Generating Resource Requests from Project Tasks


Using the Lightning Create Resource Requests from Project Tasks window, you can generate unheld resource requests from project task assignments (PTAs).

PTAs that contain roles are grouped into one resource request for the role. PTAs without roles are not displayed.

Tip: Your administrator can use the Task-Based Resourcing custom setting to configure fields to be used for grouping and to define the columns that are displayed.

To create a resource request from a project task assignment:

  1. On a project record, click Actions | Task-Based Resourcing | Create Resource Requests from Project Tasks. The Create Resource Requests from Project Tasks window opens, which lists the roles and suggested resources in the project that you can generate resource requests for. All possible resource requests are selected by default.

    External resources are shown in the Notes column.

  2. [Optional] Deselect any project task assignments that you do not want to generate resource requests for.
  3. [Optional] Edit the field values, as needed. For picklists, start typing to generate a list of options, and then select the option.
  4. [Optional] Click Grouping Criteria to define the fields that you want the resource requests to be grouped by. All of the fields are selected by default, but you can deselect fields that you don't need, and then click Update Preview.

    After you have created resource requests, your grouping selection is retained whenever you use the same browser on the same computer for this procedure.

    If you are using the default Resource Role, Resource and Milestone fields to group resource requests, the corresponding Resource Role, Suggested Resource or Milestone columns are shown in read-only columns in the table. If you remove fields from the list, the corresponding columns are removed from the table.

    Contact your administrator if you need to change the grouping criteria.

  5. Click Create.