Creating Billing Documents
To create a billing document:
- Click New or New Billing Document on the Billing Documents tab.
- Select the type of document you are creating.
- Select the account to which this document relates.
- [Optional] Edit the default billing and shipping address copied from the account.
- [Optional] Edit the default header and footer text that is to appear on the document. For more information, see Adding Information to Billing Documents.
- Enter the date on which the document was created in the Document Date field.
- [Optional] Enter the date on which payment is expected in the Document Due Date field.
- If you don't enter a due date on an invoice, it is calculated from credit terms when you click Save. Credit terms held on account take precedence over credit terms held on company. If none exist on either account or company the due date is set to the document date.
- If you don't enter a due date on a credit note, it is set to the document date.
- Enter the date on which the document was issued.
- Enter the currency of the document.
- Select the company to which this document relates.
- [Optional] Enter an external customer reference number.
- Enter a description for the document.
- Complete any other required fields. See Billing Document Fields for information about specific fields.
- [Optional] If you are using the integration between Billing Central and FinancialForce Accounting:
- When the Period Override field is available, you can override the period that the billing document is posted to. Do this by entering the name of the preferred FinancialForce Accounting period. If you leave the Period Override field blank, the period is derived from the billing document's document date.
- When the Document Rate field is available, you can override the exchange rate used to convert the document's value from document currency
The currency in which values are entered on a document. to home currency. If you leave this field blank, the exchange rate stored in FinancialForce Accounting is used.
- When the Dual Rate field is available, you can override the exchange rate used to convert the document's value from home currency to dual currency
A corporate currency used for reporting purposes.. If you leave this field blank, the exchange rate stored in FinancialForce Accounting is used.
- Click Save.
Before you can mark a billing document as complete, it must contain one or more billing document line items.
The following steps explain how to add billing document line items using the BC Billing Document Line Items Lightning component. Additional information about using this component, including how to customize the fields displayed, is provided in Lightning Component Related Lists.
- Click Add in the Billing Document Line Items related list on the Billing Document Detail page.
- Select the price book that you want to obtain the default unit price from. The available products in that price book are listed.
- [Optional] Enter the name of the product or service you want to search for, then press Enter. Results that match your search term are listed.
- Select the products you want to add to the billing document.
- When you have selected all the products you want to add to the billing document, click Next to display the Edit Selected Products page.
- Complete the fields on the Edit Selected Products page for each billing document line item. If the page lists the default fields:
- [Optional] Amend the start and end date of the billing period.
- [Optional] Amend the unit price and quantity.
- [Optional] Select a unit of measure or create a new one by using the +New Unit of Measure option. The unit of measure is used for reporting purposes.
- Click Save.
- If necessary, edit each new document line item to complete the following information:
- [Optional] Enter a description for the document line item.
- [Optional] If you are using the integration between Billing Central and FinancialForceAccounting, and the Product GLA Override field is available, you can override the general ledger account that the line is posted to in FinancialForceAccounting. If you leave this field blank, the sales revenue account on the product is used.
- [Optional] If you want to specify a different shipping address manually, enter the shipping address fields and select Enter Shipping Address Manually. If you select a shipping account and deselect Enter Shipping Address Manually, the address is populated when you save the record. For more information, see Specifying Addresses on Billing Document Line Items.
- Save each line item after editing.

- Click New Billing Document Line Item in the Billing Document Line Items related list.
- Enter the product or service to which this billing document line item relates, then complete the other document line item fields as required. See Billing Document Fields for information about specific fields.
- Click Save.
Repeat these steps to add more document line items as required.

- Click New or New Billing Document on the Billing Documents tab
- Select the type of document you are creating.
- Enter a name for the contract and the account to which the contract belongs, then complete the other contract fields as required. See Billing Document Fields for information about specific fields.
- Add lines for each product to be included on the billing document.
- Click Create to create the billing document with the document line items that you have added.