Supply Chain Management Core Fields
The Supply Chain Management Core dataset includes calculated and non-calculated fields from the following objects in SCM: ICP, Warehouse, Inventory Location, Inventory Position, Inventory Transfer Perpetual Record, Item Master, Sales Order, Sales Order Line Item, Purchase Order, Purchase Order Line Item, Requisition, Requisition Line Item, and Backorder. For more information, see the following in the SCM Help:
- Backorder Fields
- Inventory Network Fields
- Inventory Position Fields
- Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record Fields
- Item Master Fields
- Purchase Order Fields
- Requisition Fields
- Sales Order Fields
- Warehouse Fields
Here is a description of the included fields.
Key: C – Calculated field, H - Hidden field
Field Label |
Field API Name |
Description |
Currency Master Corporate Currency | IsCorporateCurrency | Indicates whether the currency in a currency master record is the corporate currency. | |
Currency Master Name | CurrencyMasterName | The ISO code of the currency in a currency master record. | |
Fixed Order Quantity | ValueFixedOrderQuantity | Fixed order quantity for a requisition that is generated as a result of Reorder Point Control or Safety Stock Control. | |
ICP Name | ICPName | The inventory control point name. | |
Inventory Position Quantity | ValueInventoryPositionQuantity | The quantity stored in the inventory position. | |
Item Name | ItemName | The item name. | |
Minimum Order Quantity | ValueMinimumOrderQuantity | The minimum quantity of the supply requisition when the Reorder Point Level is reached. | |
Product Group Name | ProductGroupName | The product group name. | |
Purchase Order Buyer User Name | PurchaseOrderBuyerUserName | The buyer user name of the purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Date | PurchaseOrderDate | The date the purchase order version was created. | |
Purchase Order Date Month | PurchaseOrderDateMonth | The month of the purchase order date. | |
Purchase Order Date Month Number | PurchaseOrderDateMonthNumber | The month number of the purchase order date. | |
Purchase Order Date Year | PurchaseOrderDateYear | The year of the purchase order date. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Amount Vouchered | ValuePurchaseOrderLineAmountVouchered | The vouchered amount of the purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Line Type | PurchaseOrderLineLineType | The line type of the purchase order line item. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Quantity | ValuePurchaseOrderLineQuantity | The number of units in the purchase order line item. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Quantity Received | ValuePurchaseOrderLineQuantityReceived | The received quantity of the purchase order line item. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Quantity Vouchered | ValuePurchaseOrderLineQuantityVouchered | The vouchered quantity of the purchase order line item. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Status | PurchaseOrderLineStatus | The status of the purchase order line item. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Total Cost | ValuePurchaseOrderLineTotalCost | The total cost of the purchase order line item. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Unit Cost With Options | ValuePurchaseOrderLineUnitCostWithOptions | The unit cost with option of the purchase order line item. | |
Purchase Order Line Item Unvouchered Amount | ValuePurchaseOrderLineUnvoucheredAmount | C | The value of all unvouchered goods and services in the purchase order line. |
Purchase Order Line Requested Delivery Date | PurchaseOrderLineRequestedDeliveryDate | The requested delivery date of the purchase order line. | |
Purchase Order Name | PurchaseOrderName | The name of the purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Procured For Name | PurchaseOrderProcuredForName | The name of the customer for which the goods and services on the purchase order are being procured. | |
Purchase Order Received Unvouchered Amount | ValueReceivedUnvoucheredAmount | C | The value of all received unvouchered goods and services in purchase orders. |
Purchase Order Record Type Name | PurchaseOrderRecordTypeName | H | The name of the purchase order record type. |
Purchase Order Recurring PO | PurchaseOrderRecurringPO | Indicates whether the purchase order is a recurring purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Status | PurchaseOrderStatus | The status of the purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Supplier Site Name | PurchaseOrderSupplierSiteName | The name of the supplier for the purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Total Amount Vouchered | ValuePurchaseOrderTotalAmountVouchered | The total vouchered amount of the purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Total Quantity Vouchered | ValuePurchaseOrderTotalQuantityVouchered | The total vouchered quantity of the purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Total Value of PO | ValuePurchaseOrderTotalValueOfPO | The total value of the purchase order. | |
Purchase Order Unreceived Unvouchered Amount | ValueUnreceivedUnvoucheredAmount | C | The value of all unreceived unvouchered goods and services in purchase orders. |
