Picking Items

When items are ready to be picked for a sales order, purchase order with service lines, or transfer to another warehouse, their picklists are listed on the corresponding section of the Action Queues Warehouse tab. The picking process in SCM consist of confirming these picklists once their items have been picked.

While these picklists remain unconfirmed, their associated shipments are listed at the same time on the corresponding section for items waiting to be picked of the Action Queues Shipping tab: Waiting for Items to be Pulled for Customer Orders, Waiting for Parts to Ship Material to Supplier or Waiting For Parts to Transfer to Warehouse.

Once a picklist is confirmed, it is no longer listed in the Warehouse tab. Also, in the Shipping tab, the shipment associated with the picklist moves from the section for items waiting to be picked to its corresponding section for items ready to be shipped: Ship Material to Customer, Ship Material to Supplier or Transfer Parts to Warehouse.

Note: If you don't see your changes when switching from one tab to another, refresh the page.

For more information about the Action Queues Warehouse tab, see Action Queues Warehouse Tab. For more information about the Action Queues Shipping tab, see Action Queues Shipping Tab.

Items can also be picked for production orders from the Production tab. For more information see, Action Queues Production Tab and Picking the Items on a Production Order.

Confirming a Picklist

To confirm a picklist in Lightning Experience:

  1. Click the Warehouse tab (this tab belongs to the Action Queues app and you can search it from the Salesforce App Launcher).
  2. Click one of the following tabs:
    • Customer Orders to Fill if you are picking items for a sales order.
    • Supplier Orders to Fill if you are picking items for a purchase order with service lines.
    • Parts for Transfer if you are picking items for a transfer to another warehouse.
  3. Select the picklist you want to pick the items for.
  4. [Optional] Click Print to see a print preview of the picklist that you can print or download using the options in your browser.
  5. Click Confirm to confirm that the items have been picked.
Tip: Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and help you find the information you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns. For example, you can search by a specific picklist number or by the type of shipment services.

Using Classic or Lightning Visualforce Pages

To confirm a picklist:

  1. Click the Action Queues tab.
  2. Click the Warehouse tab.
  3. Go to one of the following sections:
    • Customer Orders to Fill if you are picking items for a sales order.
    • Supplier Orders to Fill if you are picking items for a purchase order with service lines.
    • Parts for Transfer if you are picking items for a transfer to another warehouse.
  4. [Optional] To print the picklist, click Print Slip.
  5. To confirm that the items have been picked, click Confirm.