Reconciling Transactions

Note: Set the maximum number of lines, up to 300, in the Reconciliation Line Limit Without Batch setting. For more information see, Document Line Volume Settings.

To reconcile two sets of transactions:

  1. Click the Transaction Reconciliations tab.
  2. Click New to create a new transaction reconciliation.
  3. Enter a Reconciliation Name and Description for the new transaction reconciliation.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Transaction Reconciliation Actions | Select Transaction to Reconcile.
  6. If you do not have any saved transaction lines, the Retrieve Transaction filter window will open to retrieve the transaction lines. If you do have saved transaction lines, go to Step 8. In the Retrieve Transaction filter window, select a company then one or more trading periods, GLAs, and accounts for both the First and Second Table.
  7. Click Retrieve. Two lists of transactions that meet the two sets of filter criteria are displayed. Each list can display up to 10,000 transaction line items. You can use the Search box above each list to search for particular transactions
  8. Select appropriate transactions from the left and right sides in one-to-one or one-to-many combinations. The Total Selected Transactions First Company and Total Selected Transactions Second Company fields in the summary bar are automatically updated in response to your selections.
  9. Click Save
  10. Click Reconcile. This updates the selected transaction line items with the reconciliation name and date.
Note: Note Notepad
You can only delete a transaction reconciliation record if its Status is "Draft". You cannot delete the record if its Status is "Reconciled" or "Unreconciled".

Auto Match Transactions

To automatically reconcile the transactions that have been retrieved:

  1. Click Auto-Match Settings.
  2. Select the checkboxes of the criteria you want to apply. Only transaction lines that meet all the selected criteria will be reconciled
  3. Click Auto-Match.
  4. Click Save. The transaction reconciliation detail page is displayed.
  5. Click Reconcile to reconcile the auto-matched transaction lines.

Automatic reconciliation only reconciles unselected transaction lines. Any transaction lines that you had already selected manually are preserved.

Automatic reconciliation only reconciles unselected transaction lines. Any transaction lines that you had already selected manually are preserved.

Clear and Refresh

To clear the reconciliation, click Clear Matches. This causes all selected transaction lines to be deselected. If you are working on a saved reconciliation, note that Clear Matches clears all selections - not just the ones you have made in the current session. To clear a single selection, simply deselect that transaction line's checkbox.

To refresh the automatic reconciliation, click Auto-Match again.

Export Data

You can export reconciliations, when they are at "Draft" or "Reconciled" status, to a PDF document or an Excel spreadsheet. For draft reconciliatons:

  1. From the Reconciliation Transactions list select the retrieved transactions that you want to export.
  2. Click Save Draft.
  3. Click Export Data, then select either Adobe PDF document (.pdf) or Microsoft Excel (.xls).

For reconciled reconciliations:

  1. Select the reconciliation.
  2. [Optional] Update the columns displayed.
  3. Click Export Data, then select either Adobe PDF document (.pdf) or Microsoft Excel (.xls).
Note: Note Notepad
If you make changes to the transaction details, the Export Data button is unavailable until you save or reconcile.

Unreconcile Transactions

The Unreconcile Transactions button on the Transaction Reconciliation Actions is available once there are transaction line items available to unreconcile:

  1. Click Unreconcile Transactions.
  2. Select two matched transactions in the Transaction Reconciliation window. The Difference field in the summary bar should be 0.00.
  3. Click Unreconcile to confirm with the unreconciliation, or Cancel to return to the Transaction Reconciliation Record page.

The status of the Transaction reconciliation record remains as "Reconciled" if it still has transaction line items on it. If a transaction reconciliation record has no transaction line items on it, then its status changes to "Unreconciled".

Note: Note Notepad
If you select all the transaction line items and click Unreconcile, then you are asked to confirm that you want to unreconcile them.
If you unreconcile all the transactions, then the Status of the Transaction Reconciliation record changes to "Unreconciled".
If you look at the Transaction Reconciliations list view while the unreconcile is processing, you see the Status shows "Unreconciling".

The Transaction Reconciliation History lists a new record showing the unreconciliation.

Tracking Errors in Batch Reconciliations

You are notified by email when batches have processed successfully. However, errors might occur during batch reconciliations, for example where you cannot modify a transaction line item. You can investigate these errors if the Transaction Line Item Validation Rule Active checkbox is selected.

Using Lightning Experience

To proceed:

  1. Click the Transaction Reconciliation record from the list view you want to rerun.
  2. Read the Error Details message from the Related List.
  3. Click Rerun from Transaction Reconciliation Actions to run the process again.
  4. You will receive an email only when the reconciliation batch is completed.
    • If the batch is run on Saving the reconciliation and the user aborts the batch, then the status of the transaction reconciliation record in the list view is "In Progress".
    • Similarly, if the batch has aborted in the reconciliation or unreconciliation process then the status of the transaction reconciliation record is "Reconciling" or "Unreconciling".
Note: Note Notepad
You can check the status of the Apex job while the batch job is running.