Mass Linking Project Task Assignments
PSA enables you to link multiple project task assignments Associates a resource or a role with a project task for a defined time period. Use Gantt or Project Task Gantt to assign resources or roles to project tasks., to a resource request or an assignment, or both.
To link project task assignments:
- On a project record, click Actions | Task-Based Resourcing | Mass Link Project Task Assignments.
- From the lookups, select the resource request or assignment, or both that you want to link the assignments to.
- The Resource, Role, Start Date and End Date are read only fields, automatically populated with the details of the resource request or the assignment selected from the lookups.
- [Optional] Select filter criteria to determine the project task assignments shown. Click Apply. The project task assignments that meet your criteria are displayed. See Mass Link Project Task Assignment Fields in Lightning for more information.
- Select the project task assignments you want to link.
- Click Link Project Task Assignments.

- On the Project Tasks related list, click Mass Link Project Task Assignments. The Mass Link Project Task Assignments with a Resource Request and an Assignment page opens.
- Select the project that contains the project task assignments you want to link.
- Optionally, select filter criteria to determine the project task assignments shown. See Filter Project Task Assignments for Mass Linking Fields for more information.
- Click Filter. The project task assignments that meet your criteria are displayed.
- Select the project task assignments you want to link.
- In the Assignment and Resource Request Selection Panel, from the lookups select the Resource Request or the Assignment or both you want to link the assignments to.
- Click Link. PSA links the project tasks assignments to the selected resource request, assignment or both.