Undoing Consolidations

You can revert a consolidated billing document and reinstate the original billing documents.

Note: You can only undo the consolidation of a consolidated billing document if it has the status "Draft", it has billing document lines, and all its lines have the Original Billing Document field populated.

To revert consolidated documents to their original billing documents:

  1. Click the Billing Documents tab.
  2. Select the consolidated billing documents that you want to undo.
  3. Click Undo Consolidation. The Undo Consolidation of Billing Documents page displays.
  4. Click Undo Consolidation to confirm the action.

The undo consolidation runs as a background process. Depending on the way in which your Salesforce org is configured, you might receive a notification or an email when the background job is complete. For details on how to monitor the process, see Monitoring the Progress of a Background Process.

Once the process finishes, the consolidated documents are deleted, the billing document lines are returned to their original documents, and the status of the original documents is set to "Draft".