Creating Purchase Order Lines

There are several types of purchase order line that you can add to a purchase order depending on the type of item or service being purchased.

Add a line to the purchase order for each of the goods or services that you want to purchase:

  1. Click New Purchase Order Line Item in the purchase order line items related list.
  2. Select the type of purchase order line that you are creating. See Purchase Order Line Types.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Specify the goods or services that you are purchasing.
  5. Enter the number of the goods or services that you require in the Quantity field.
  6. Enter the cost of one unit in the Unit Cost field.
  7. Enter a date in the Supplier Commitment Date field.
  8. Enter a date in the Supplier Current Promise Date field.
  9. Select the appropriate currency from the drop-down list.
  10. Complete the remaining fields. See Purchase Order Fields.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Repeat these steps until you have created the required purchase order lines.

When you specify the goods or services that you are purchasing, depending on the selected line type, one of the following fields will be displayed: Item Being Procured, Service Being Procured or Description.

Note: If you track inbound and outbound serial numbers or use serial number control for an item, you may encounter Salesforce governor limits if you create a receipt for a purchase order line that has a purchase quantity of more than six digits. If your purchase quantity exceeds six digits for a line item, create multiple purchase order lines to avoid an error message when you create the purchase order receipt.
Note: We recommend that you do not add the currency picklist to the line item layout in a multiple currency org because it has no function on the line item layout. If you add the currency picklist field to the line item layout and attempt to select a line level currency from the picklist that is different to the header currency, the line item currency will automatically reset to the header currency when you save the line item.