Capacity Dataset PSA Analytics Output Fields

The Capacity dataset includes fields from the Utilization Detail object in PSA as well as other associated objects. The fields are:

Capacity Fields

Field Type



Measures Total Capacity Hours

If the Total Capacity type equals Remaining or Scheduled, this field can be one of the following fields derived from the Utilization Detail or Utilization Summary objects:

  • Scheduled Credited Hours
  • Scheduled Billable Hours
  • Scheduled Billable Hours
  • Scheduled Excluded Hours
  • Scheduled Held Hours
  • Scheduled Non-Billable Hours

This field can also be calculated as:

Total Capacity Hours = Scheduled Calendar Hours - (Scheduled Billable Hours + Scheduled Credited Hours + Scheduled Excluded Hours + Scheduled Held Hours + Scheduled Non-Billable Hours)

Else, this field equals 0.

Total Requested Hours This field is the value of the Unheld Hours in the Utilization Summary object if the capacity type is Requested. Else, this field value is 0.
Utilization Record Type This field enables you filter by records derived from either the Utilization Summary object or the Utilization Detail object.
  Total Weighted Requested Hours This field is the value of the Unheld Hours Opp Pct field in the Utilization Summary object if the capacity type is Requested. Else, this field value is 0.
  Total Weighted Capacity Hours

This field is identical to the Total Capacity Hours measure except it uses weighted fields from Utilization records where applicable, and recalculates Remaining accordingly.

The field uses values derived from the Held Hours Opp Pct Weighted field in the Utilization Summary object if the capacity subtype is Scheduled Held. If the value of this field is null, then the value of the unweighted Scheduled Held field is used instead. When this measure is calculated, the value of all other non-weighted fields are added from the Total Capacity Hours measure:
Scheduled Non-Billable, Scheduled Credited, Scheduled Billable.

The value of the subtype Remaining in the Total Capacity Hours measure is then recalculated to reflect the value of the weighted Scheduled Held field. For example:

Capacity Type

Capacity Subtype

Sum of Total Capacity Hours

Sum of Total Weighted Capacity Hours

Sum of Total Requested Hours

Sum of Total Weighted Requested Hours

Total   4,619,465 4,619,465.00 46,208.99 33,000.00
Remaining Remaining 1,987,908.79 1,990,188.79 0 0
Subtotal 1,987,908.79 1,990,188.80 0 0
Requested Unheld Hours 0 0 46,208.99 33,000.00
Subtotal 0   46,208.99 33,000.00
Scheduled Scheduled Billable 2,585,326.83 2,585,326.83 0 0
Scheduled Credited 40 40 0 0
  Scheduled Non-Billable 38,409.37 38,409.37 0 0
  Scheduled Held 7,780 5,500.00 0 0
  Subtotal 2,631,556.20 2,629,276.20 0 0
  Subtotal       33,000.00
Dates Utilization End Date This is the value of the Utilization Detail object Scheduled End Date field.
Dimensions Time Period Type This is the time period for the Utilization detail object. By default the values of this field are: Week, Month, Quarter, and Year.

Capacity Type

This is the type of capacity. It varies in function of the data, it can be either the Scheduled Hours, the Requested Hours, or the Remaining Capacity.
Capacity Subtype

This is the subtype of capacity. It varies in function of the capacity type.

Scheduled Hours subtypes:

  • Scheduled Credited Hours
  • Scheduled Billable Hours
  • Scheduled Excluded Hours
  • Scheduled Held Hours
  • Scheduled Non-Billable Hours

Remaining Capacity subtypes:

  • Remaining Capacity

Requested Hours subtypes:

  • Held Hours
  • Unheld Hours
Resource ID The identification number of the resource.
Resource Name The name of the resource.
Resource Role The role assigned to the resource.
Resource Skills This multi-value field is used to store skills, certifications, and their categories data associated with the resource.
Salesforce Resource User ID The identification number of the Salesforce User contact.
Salesforce Resource User Name The name of the Salesforce User contact.
Salesforce Resource User Photo URL The URL of the Salesforce User contact photo.
Group ID The identification number of the group related to the contact.
Group Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the group related to the contact.
Group Level XX The RPG level of the group related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the group related to the contact.
Practice ID The identification number of the practice related to the contact.
Practice Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the practice related to the contact.
Practice Level XX The RPG level of the practice related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the practice related to the contact.
Region ID The identification number of the region related to the contact.
Region Name The concatenation between the RPG levels of the region related to the contact.
Region Level XX The RPG level of the region related to the contact, where XX is a number between 00 and 12. Level 00 represents the highest RPG level of the region related to the contact.
Region/Practice/Group Hierarchy Depth Depending on the calculation this value can be the RPG hierarchy level of the region, practice, or group related to the calculation.
RHierarchyDepth Hidden field. Depending on the calculation this value can be the RPG hierarchy level of the region related to the calculation.
PHierarchyDepth Hidden field. Depending on the calculation this value can be the RPG hierarchy level of the practice related to the calculation.
GHierarchyDepth Hidden field. Depending on the calculation this value can be the RPG hierarchy level of the group related to the calculation.
Region/Practice/Group Type

Depending on the calculation this value can be the RPG type of the records related to the calculation. The possible types are:

  • Region
  • Practice
  • Group