Billings Dataset PSA Analytics Output Fields

The Billings dataset includes fields from the Est Vs Actuals, Milestones, Expenses, Miscellaneous Adjustments, Budgets, and Timecards objects in PSA, as well as other associated objects. The fields are:

Billings Fields

Field Type



Measures Actual Average Bill Rate

A formula. It varies in function of the assignment type:

  • If the assignment is billed daily, then the Actual Average Bill Rate is calculated by the sum of the value of the billings from the timecards splits plus the value of the billings from the actual milestones plus the miscellaneous adjustments; divided by the sum of total days from timecards splits.
  • If the assignment is billed hourly, then the Actual Average Bill Rate is calculated by the sum of the value of the billings from the timecards splits plus the value of the billings from the actual milestones plus miscellaneous adjustments; divided by the sum of total hours from timecards splits.
Scheduled Average Bill Rate

A formula. It varies in function of the assignment type:

  • If the assignment is billed daily, then the Scheduled Average Bill Rate is calculated by the sum of the value of the billings from the estimated vs. actuals plus the value of the billings from the scheduled milestones plus miscellaneous adjustments (Ready to Bill Revenue); divided by the sum of total scheduled days from EvAs.
  • If the assignment is billed hourly, then the Scheduled Average Bill Rate is calculated by the sum of the value of the billings from the estimated vs. actuals plus the value of the billings from the scheduled milestones plus miscellaneous adjustments (Ready to Bill Revenue); divided by the sum of total scheduled hours from EvAs.
Project Exchange Rate The transaction exchange rate of the currency associated with the project to which the billing belongs to.
Billings Value

This is the amount converted to the corporate currency using the Project Exchange Rate field. For more information, see ValueBillings.

Actual Bill Rate Billings Value A calculated field. For records with the type timecard, milestone, or miscellaneous adjustment. If the subtype is "Actual" then this field takes the value of the ValueBillings calculated field. Else, ValueActualBillRateBillings is zero.
Scheduled Bill Rate Billings Value A calculated field. For records with the type est vs. actuals or milestone. If the subtype is "Scheduled" then this field takes the value of the ValueBillings calculated field. Else, ValueScheduledBillRateBillings is zero.
Total Days The value for Total Days Worked in PSA.
Total Billable Days

The calculated total billable days for a record.

Total Hours The value for Total Hours in PSA.
Total Billable Hours The calculated total billable hours for a record.
Actual Bill Rate Total Days A calculated field. For records with the type timecard. If the subtype is "Actual" then this field takes the value of the ValueTotalDays calculated field. Else, ValueActualBillRateTotalHours is zero.
Actual Bill Rate Total Hours A calculated field. For records with the type timecard. If the subtype is "Actual" then this field takes the value of the ValueTotalHours calculated field. Else, is zero.
Scheduled Bill Rate Total Days A calculated field. For records with the type est vs. actuals. If the subtype is "Scheduled" then this field takes the value of the ValueTotalDays calculated field. Else, ValueScheduledBillRateTotalDays is zero.
Scheduled Bill Rate Total Hours A calculated field. For records with the type est vs. actuals. If the subtype is "Scheduled" then this field takes the value of the ValueTotalHours calculated field. Else, ValueScheduledBillRateTotalHours is zero.
Dates Billing Date

This is the billing date time. It varies in function of the record type:

  • For Timecards, the billing date is the timecard split bill date field.
  • For Expenses, the billing date is the bill date field.
  • For Misc. Adjustments, the billing date is the bill date field.
  • For Milestones, the billing date is the bill date field.
  • For Estimates Vs. Actuals, the billing date is the end date field.
End Date

Depending on the base object this field can be:

