Action View Template Fields
The following buttons are available on the action view template Specifies the dataview that you are inquiring on. home page when a list view has been loaded.
Button | Description |
New | Takes you to the Action View![]() |
Export | Takes you to the Export Action Views page. If you select action view templates before clicking this button, the Export Action Views page is pre-populated with the relevant action view templates and their associated dataviews. |
Import | Takes you to the Import Action Views page. |
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Refreshes the list of action view templates. |
Here is a description of the interface elements on the Action View Template page.
Button | Description |
Go to List | Returns you to the most recently displayed list view. |
Clone | Creates a new action view template from the current template's settings. You will be prompted to supply a name for the new template. Any unsaved changes are saved to the new template, but are not saved back to the original template. This button will be disabled if you do not have permission to edit action view templates. |
Save | Saves the current action view template. This button will be disabled if you do not have permission to edit action view templates. |
Save and Run | Saves the template and runs an action view using this template; the results are displayed in the current tab. This button will be disabled if you do not have permission to edit action view templates. |
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Opens the related FinancialForce Reporting Help topic. |
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Maximizes/Restores the page in your browser window. |
Key: * – Mandatory field; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.
Field | Description | ||
Name | * | 80 | A unique name for the action view template. |
Dataview | * | The dataview![]() |

The Columns tab is where you build up the list of columns that will be used to present action view results. An action view template must have at least one column otherwise an error message will be displayed when you attempt to run the action view.
Button | Description |
Add | Adds a blank row at the bottom of the list where you can fill in details for the new column. |
Add All | Adds rows for all available fields that are not already included in the grid. The Field and Title columns are populated from the dataview. |
Delete | Removes the selected rows from the grid. |
Each row in the grid represents a column that will be displayed when presenting action view results. As you add and adjust columns, the Preview panel refreshes to reflect your latest changes.
You can change the order of columns by dragging individual rows up or down the list but you must click somewhere within the grid first otherwise drag actions will not be allowed during the current session; you will need to close and reopen the action view template then try again.
Key:R – Read-only; * – Mandatory field
Field | Description | |
Checkbox | Selects the current row. | |
Type | Indicates whether the column contains a field, a formula, or simply counts the records for a field. | |
Field | When Type=Field, choose the field to be displayed in this column. When Type=Count, choose the field whose records will be counted. Only fields that have the Presentable checkbox enabled on the dataview are available. When Type=Formula, this is blank and cannot be edited. | |
Title | * | The title for this column. This defaults to the field name as specified on the dataview. Column titles must be unique. |
Hidden | Select to use the data from this field but hide the field from your action view. See Hiding Action View Template Fields. | |
Mode | A function that can be applied to columns containing numeric fields or formulae. When set to SUM, values in this column are summed in subtotal and grand total rows. When set to COUNT, the number of records visible in this column are counted in subtotal and grand total rows. When set to NONE, no special function is applied. | |
Formula | The ![]() ![]() |
Formatting | Click ![]() |
Filter | Click ![]() |
Common Name | R | The common name![]() ![]() |
Drill Action View Template | The action view template used to drill into values displayed in this column. You cannot assign a drill action view template on a formula field. If the column contains a transposed value, click on ![]() |

The Row Selection tab is where you build up the selection rule that action views will use when selecting data. The selection rule is displayed graphically as an expression and always starts with an AND container. Drag the Field icon and drop it within the AND container (inside the area marked as the drop zone), then click the pencil icon to display the Selection Criteria popup where you define the details to use.
Field | Description |
Field | The field that you want to use. Only fields that have the Selectable checkbox enabled on the dataview are available. Fields from relationship joins cannot be used in selection criteria. |
Operator | The operator that you want to use. For example, with numeric fields you might want to use "=" or "In Range", whereas with text fields you might want to use "Starts With" or "Contains". If the field is a Salesforce Record ID the operator can only be "=" or "<>". |
Value | The value that you want to use. If the operator is "In Range" or "Not in Range", you need to enter From and To values. If the value is a date, you can enter either an explicit date (hard date) or an offset of the current date (soft date![]() |
Prompt | When enabled, the user will be prompted to supply the value at run-time. Criteria that are set to prompt are displayed in a different color. |
You can add multiple AND and OR containers to build more complex selection rules.
You can remove criteria and containers from the selection rule by clicking their symbol. You can also rearrange containers and criteria by dragging and dropping them within the selection rule.
Common Names for Drill
For each field used in the selection rule, this panel displays the common name associated with the field in the underlying dataview. If a field does not have a common name, it is shown with a horizontal line through the middle of its name, for example FIELDNAME. Common names provide context when drilling. See About Common Names and Drilling for more information.
You can expand and collapse this panel by clicking the up/down symbol at the right-hand edge of its title bar. The information displayed in this panel is read-only.

The Reverse Sign tab is where you can define a rule for when values should be displayed with the reverse sign. For example, you might want to define a rule that means when GLA=Sales OR when GLA=Costs then signage should be reversed. A value will only be shown with reverse sign if the Reversible checkbox is enabled for its field on the underlying dataview.
The rule always starts with an AND container. Drag the Field icon and drop it within the AND container (inside the area marked as the drop zone), then click the pencil icon to display the Reverse Sign Criteria popup where you define the details to use.
Field | Description |
Field | The field that you want to use. Only fields that have the Presentable checkbox enabled on the underlying dataview can be used in the rule. |
Operator | The operator that you want to use. For example, with numeric fields you might want to use "=" or "In Range", whereas with text fields you might want to use "Starts With" or "Contains". If the field is a Salesforce Record ID the operator can only be "=" or "<>". |
Value | The value that you want to use. If the operator is "In Range" or "Not in Range", you need to enter From and To values. If the value is a date, you can enter either an explicit date (hard date) or an offset of the current date (soft date![]() |
Ignore reverse signage on subtotal | Select this to suppress reverse signage on subtotal rows of your display. |
You can add multiple AND and OR containers to build more complex rules.
You can remove criteria and containers from the rule by clicking their symbol. You can also rearrange containers and criteria by dragging and dropping them within the rule.

