
Here is a description of the field sets on the Billing Contract and Billing Contract Line Item objects. Billing Central checks whether you have been granted access to fields in the Billing Central field sets. Fields that you do not have access to are hidden. For more information, see Field-Level Security.


Billing Central uses the Enhanced Contract Additional Fields field sets on Billing Contract and Billing Contract Line Item to determine which extra fields to include on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page. Billing Central's own fields that are already displayed as part of the enhanced detail page are not repeated if they are also included in these field sets.



Default Fields


Where is it Used?

Active Contract Locked Fields

Depending on the Billing Central Settings custom setting, defines the fields that are read-only when the contract is active. For information about using a different field set, see Active Contract Locked Field Set.

Note: Note Notepad
If the Start Date, End Date or First Bill date fields are not included in this field set but are included in the Active Contract Line Locked Fields field set, errors may occur when you save changes to those fields on an active contract.
Warning: Warning Warning triangle
Only the default fields listed opposite and these fields on the Billing Contract object are supported in this field set:
  • Approval Status
  • Major Version
  • Proration Policy
  • Total Contract Value
Errors may occur when contracts are saved if other fields are added to this field set.
  • Account
  • Company
  • Contract Name
  • Description
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • First Bill Date
  • Renewal Reminder
Billing Contract Contracts with the "Active" status.
Active Contract Line Locked Fields

Depending on the Billing Central Settings custom setting, defines the fields that are read-only when the related contract is active. For information about using a different field set, Active Contract Line Locked Field Set.

Note: Note Notepad
If the Start Date, End Date or First Bill date fields are included in this field set but not the Active Contract Locked Fields field set, errors may occur when you save changes to those fields on an active contract.
Warning: Warning Warning triangle
Only the default fields listed opposite on the Billing Contract Line Item object are supported in this field set. Errors may occur when contracts are saved if other fields are added to this field set.
  • Billing Term
  • Billing Type
  • First Bill Date
  • Bill in Arrears
  • Pricing Structure
  • Product or Service
  • Quantity
  • Revenue Category
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Unit Price
  • Unit of Measure
Billing Contract Line Item Contracts with the "Active" status.
Enhanced Contract Additional Fields

Defines the additional contract fields to be displayed on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page. You can use this field set to add these types of field:

  • Checkbox
  • Currency
  • Date and Date / Time
  • Email
  • Lookup Relationship
  • Master-Detail Relationship
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Phone
  • Picklist
  • Text
  • URL

Additionally, you can also add related object fields, formula fields and roll-up summary fields of a type listed here. For information about using a different field set, see Enhanced Contract Field Set.

Notes: Notes Notepad
Adding custom fields that require a unique value is not supported.

Dependent picklists are not fully supported. Updates to controlling fields might not be validated.

  Billing Contract Enhanced Billing Contract Detail page
Enhanced Contract Additional Fields

Defines the additional contract line item fields to be displayed on the enhanced Billing Contract Detail page. You can use this field set to add these types of field:

  • Checkbox
  • Currency
  • Date and Date / Time
  • Email
  • Lookup Relationship
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Phone
  • Picklist
  • Text
  • URL

Additionally, you can also add related object fields, formula fields and roll-up summary fields of a type listed here. For information about using a different field set, see Enhanced Contract Line Field Set.

Notes: Notes Notepad
Adding custom fields that require a unique value is not supported.

Dependent picklists are not fully supported. Updates to controlling fields might not be validated.

  Billing Contract Line Item Enhanced Billing Contract Detail page
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