  • For Timecards, the end date is the timecard split end date field.
  • For Expenses, the end date is the expense date field.
  • For Misc. Adjustments, the end date is the effective date field.
  • For Milestones, if the subtype is actual the end date is the actual date field. If the subtype is scheduled the end date is the target date field.
  • For Estimates Vs. Actuals, the end date is the end date field.
Project Start Date The start date of the associated project.
Project End Date The end date of the associated project.
Resource Start Date The start date of the associated resource.
Resource Last Date The last date of the associated resource.
Time Period Start Date The start date of the associated time period.
Time Period End Date The end date of the associated time period.
Dimensions Time Period Type This is the time period for the Utilization Detail object. By default the values of this field are: Week, Month, Quarter, and Year.
Time Period Name The name of the time period.
Type This is the type of billing. It varies in function of the record type, Time for Est Vs Actuals records and Timecard records, and Milestone for Milestones records.

Depending on the base object this field can be:

  • An indicator of whether a Billings related record is Actual or Scheduled.
  • The type of Budget. Available types of Budget are: Customer Purchase Order, Vendor Purchase Order, Work Order, Customer Purchase Order Change Request, Vendor Purchase Order Change Request, and Work Order Change Request.
Name The name of the Timecard, Expense, Misc. Adjustment, Milestone or Estimates Vs. Actuals object from which it is derived.
Description The description of the Expense, Misc. Adjustment or Milestone object from which it is derived.
Project Company ID The identification number of the company associated with the project.
Project Company Name The name of the company associated with the project.
Currency ISO Code The integration user's default currency ISO code. This field identifies the currency ISO code that is displayed in the PSA Analytics dashboards. See the Salesforce Help for more information about user currencies.
Record ID The identification number of the record.
Is Resource Indicates whether this contact is a PSA resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Is Resource Active Indicates whether this is an active resource that can be assigned to projects. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Project Company ID Lookup to the related Foundations company.
Project Company Name The name of the related Foundations company.
Project Currency ISO Code When working with multiple currencies, allows you to choose a currency to report the project figures in when different from the default currency for your Salesforce org.
Project Display ID The unique "PR-{000000}" field displayed on a Project record.
Project ID The identification number of the project related to the Est Vs Actuals.
Project Name The name of the project.
Project Status The status of the project.
Resource Mailing City The mailing city associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource Mailing Country The mailing city country associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Resource Mailing State/Province The mailing city state or province associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help.
Is Template Identifies if the project is a template.
Project Manager ID The identification number of the manager record assigned to the project.
Project Manager Name The name of the manager assigned to the project.
Project Account ID The identification number of the account related to the project.
Project Account Name The name of the account related to the project.
Resource ID The identification number of the contact related to the Est Vs Actuals.
Salesforce Resource User ID The identification number of the Salesforce User contact.
Salesforce Resource User Name The name of the Salesforce User contact.
Salesforce Resource User Photo URL The URL of the Salesforce User contact photo.
Project Group ID The identification number of the group related to the project.
Project Group Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the group related to the project.
Project Group Level XX The RPG level of the group related to the project, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group related to the project.
Project Practice ID The identification number of the practice related to the project.
Project Practice Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the practice related to the project.
Project Practice Level XX The RPG level of the practice related to the project, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the project.
Project Region ID The identification number of the region related to the project.
Project Region Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the region related to the project.
Project Region Level XX The RPG level of the region related to the project, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region related to the project.
Resource Group ID The identification number of the group related to the contact.
Resource Group Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the group related to the contact.
Resource Group Level XX The RPG level of the group related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group related to the contact.
Resource Practice ID The identification number of the practice related to the contact.
Resource Practice Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the practice related to the contact.
Resource Practice Level XX The RPG level of the practice related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the contact.
Resource Region ID The identification number of the region related to the contact.
Resource Region Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the region related to the contact.
Resource Region Level XX The RPG level of the region related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region related to the contact.
Hidden pse__Project__c.pse__Proj_Share.UserOrGroupId Hidden field. Related to the security predicate implementation.
pse__Project__c.StandardUserType Hidden field. Related to the security predicate implementation.