Reconciliation Reference to the related bank reconciliation record.
Bank Reconciliation Status Status of the related bank reconciliation record. Can be blank, "In Progress", "Reconciled" or "Canceled".
Statement Date Date of the related bank statement, or the date canceled if relevant.

Dimension 1-4 Information

Field Description
Dimension 1–4 Currency Currency recorded on the related analysis dimension, if any.
Dimension 1–4 Value Total value of the line, in dimension currency.
Dimension 1–4 Any analysis dimensionsClosedCustom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. specified on the originating document.

Matching Information

Field Description
Matching Status Matching status of the line. Either "Available", "Proposed", "Proposed Void" or "Matched" for account lines, and "Not matchable" for analysis and tax lines. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values.

Transaction Reconciliation

Field Description
Transaction Reconciliation Lookup to the Transaction Reconciliation ID.
Transaction Reconciliation Date Lookup to the date that the transaction was reconciled.
Transaction Reconciliation Status Either "Proposed" or "Reconciled".

As of Aging Information

The fields in this section show values determined by the most recent As of Aging process run for the company to which the transaction line item belongs.

Field Description
As of Age The number of days that the transaction line item is overdue.
As of Age Band The age band that the transaction line item falls into.
As of Date The date against which the transaction line item has been aged.
As of Dual Value Displays the outstanding value, in the company's dual currency, of the transaction line item at the As of Date.
As of Home Value Displays the outstanding value, in the company's home currency, of the transaction line item at the As of Date.
As of Name The As of Aging process reference, in the format AOA0000000.

Cash Flow Overrides and Analysis

These are the override values used to adjust and group data on a statement of cash flows report. See Setting up a Statement of Cash Flows for examples of how to use these fields.

Key: Z – Must be false, "None" (or blank) if the Cash Flow category is "Not Cash Flow Adjustable", "None" (or blank).

Reclassify Profits Z Indicates that you want to adjust the section in which this transaction line will appear.
Cash Flow Category   Heading under which this transaction line will appear on the cash flow report. Example cash flow categories are Investing Activities or Financing Activities. You can edit these picklist values, except Not Cash Flow Adjustable. Do not edit the Not Cash Flow Adjustable picklist value.
Cash Flow Line Summary Z Text used to group transaction lines on the statement of cash flows report. This is useful when the value that you want to group by doesn't already exist in your chart of accounts. You can edit these picklist values.

Any edits you make to these fields are recorded in the Transaction Line History related list on the detail page.

The following are formula fields that contain the final cash flow values that will be sent to the reporting balances. You can use these to create a Salesforce report that shows details of the transaction line items that make up each cash flow reporting balance. This Salesforce report would support, and be in addition to, the Statement of Cash Flows report available within FinancialForce Reporting. There is a sample Salesforce report in the Expansion Pack.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts

Field   Description
Report Reclassify Profits R The cash flow values sent to the corresponding reporting balances.
Report Cash Flow Category R
Report Cash Flow Line Summary R