Configuring Embedded Dashboards in PSA Analytics

We've started to build support for the embedded dashboards template feature in Salesforce. When fully supported by Salesforce, this enhancement will streamline the process of embedding dashboards for users throughout your organization. Further improvements to this functionality will be announced in upcoming Salesforce releases.

Until the embedded dashboard app template feature is fully supported by Salesforce, we recommend that any dashboards you embed in pages or workspaces are derived from your main PSA Analytics app.

The PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards App Template Design Wizard

The PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards app is created using the PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards app template. In addition to embeddable dashboards, this app contains copies of the datasets held in your primary PSA Analytics app.

You must first enable this feature in Feature Console. You do not need to complete any app template design wizard questions to run the PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards app template.

The following dashboards are created in the PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards app:

The following datasets are created in the PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards app:

The data held in your datasets is refreshed each time you run your dataflow.


We strongly recommend you schedule these dataflows to refresh data immediately after your primary PSA Analytics dataflow refreshes. This is because the data held in your PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards app is derived from your primary PSA Analytics app. For more information on how to create and schedule dataflows, see the Salesforce Help.


Dashboards that use time series functionality, such as the Total Project Margin (Workspace) and Project Burnup (Embedded) are not currently available in the PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards app. This is due to a Salesforce restriction.

To learn how to create the PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards app, see Enabling PSA Embedded Dashboards with Feature Console.

For more information on licensing and permission set requirements for using PSA Analytics embedded dashboards, see Licensing.

In addition to assigning the required license and permission sets to the Embedded Dashboards User, you must also share any dashboards you want to give this user view access to. To give access to other users, click . This opens the Give Access tab. For more information about sharing Einstein Analytics apps and assets, see the Salesforce Help.