Plan Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Plan object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only in all contexts.

The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field Name




Annual Value     Value of the plan over 365 days.

Available From


First date on which the plan is available to customers. When creating a new plan, default value is today.

Available To


Date on which the plan expires and is no longer available to customers.



  Company to which this plan relates.




Indicates whether the plan runs continuously without an expiry date.




Currency of the plan. If the plan contains plan line items and you change the currency using the enhanced Plan Detail page, that change is applied to the plan line items, but the prices are not updated to reflect the change.

If you select a price book using the enhanced Plan Detail page, the prices in that price book for the selected currency are listed when you choose a product to add to the plan.


This field is only displayed if multiple currencies are enabled in your Salesforce OrgClosedSalesforce organization.

If the plan contains line items you cannot change the currency using the Salesforce Plan Detail page.



Description of the plan.

Number of Terms


Number of Terms to be applied to the plan. If the Term is Continuous, this field is cleared. The number of terms determines the length of a contract when you create a contract from a plan.

Plan Name

    Name of the plan to be displayed on invoices.

To avoid confusion when creating contracts, enter a meaningful name for each plan.

One-off Value     Total value of the plan line items with the Billing Type "One-off".
Term     Determines the length of a contract when you create a contract from a plan. The Term and Number of Terms determine the frequency at which the plan is to be billed. The Term is a lookup to the soft dates available in your Salesforce OrgClosedSalesforce organization. The Terms listed depend on the soft dates in your Salesforce Org. See Soft Dates.
Term Value     Total value of one Term. This includes plan line items where the Billing Type is not specified or a recurring Billing Type is specified.
Total Value     Total value of all Terms if the plan is not continuous. This is calculated by multiplying the Term Value by the Number of Terms then adding the Plan One-off Value.



Status of the plan. The status can be:

  • Active – You can edit the plan, but not delete it. You cannot change the status of an active plan to "Draft".
  • Draft – You can edit, delete and add lines to the plan. You can also edit and delete the plan.
  • Expired – The end date of the plan has been reached and it is no longer available to customers. You cannot change the status of an expired plan.

Products and Services Applied to the Plan

Products and services are applied to plans as plan line items. Here is a description of the fields on a plan line item.

Field Name


Billing Type



The way in which a bill is to be generated. You can choose from:
  • Recurring Fixed – a fixed fee is billed at a regular interval.
  • Recurring Variable – a fee is billed at a regular interval based on the quantity and usage data associated with the contract line item.
  • One-off – a fee is billed once.

The default value is None.




Description of the plan line item.

Product or Service


Lookup to the product or service to which this plan line item relates.




Number of items included in this plan line item to six decimal places.

Sales Price


Total price for the plan line item to two decimal places. The Sales Price is calculated using the formula: Quantity x Unit Price.

Unit of Measure


Lookup to the unit of measure used for reporting.

Unit Price


Price of one item to nine decimal places. This is used to calculate the Sales Price.

Recurring     Indicates whether the line is to be applied to every term of the plan.

Quick Actions

Key: L - Only available on the Lightning version of the page.

Quick Action


Add Plan


Adds a Plan to the Opportunity.
Convert to Contract L Convert this Plan to a Contract.
Activate L Activates the Contract.


Key: E – Only available on the enhanced Plan Detail page; P – Only available on the Salesforce Plan Detail page.

When the  icon is shown, click it to access buttons that cannot fit in the current window size.


Custom JavaScript buttons and Quick Action buttons are not supported on the enhanced Plan Detail page.

Button Name



Back to List


Returns to the plans list.



Cancels the action.

Create Contract / Convert to Contract


Displays the Convert Plan to Contract page where you can create a contract from the plan.

Delete     Enables you to delete plans that are not "Active". This deletes a single plan or the selected plans depending on whether you are viewing the list of plans or the plan detail page.



Enables the fields for editing on the current plan.

Edit with Enhanced Page P   Displays the enhanced Plan Detail page in edit mode.



Saves the plan and returns to the Plan Detail page.

Settings Icon Tips: Show / Hide


Enables you to show or hide the field tips on the Edit Plan page.

Settings Icon Switch to Salesforce Detail page E   Enables you to display the plan using the Salesforce Detail page. To switch back to the enhanced page, click Edit with Enhanced Page or View on Enhanced Page.
View on Enhanced Page P   Displays the enhanced Plan Detail page in view mode.
Maximize Icon Restore Icon E   Maximizes or Restores the page in your browser window.
Help Icon     Opens the related help topic.
Delete Icon E   Removes the plan line item from the plan.
Expand Details Pane Icon Collapse Details Pane Icon E   Expands or Collapses the Plan Details panel.
Expand button that expands the Totals banner on the Products page. Collapse button that collapses the Totals banner on the Products page. E   Expands or collapses the Totals banner in the Product panel.
Information icon indicating that there is no description for the liine. This is used to edit and view the description. Description E  

Indicates that the plan line item does not have a description. Hover over the icon to see a prompt to add a description.

  • In Edit mode, click the icon to open the field to add a description or select text to copy.
  • In View mode, this icon does not appear.
Information icon used to edit and view the description. Description E  

Indicates that the plan line item has a description. Hover over the icon to see the current description.

  • In Edit mode, click the icon to open the field to edit the description or select text to copy.
  • In View mode, click the icon to open the field to select text to copy.
Add Product drop-down list on the Plans tab.

Screenshot showing Add Product drop-down with Price Book drop-down


Enables you to choose products to add to the plan and enter a product name to filter the list of products. The Add Product drop-down list might be filtered at org-level if a custom filter has been applied as described in Filtering the Product List in the Enhanced Detail Pages.

The Price Book drop-down list is shown if one or more price books are active on your Salesforce orgClosedSalesforce organization. If a price book is selected, a price is shown for each product in the drop-down list if there is one for the selected price book.

Note: Note Notepad
If you select a different price book, this has no effect on plan line items that already exist on the plan.

If a product shows –, this indicates that the price book does not contain a price for the product in the selected currency.

Long product names are truncated. To view the full product name, hover over that product in the list.