Purchase Orders | ValuePurchaseOrderReceivedAndUnreceived | C | The number of purchase orders containing unvouchered goods and services, either received or unreceived. |
Reorder Point Level Value | ValueReorderPointLevel | The level that the inventory must reach before a supply requisition is created. | |
Requisition Line Item Quantity | ValueRequisitionLineQuantity | The number of units in the requisition line item. | |
Safety Stock Level Value | ValueSafetyStockLevel | The minimum level of stock to be kept when Safety Stock Control is selected on the reorder criteria record for an item master. | |
Sales Order Account Name | SalesOrderAccountName | The name of the customer account that the items in the sales order are sold to. | |
Sales Order Approval Date | SalesOrderApprovalDate | The date on which the sales order was approved. | |
Sales Order Billed Status | SalesOrderBilledStatus | The current billing status of the sales order. | |
Sales Order Currency ISO Code | SalesOrderCurrencyIsoCode | The currency ISO code of the sales order. | |
Sales Order Date | SalesOrderDate | The date on which the sales order was created. | |
Sales Order Engagement ID | SalesOrderEngagementId | The ID of the engagement![]() |
Sales Order Engagement Name | SalesOrderEngagementName | The description of the engagement to which the sales order belongs. | |
Sales Order ID | SalesOrderId | The ID of the sales order. | |
Sales Order Line Item Billed Amount | ValueSalesOrderLineBilledAmount | C | Total billed amount for the sales order line item. Calculated as Quantity Billed multiplied by Price. |
Sales Order Line Item Commitment Date | SalesOrderLineCustomerCommitmentDate | The date on which the sales order line item is scheduled for delivery to the customer. | |
Sales Order Line Item Current Promise | SalesOrderLineCurrentPromiseDate | The date on which the sales order line item is scheduled for delivery to the customer. | |
Sales Order Line Item Extended Item Cost | ValueSalesOrderLineExtItemCost | The extended cost of the item included in the sales order line item. Calculated as Cost With Options multiplied by Quantity. | |
Sales Order Line Item Extended Price | ValueSalesOrderLineExtPrice | The extended price of the item included in the sales order line item. Calculated as Price With Options multiplied by Quantity. | |
Sales Order Line Item Open Value | ValueSalesOrderLineOpenValue | The sum of the amounts of the units that are pending to be shipped for this sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Price | ValueSalesOrderLinePrice | The selling price for a single unit of the item specified on the sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Quantity | ValueSalesOrderLineQuantity | The number of units in the sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Quantity Allocated | ValueSalesOrderLineQuantityAllocated | The number of parts allocated to the sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Quantity Backordered | ValueSalesOrderLineQuantityBackordered | The number of parts in the sales order line item that are backordered. | |
Sales Order Line Item Quantity Billed | ValueSalesOrderLineQuantityBilled | The number of units that have already been billed for this sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Quantity Shipped | ValueSalesOrderLineQuantityShipped | The number of units that have already been shipped for this sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Record Type | SalesOrderLineRecordType | The record type of the sales order line item, for example, "Drop Ship" or "Item". | |
Sales Order Line Item Remaining Quantity to Bill | ValueSalesOrderLineRemainingQuantityToBill | The number of units that have not been billed for this sales order line item yet. | |
Sales Order Line Item Unit Cost | ValueSalesOrderLineUnitCost | The unit cost with options of the purchase order line item related to the sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Quantity Backordered | ValueSalesOrderLineQuantityBackordered | The number of units that are backordered for this sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Quantity Packed | ValueSalesOrderLineQuantityPacked | The quantity of serial numbers that have been packed per item with inbound/outbound serial number control in this sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Line Item Status | SalesOrderLineStatus | The current status of the sales order line item. | |
Sales Order Name | SalesOrderName | The descriptive name of the sales order. | |
Sales Order Number | SalesOrderNumber | The reference number of the sales order. | |
Sales Order Shipment Status | SalesOrderShipmentStatus | The current shipment status of the sales order. | |
Sales Order Status | SalesOrderStatus | The current status of the sales order. | |
Sales Order Total Value | ValueSalesOrderTotalValue | Total value of the sales order. Sum of the extended prices of all the sales order lines included in the sales order, excluding canceled lines. | |
Value of Items in Purchase Order Lines | ValuePurchaseOrderLineReceivedAndUnreceived | C H | The value of all goods and services in received and unreceived purchase order lines. |
Warehouse Name | WarehouseName | The name of the warehouse. |