Posting Billing Documents to Accounting

If the Billing Central to FinancialForce Accounting integration is set up on your organization, billing documents are automatically sent to FinancialForce Accounting as transactions when:

You can check the posting status of a billing document on its Detail page. If a billing document fails to post successfully to FinancialForce Accounting transactions, you can retry the action.

To retry posting from the Detail page of a single billing document:

  1. Click Retry Post.
  2. To confirm the action, click Post.

To retry posting for several billing documents from the Billing Document list view:

  1. Select the billing documents for which you want to retry posting.
  2. Click Retry Post.
  3. To confirm the action, click Post.

The Posting Status fields and Retry Post button are not shown on the Billing Document Detail page by default. If you can't see them, your administrator can add them for you.

To complete a billing document, click Complete on the Billing Document Detail page of the billing document that you want to complete. See Completing Billing Documents.

To convert billing documents to credit notes, click Convert to Credit Note on the Billing Document Detail page or Billing Document list view. See Converting Billing Documents to Credit Notes. If the Convert to Credit Note Allows Review field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting is enabled, credit notes are created with the status "Ready for Review" rather than "Complete".