Creating a Billing Document Filter for Consolidation

You can create a record filter that retrieves a list of billing documents that match a specified set of criteria. You can then consolidate the retrieved documents.

Note: For a record filter to be used in a consolidation process it must retrieve billing documents with the status "Draft".

For example, to create a filter for draft billing documents that belong to an account named Big Deal LLC:

  1. Open the Record Filters tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a description for the filter.
  4. For Object API Name, enter fferpcore__BillingDocument__c.
  5. Click Save. The newly created filter's details display.
  6. In the Record Filter Criteria section, click New.
  7. For the Field API Name field, enter fferpcore__DocumentStatus__c. If you're not sure how to find the API name of a field, see How to Find a Field's API Name.
  8. For the Value field, enter Draft. This ensures that only draft billing documents are retrieved by the filter.
  9. Click Save.
  10. In the Record Filter Criteria section, click New.
  11. For the Field API Name field, enter fferpcore__Account__r.Name. This allows you to filter documents by the name of the related account. If you want to filter by a related object's field, you change the lookup field to the related object to a relationship by changing the c at the end of the API name to an r. For example, enter fferpcore__Account__r.Name instead of fferpcore__Account__c.Name.
  12. For the Value field, enter Big Deal LLC. Only documents with the specified account name are included by the filter. Note that the Value field is not case-sensitive. If you want to filter by a checkbox field, you must enter "true" or "false".

Once you've defined the filter and its criteria, you can use the filter in the consolidation process.

How to Find a Field's API Name

  1. Open Setup.
  2. Click Object Manager.
  3. Click Billing Document.
  4. Click Fields & Relationships. The billing document fields display. The Field Name column displays the API name of each field.