Setting up Integration Between HCM Worker and PSA Resource Records

You can set up PSA to automatically create PSA resources when a worker assignment record is created in HCM using the data mappings or transformation rules provided. For each publication that is to send information that can be received by subscribing applications, you must add the nodes that you want to include. You can add these types of node to your publications:

Warning: Warning Warning triangle
There is no restriction that prevents you from editing fields that originated from HCM. To restrict the fields that you can edit, set up object and field-level security appropriately on your orgClosedSalesforce organization.

Adding Nodes

Transforming Data

You can create data transformation tables that enable you to update target records in the subscribing application with different information depending on the information sent from the publishing application.

For example, you can create a data transformation table that you can converts types of worker from HCM to a boolean value, which is then used to determine whether that resource is an external resource in PSA.

You can also use data transformation tables to map names to record IDs.

The default data transformation tables are:

Create HCM Worker Filters

HCM publishes worker messages with work assignments to Foundations. You can create filters that define which HCM Worker records are imported into PSA.


This step is optional, but recommended.

To create a worker filter for resources:

  1. If an appropriate key value or node does not exist in the Description related list of the Publication Detail page, add one. See Adding Nodes.
  2. Make a note of the key value of the node from the previous step.
  3. Depending on whether your resources are based on the contact or account object, enter the key values of the nodes on which you want to filter in the Worker Filter Field Key or Worker Account Filter Field Key custom field of the Foundations PSA Messaging Settings custom setting.
  4. Depending on whether your resources are based on the contact or account object, enter a semicolon delimited list of values on which you want to filter in the Worker Filter Values or Worker Account Filter Values custom field of the Foundations PSA Messaging Settings custom setting.
  5. Click Save.

For more information, see Foundations PSA Messaging Settings.

Configuring the HCM Sending Method

You can control the number of messages that HCM sends using the Deliver Now method. For more information, see FDN HCM Messaging Settings.

Recommended Additional Mappings

We recommend adding or creating the following mappings to set critical fields on the Contact object in PSA, and the Account object if Person Accounts are used.

Account ID


If your organization uses Person Accounts, you do not need to map the Account ID.

If you require all resources to have the same account ID:

  1. In the publication, add a node with type Static and the value of the account ID to use.
  2. In the subscription, map the node to the account ID on the Contact.

If you require resources to have different account IDs:

Create a new data transformation table that determines the account ID to be assigned to each resource. See Transforming Data.

Work Calendar ID

If you require all resources to have the same work calendar ID:

  1. In the publication, add a node with type Static and the value of the work calendar ID to use.
  2. In the subscription, map the node to the work calendar ID on the Contact.

If you require resources to have different work calendar IDs:

Create a new data transformation table that determines which work calendar ID gets assigned to the appropriate resource. See Transforming Data.

If you accidentally delete one of the default mappings, you can restore the missing mappings for the publication or subscription. You cannot add these mappings using the Foundations Setup page.
To restore missing mappings:
  1. Navigate to the PSA Administration tab.
  2. Click the Foundations Administration link.
  3. In the relevant Publications or Subscriptions section of the Foundations Administration page, click Load All.

Additional Mappings for Checkbox Fields on Contact Object

Create mappings for these fields on the Contact object.

Is Resource checkbox:

  1. In the publication, add a node with type Static and a value of "true".
  2. In the subscription, map the node to the Is Resource field on the Contact object.

Is Resource Active checkbox:

Mapping the "Is Resource Active" field varies depending on your organization. Here are some examples:

External Resource checkbox:

  1. In the publication, verify the workerType field is present. If it is not present, add it.
  2. In the subscription, transform the workerType text field by creating a Data Transformation. Map the type (for example "Contractor") to "true".
  3. In the subscription, add the mapping. The Target is "External Resource". The Message Key is "workerType", and the Transformation is the name of your Data Transformation.