Creating an Automated Elimination
To create an Automated Elimination:
- Click the Automated Eliminations tab.
- Click New on the Automated Eliminations home page or click New Automated Eliminations from the list view.
- In the Automated Elimination Name field, enter the name you want to use for the Automated Elimination.
- [Optional] Enter a description for the Automated Elimination.
- Select the Destination Company to be used. Only elimination companies are available.
- Select the Destination GLA to be used.
- [Optional] Select up to four Destination Dimensions.
- Click Save.
To add Source Companies to an Automated Elimination:
- From the Automated Elimination details page, click Edit on the Selected Companies related list
- Select the Source Elimination Company or Companies. Only Companies that are not marked as Elimination Companies are available.
To add filters to an Automated Elimination:
- Click New on the Automated Elimination Filters Related List.
- Select the GLA or Dimension value to use as the filter criteria.
- Select a value in the relevant filter field. You must select a record that matches the filter criteria. For example, if you have selected DIM 1 as the Filter Criteria, then you must select a value in the Dimension 1 filter field.
- Click Save to save the filter. You can also click Save & New to save the filter and begin to create another.