Soft Periods
The term "soft periods" refers to year/period values which are entered as offsets from the current year and period rather than as explicit values. This is done using the format +nn or -nn. For example, +02 in the year part of the field indicates the year after next; -01 in the period part of the field indicates the previous period. You can omit the leading zero from the offsets, so +2 means the same as +02.
The current period is the period that today's date falls into. If today's date is March 17 2015 and the period structure used by your company starts on January 1 and has 12 periods falling on calendar month boundaries, the current period will be 003. If your organization (org) has multiple companies using different period structures, today's date may fall into a different period for each company.
To represent the current year or period in a soft date Salesforce refers to soft dates as "relative date values". FinancialForce Accounting supports the following relative date values: Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Last "n" Days, Next "n" Days, This Week, Last Week, Next Week, This Year, Last Year, Next Year. See the Salesforce Help for details of how these relative date values are resolved. Note that Last "n" Days and Next "n" Days are ranges. For example if today is May 25 then Last 3 Days is from May 23 to May 25. A filter on transaction date of "< Last 3 days" would retrieve transactions dated prior to May 23., use +0 or -0. For example, -0/-0 or +0/+0 both mean current year and period.

You can use soft periods when setting up and running action views. For example, by setting up a selection rule that uses soft periods to retrieve transactions posted in the previous month, you can use the same action view template Specifies the dataview that you are inquiring on. each month and the soft period will always resolve correctly. This means that you need to set up fewer action view templates and that your results are consistent.
Soft periods can only be entered for the Period__c.Period ID field in action views. You must ensure that the Period__c.Period ID field is included in your dataview Defines the object data that Action Views can interrogate. This can be one or more objects. and both the Selectable and Presentable checkboxes are enabled for it. If you are likely to want to filter the results at runtime using soft periods, ensure that you add the field to your action view template. You will then be able to enter soft periods for criteria when:
- Creating join filters on the dataview.
- Creating selection rules, column filters and reverse sign rules on the action view template.
- Completing prompts at runtime, and when filtering the results or retrieving new results.

Let's assume that the current year/period is 2015/008 and there are 12 periods in every year. If the soft period is -01/-03 FinancialForce Reporting resolves the year value by counting back one year from the current year, and resolves the period value by counting back three periods from the current period. Therefore, the result is 2014/005.
Using the same assumption, the table below illustrates how other soft periods are resolved:
Soft Period | Result | Explanation |
-1/-0 | 2014/008 | Previous year, current period |
-1/+4 | 2014/012 | Previous year, 4 periods later |
+1/+0 | 2016/008 | Next year, current period |
+0/+6 | 2016/002 | Next year, period 2. This crosses a future year boundary. |
-0/-10 | 2014/010 | Current year, 10 periods earlier. This crosses a previous year boundary. |
2015/+2 | 2015/10 | Year 2015, 2 periods later. Here the year is entered as an explicit value. |
+0/012 | 2015/012 | Current year, period 12. Here the period is entered as an explicit value. |