Mass Link Project Task Assignment Fields in Lightning

Here is a description of the fields for mass linking project task assignments with a resource request or an assignment or both. See also, Mass Linking Project Task Assignments.

Filter Project Task Assignments for Mass Linking Fields

Key: * – Mandatory field.

Field   Description
Resource   Enables you to filter project task assignments by resource.
Start Date   Enables you to filter project task assignments by parent project task assignment start date.
Role   Enables you to filter project task assignments by resource role.
Include Linked PTAs   Includes the project task assignments already linked to an assignment or resource request combined with other filter results returned.
End Date   Enables you to filter project task assignments by parent project task assignment end date.

Assignment and Resource Request Selection Panel

Field Description
Resource Request to Link A list of the resource requests available to link project task assignments to.
Assignment to Link A list of the assignments available to link project task assignments to.


Button Description
Apply Filters project task assignments by your selected filter criteria.
Clear Clears your selected filter criteria and displays all project task assignments on the project.
Link Project Task Assignments Links the selected project task assignments to your selected resource request or assignment.

Read-only Fields

Field Description
Resource Name of the suggested resource when the details are populated based on the resource request or assigned resource when the details are populated based on the assignment.
Role Role of the resource associated with the selected resource request or assignment.
Start Date Start date associated with the selected resource request or assignment.
End Date End date associated with the selected resource request or assignment.