The Sort and Group tab is where you can set the default sort order and grouping options.
Field | Description |
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Use these arrows to rearrange the order in which sorting is applied. If you have multiple levels of grouping, changing the sort order will affect how the results are grouped. |
Column | The field you want to sort or group by. |
Order | Sort in Ascending or Descending order. |
Group By | When selected, the results are grouped by this field. A title for the group is automatically applied, using the name of the field you have selected. |
Hide Details | When Group By is selected, you can choose whether to show or hide the detail for that group. When the Hide Detail checkbox is selected, only the subtotal row for each group will be shown. |
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Add a further level to sorting and grouping. You can also add a column to the list by dragging it up from the preview panel. |
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Remove this level of sorting and grouping. |

The Common Name Override tab allows you to change the common name used for field at run-time. This overrides the default common name assigned on the dataview. If you change the common name here it does not affect the common name held on the dataview. The following buttons are available:
Button | Description |
Add | Adds a blank row at the bottom of the list where you can fill in details for the new common name. |
Delete | Removes the selected rows from the grid. |
The following fields are available:
Field | Description |
Checkbox | Selects the current row. |
Field | A field that has its common name overridden. |
Common Name | The common name that will be used at run-time. |

Use the options on this tab to assign related content panes Shows various types of information in the action view results, for example address and contact information, tasks and chatter posts associated with the account. Some information is editable. to an action view template.
Field | Description |
Available Panes | The list of all related content panes that have a driving object which is included within the underlying dataview. A pane may provide several possible contexts, which will be shown grouped in a folder. |
Selected Panes | The panes in this list will be available from the action view results. |
Default | A radio button to set a default pane and context for this action view template. |
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Use these arrows to add or remove panes from the list of selected panes. |
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Use these arrows to add or remove all the panes from the list. |

Use the settings on this tab to select to show a chart by default, not a grid, and to specify chart settings.
Type | Chart type: "Bar", "Column", "Line", "Polar", or "Scatter". |
Sub Type |
Chart sub type: Line: "Basic" or "Smooth". Polar: "Pie", "Donut", or "Radial". Scatter: "Basic" or "Bubble". |
Stack By | Select a field for stacked or full stacked charts. |
Scaling | For bar, column, line, and polar charts: "None", "Scale to Nearest Thousand", "Scale to Nearest Million". |
Labels | For bar and column charts: Select the orientation of any labels: "None", "Horizontal", "Vertical". |
Group By | Select a field for bar, column, and polar charts. |
Mode | "Count" or "Sum". |
X Axis |
Name of the axis for: Line, sub types Basic and Smooth Scatter, sub type Basic |
Y Axis |
Name of the axis for: Line, sub types Basic and Smooth Scatter, sub type Bubble |
Order | "Ascending" or "Descending". |
Rotate Label | "0 degrees", "45 degrees", or "90 degrees". |
Maximum | Maximum number of groups to show. |
Value | Field to display. |

The General tab is where you can choose whether you want duplicate rows to be summarized (aggregated) in the action view results, and whether you want to restrict the actions that are available for users to perform at runtime.
Field | Description |
Show Record Count | Shows record counts for filtered columns when duplicate rows are aggregated in the action view results. |
Column Filter Drill | Ensures that when drilling on a filtered column the drill results are specific to the value in the filtered column. The criteria that you filter on must exist as common names in both the original dataview and the one you're drilling to. For example, if your column filter is based on Due Date then Due Date must be assigned as a common name in the original dataview and the one that you're drilling down to. When deselected, the drill results include values across the whole row. This checkbox applies when inquiring on both live data and summarized data. Note that when drilling on summarized data, the drill results may not match the summarized value because the live data might have changed since the data was summarized. See What is Summarization? for more information. |
The following fields are available:
Field | Description |
Base Reference Period | The reference period used when specifying periods for selection. If the base reference period uses the default current period, then base period is set to +0/+0 and all periods reference this. For information about soft periods see Soft Periods. |
Prompt | Select to prompt the user at runtime. |
You can aggregate the results as follows:
Field | Description |
Summarize Duplicate Rows | Select to aggregate rows where all the information is the same. Duplicate rows are rolled up into one summary row. This can be useful, for example, when viewing transaction lists and you want all transactions for the same account to be rolled up into one row. By default this checkbox is deselected meaning that duplicate rows are not aggregated. See Aggregating the Inquiry Results for an example of aggregation. |
Available Actions
Any actions configured on the underlying dataview are available by default. Deselect an action's checkbox to exclude it from the list of actions that are available to be performed at runtime.
The Preview panel lets you see how the action view results will be displayed. You can resize the height of the Preview panel by dragging its horizontal splitter bar up or down. You can resize the width of columns in the Preview panel by dragging the vertical splitter bar between column headings. You can change the order of columns by dragging them within the Preview panel.