Transaction Reconciliation Fields

Here is a description of the elements on the Transaction Reconciliation page.

Icon Description
Opens the Auto-Match Settings popup where you can choose which criteria to apply for automatic matching.
Opens the related FinancialForce Accounting Help topic.
Maximizes or restores the page in your browser window.


Button Description

Automatically matches any unselected transaction lines using the criteria selected on the Auto-Match Settings popup. See What is Transaction Reconciliation? for more information.

Back to List Returns you to the Transaction Reconciliations list view.
Clear Matches

Clears all automatic and manual selections.

Export Data Enables you to export saved transactions to an Adobe PDF document or a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Both documents include the reconciliation name, description, and status, the number of transactions, and the totals.
Filters Collapse or expand your filter criteria. See "Transaction Filtering" below.

Stores reconciliation information, such as reconciliation name and date, back to the transaction line item to show that it has been included in a reconciliation.

Rerun Batch Reruns the batch after an error has occurred in the unreconciliation process.
Retrieve Retrieves transaction line data based on your filter criteria.
Save Draft

Saves the current reconciliation without committing any changes to the transaction lines. A record of the selections you have made for the current filter criteria is saved for you to refer back to or resume working on in future.

Unreconcile Unreconciles selected transaction line items in a reconciliation transaction record.

Transaction Filtering

The Period and GLA filter criteria both have a icon which you can click to choose whether to multi-select values from the adjacent drop-down list or to enter a From/To range. When entering a From/To range, if the From value is left blank, the selection includes values less than or equal to the To value. The To value is mandatory and cannot be left blank.

Field Description
Company The company you want to retrieve transactions from.
Period The accounting period you want to retrieve transactions for. It defaults to the current period for the selected company. You can select multiple periods from a drop-down list, or enter a From/To range.
GLA The general ledger account that you want to retrieve transactions for. You can select multiple GLAs from a drop-down list, or enter a From/To range.
Account The account you want to retrieve transactions for. If you have encryption enabled in your org, you must be as specific as possible when typing the account name to ensure that the account is found. See Shield Platform Encryption for more information.

Transaction Line Lists

The following information is displayed above each list.

Field Description
Search box Search the list for particular transactions by entering search text in this box. The results are filtered so that only lines matching the search text are displayed. The matching text is highlighted on each line. Use the < and > buttons to cycle through selecting each transaction line in turn. Clear the search text to display all the transaction lines retrieved in the list. Note that only data displayed in the grid is matched against the search text.
Show All drop-down list Allows you to switch between displaying selected and deselected transactions lines in the list. By default all transaction lines that match the search text are displayed.
Transactions Retrieved The total number of transaction lines retrieved in this list.
Total Retrieved The total value of the transaction lines in this list.
Unreconciled The total value of all unreconciled transaction lines in this list. This value updates automatically in response to your selections.
Reconciled The total value of all reconciled transaction lines in this list. This value updates automatically in response to your selections.

Transaction Reconciliation Detail

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts.



Reconciliations Name   Name of the transaction reconciliation.
Description   Description of the transaction reconciliation.
Status R Status of this transaction reconciliation: "Error", "In Progress", or "Reconciling".
Outstanding Difference R Difference between the total line in both the grid and the selected lines.


Your System Administrator can customize the columns in this panel by editing the Transaction Reconciliation Columns field set on the Transaction Line Item object. The eight fields shown in the table below cannot be removed from the field set.

Field Description
Account The account for this transaction.
Document Value The value for the transaction line item.
Document Currency The document currency taken from the transaction line item.
Transaction Date Date copied from the originating document, such as the invoice or cash entry date.
Line Description The description taken from the transaction line item.
Document Number The document currency taken from the transaction line item.
Intercompany Transfer Link to the related intercompany transfer record.