Creating Billing Jobs
You can create a billing job to run at a particular interval. When the job runs, it creates billing documents for billing schedules that have not been billed where the billing date is on or before the date the job runs.
A billing document's document date will be set to the date the job runs, and its due date will be calculated from credit terms on the account, or credit terms on the company if none exist on account. If no credit terms are found on either the account or company, the due date is set to the document date.
If the relevant automation options are configured in your org, tax will be calculated on the billing documents and they will be automatically completed. For more information, see Setting up the Automation of Billing Central Processes.
To create a billing job:
- Click the Billing Jobs tab. Using Lightning, you can also navigate to Billing Central Task Launcher and click Schedule Billing Jobs.
- Select the frequency on which the scheduler is to run. The options are:
- Hourly.
- Daily.
- Weekly: Select the days of the week on which you want the billing job to run.
- Monthly: Select a specific day of the month (1-31), the last day of the month, or a regular day of the month such as the first Tuesday. In Lightning there is also an option to select a specific number of days before month end.
- Enter the start date for the billing job.
- Enter the end date of the billing job or the number of occurrences after which the scheduler stops running. In Lightning, choose "Does not End" if you do not want the billing job to end.
- Enter the preferred start time. The exact start time of the job will depend on queue activity.
- Click Schedule Job, or Schedule if you are setting up the billing job via the Billing Central Task Launcher.
Depending on your permissions, you can monitor progress of the job by going to Setup | Monitoring | Scheduled Jobs. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.